America 2.0- A Category 5 Disaster | The Carnage From Geoengineering

America 2.0- A Category 5 Disaster | The Carnage From Geoengineering

Donald Jeffries |

On September 27, my father’s birthday, a devastating storm- Hurricane Helene- cut a swath of destruction through six states, with the most damage occurring in western North Carolina. Many residents of western North Carolina didn’t even have flood insurance. With good reason. The area wasn’t considered a flood zone.

I’m sure almost everyone reading this has seen the heart wrenching videos, of residents reporting how they witnessed close family members being washed away. How they’d lost their homes. Lost everything. But most significantly, how they’d witnessed, or experienced themselves, FEMA, local law enforcement, and the National Guard, doing all they could to prevent rescue efforts. If this seems incomprehensible, it is. Untold numbers of average, good hearted Samaritans showed up, ready to help out their fellow citizens. And the “authorities” prevented them from doing that. One guy flew his own helicopter to rescue an elderly couple in the mountains. He left his co-pilot, who was his son, behind as he took the woman down first (he didn’t want to have too much weight in the craft). Law enforcement threatened to arrest him if he went back up and rescued her husband, and picked up his son. As Howard Cosell used to say, “Hard to believe!”

I have said that Americans seem to have no tipping point. After all, they have tolerated a corruption that the world has never seen before, for many decades. Without a whimper of protest. If a multitude of accounts, from those on the site of the disaster, all saying the same thing- that governmental authorities are impeding efforts, not facilitating them- don’t present a tipping point, what exactly would? If they promoted some ridiculous rapper calling himself King Herod, who was running for public office on a pledge to demand the first born of every family in America, would that be enough? If they ordered you to ask permission of the local police force before deciding to drink alcohol inside your own home, would that be enough? Is that really much worse than telling your White kindergartner that he/she should feel guilt about his/her “White Privilege?” Or stocking Gender Queer in the school library?

Everything about the tragic event in North Carolina seems planned. Coordinated. Contrived. Nothing about a tropical storm that turns that deadly that quickly seems natural. I’m no meteorologist, but I do know that hurricanes seem to cause the most devastation the closer to the ocean they are. This one wasn’t close to the ocean. There were mountains there that probably never thought they’d see a hurricane. And now Hurricane Milton is on the way. Once again, it will target areas where most of the population supports Trump. That’s odd for a random hurricane to be so politically biased. I live several states up the coast from Florida, but I’ll stay indoors because it’s likely that Milton won’t like “conspiracy theorists” very much, either. I’m getting really fatigued over all this “extreme” weather. It didn’t used to be so common. Kind of like autism. Maybe I’ll call it Chronic Weather Fear Porn Syndrome.

In his song Louisiana 1927, Randy Newman talked about how “they’re trying to wash us away.” Indeed, it does seem like the weather- and whoever it is that is controlling it now- has something against the common riffraff. I don’t recall a single instance of a hurricane or a tornado demolishing gated mansions anywhere. But they’ve hit plenty of trailer parks. Newman devoted an entire LP to the great Huey Long, Good Old Boys. Huey’s great-granddaughter didn’t even know about that until I told her. I hope she bought the album. Huey used the fact that the city leaders of New Orleans had blown up the levy during the flood, thereby causing many to lose businesses and homes, as a campaign issue. We would hear the same claim almost eighty years later during Hurricane Katrina, when some “wacko” Black residents claimed that the authorities had blown up the levies. Well, they’d done it before.

The “crazy” residents of New Orleans also claimed that the police were firing at them. And not because some of them were looting stores. In the 2010 Haiti earthquake, we heard more fantastic allegations. Did they use Nikola Tesla’s invention of an earthquake machine? Why couldn’t they have used his free energy discovery instead, I wonder? At any rate, the Clinton Foundation was deeply involved, and the conspiracy folks were all over that, connecting them to human trafficking there. Activist Monica Peterson later traveled to Haiti to investigate the trafficking claims, and wound up hanged in November, 2016. That happens to a lot of those associated with the Clintons. It’s a Body Count thing, you wouldn’t understand. Rumors were that Hillary also helped rig a Haitian election to help her brother’s company. Well, how hard can it be to rig an election in Haiti? Look at what they’re doing here.

We all remember those pictures of residents on top of their roofs in New Orleans, waving in vain for someone to rescue them. Dubya was rightfully criticized for taking two days to respond to the catastrophe. That was inexcusable enough, but the Biden/ Harris administration took a week. You have to come up with a new adjective to describe that. Inexplicable? Befuddling? Criminal? Evil? Biden, being the president, was pretty much invisible, as he usually is. It’s unknown if he even comprehends what happened. Countess Cackula was photographed in front of a laptop on I guess Air Force Two, with the earphones unplugged. Not clear what she was doing. She did appear, to advise the survivors to apply online for the generous $750 that FEMA was providing. If that doesn’t seem like much to you, you don’t understand Bidenomics. Cackula didn’t explain how they’d apply since the storm knocked out all power.

As Randy Newman noted, apparently thousands of these poor souls were literally “washed away” by this super storm that was almost certainly created through manipulation of the weather. Trump lost a lot of votes there, and these dead people will not be among the increasing number of the dearly departed who make their presence known at the polls. Dead voters seem to almost exclusively favor the Democrats. Never having been a dead voter, this is something I can’t pretend to understand. I mean no disrespect to those who lost their lives so senselessly here, or to the grieving loved ones they left behind. I have to try and find humor in these things. It’s the only way I can write about them. Initially, a paltry 500 troops were sent to the area, which was another tremendous slap in the face to the people there. Meanwhile, thousands of U.S. troops were sent to the Middle East at the same time.

If you had any doubts about how your government feels about you, how it values your life, their response to Hurricane Helene should tell you all you need to know. They don’t care about you. In fact, they hate you. You are the “worthless eaters” Henry Kissinger spoke so fondly of. And they’re all eugenicists, so this is natural. They want as many of you to die as possible. It’s just logistics to determine how best to do that. A deadly “warp speed” vaccine? Yes, that will cull the herd nicely. Strategically placed weather disasters? Sure, and if anyone questions them, just attribute it all to “Climate Change.” I never even heard of “hurricane season,” or “category 4 or 5” when I was young. Well, when you have a 24 hour Weather Channel, with lots of oldsters obsessed with the weather watching, you need some exciting weather. Mild and sunny doesn’t cut it any more. Sure, viewers may have heart attacks. That’s just collateral damage.

Say what you will about Donald Trump, but he visited Georgia- also impacted by Helene- within hours. It isn’t known if Trump bought McDonald’s for anyone there, as he did after the huge, and now completely forgotten environmental disaster in East Palestine, Ohio. Trump roundly criticized North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper. Somebody gave Joe Biden an electroshock treatment, and he was revived long enough to declare that Trump was “lying” about the government’s failed response to the emergency. Biden claimed that it was “disinformation” to report that FEMA had spent a billion on migrants. But that’s what FEMA- not a “conspiracy theorist”- says on their own website. He claimed that FEMA wasn’t only giving $750, when there is video of Vice President Cackula bragging about it. So all those residents are lying, just like Trump. FEMA’s doing a great job. Oceana has always been at war with Eurasia.

That was a theme in mainstream media coverage as well. That relief efforts were being hampered by “disinformation.” Coming, I guess, from all those actual residents. Or the private citizens who were trying to rescue people, and give them supplies, but were prevented from doing so by representatives of our beloved government. Maybe those residents were “fake news.” Crisis actors, if you will. All of our identical, “competing” news outlets are parroting the party line. One headline blared: “After the Deluge, the Lies: Misinformation and Hoaxes About Helene Cloud the Recovery.” No, I think what’s “clouding” (I guess the writer liked puns) the recovery is the government authorities stopping it from happening. CNN gasps about the White House’s “desperate scramble” to “swat down hurricane misinformation.” Somewhere, Hillary Clinton is snickering, “See, I told you we need to prosecute this stuff.”

President Trump and Franklin Graham were in Valdosta, Georgia, today and saw devastation from Hurricane Helene.

Residents also accused the National Guard of stopping them from dumping debris from their homes into the local landfill. Instead, these brave troops, whom of course we all unquestioningly support, forced them to haul it back to their property. They assured the beleaguered citizens that FEMA would come and get it “within a year.” Well, that’s a pretty typical government response time. It’s not like your neighbors will complain, when they will have their own debris. To be fair to FEMA, they appear to be extremely preoccupied with stopping all relief efforts by private citizens, and preventing any distressed people from getting aid or supplies. Is this part of their training? If only we had a free press, a real journalist might ask those at FEMA who gave these instructions to explain themselves. “Just following orders” comes to mind. I don’t know, maybe the best way to help people is to not help them. War is Peace.

Tom Siebert, who writes the excellent “A Wrinkle in Tom” Substack, compiled some on site comments that he’d received from residents in the impacted city of Savannah, Georgia. One resident described how they were “Still without power here. Up until last night, no one had even seen a power crew out….No police presence or even stop signs posted in the major intersections. It’s like no one in a government capacity is doing anything other than posting updates to their Facebook pages.” In a September 30 message, it was reported, “I still have not seen a single National Guard here. Hell, I haven’t even seen a LEO [Law Enforcement Officer].” They wondered why the National Guard wasn’t in North Carolina, either. Another resident noted that Lindsay Graham was complaining that Americans weren’t paying enough attention to Israel because of the hurricane.

The reaction to this event by the government we pay such exorbitant taxes to has pushed me even further towards anarchism. If we can’t depend on government to assist citizens who are in the kind of situation those in Asheville, North Carolina and other places are, then what exactly is its purpose? Alejandro Mayorkas has announced that FEMA is out of money. They were budgeted for $30 billion in 2024. So where did all that money go? I must have missed the previous emergencies this year. They are the Federal Emergency Management Agency, after all. We’re told they blew their budget on the migrants. I suppose they did create some kind of emergency situation by allowing so many unvetted immigrants into the country, but it’s not really comparable to a hurricane. Although it could fairly be stated that we’ve been dealing with a tsunami of illegals. I think we can all agree that this was $30 billion well spent.

Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton, of Truthstream Media, who used to work for Alex Jones several years ago, produced an excellent video on the situation. Here’s the link: What is Actually Going on in North Carolina? Just like in Springfield, Ohio, where first hand accounts of Haitian migrants eating dogs and cats were recounted by members of the community, who personally witnessed it, the testimony of Asheville residents is just “disinformation” to our state controlled media. And millions of Americans agree. They manage to insert Trump into the equation, as they do with everything. MAGA! MAGA! MAGA! Trump went there to push more lies! Cackula didn’t go there because that wouldn’t be spreading the “joy” she’s so renowned for. Kind of like Barbara Bush stating that body bags weren’t “relevant,” and she wasn’t going to bother her “beautiful mind” about it. Her son Dubya supports Cackula. So does Dick Cheney. So you know the reputed daughter of Aleister Crowley would.

We are living in surreal times. Countess Cackula goes on The View, a venue that couldn’t possibly be any friendlier, and somehow manages to blame Trump for Hurricane Helene. Maybe he did buy people McDonald’s there, since that’s still a sensitive subject for her. But even more ridiculous is the “Hurricane Misinformation” website that FEMA established. FEMA director Deanne Criswell held a press conference, during which she bemoaned “misinformation” that “creates so much fear that my staff doesn't want to go out in the field, then we're not going to be in a position where we can help people. I worry that they won't apply for assistance, which means I can't get them the necessary items they need to support them.” Well, then perhaps your “staff” shouldn’t be blocking rescues and supply deliveries. What comes through loud and clear is a concern for her “staff,” not the victims of the hurricane.

One wonders how fast the response time would have been if Hurricane Helene had destroyed a sanctuary city. No FEMA employee is ever going to stop a rescue, or a delivery of food and water, to one of our essential illegal immigrants. Just imagine how high the grass could grow on the homes in the area, or the weeds that might destroy the landscaping, if the migrants weren’t promptly assisted. But Mother Nature never seems to hit sanctuary cities, any more than she hits gated communities. What exactly is Mother Nature, by the way? A generic substitute for God? A crutch for atheists to sound kindler and gentler? The Pat Robertson-style Christian Right blames God for these disasters. The Left blames “Climate Change.” And, of course, Thought Criminals blame the government’s manipulation of weather. Geoengineering. But the average person simply blames Mother Nature, just like they obey Uncle Sam.

Supposedly, many people who have been able to apply for FEMA’s extravagant $750 “relief” measure have been rejected. Among them was the daughter of a mayor in an unnamed town in North Carolina. So was that just “disinformation?” We should know the town’s name. Regardless, offering such a meager amount is a slap in the face to those who are experiencing the worst moments of their lives. If only we had real investigative journalists to get to the bottom of it. The ones with resources to actually travel to the devastated areas, and establish just what is really going on; massive governmental malfeasance or mere “misinformation.” Infowars and others report that state lawmakers in North and South Carolina had been briefed on weather modification technology and concluded that Hurricane Helene was a weapon linked to the Department of Defense. Probably just more “disinformation.” Call Hillary.

The new threat being touted by the professional fear porn mongers, Hurricane Milton, is now said to be growing in power to such an extent that they may have to invent a new category- category 6- to describe it. Think of it as the Babe Ruth of hurricanes. They are calling it “historic,” but then they call pretty much every weather disaster “historic” now. Just picture how much rescuing, and delivery of supplies, that FEMA can prevent in such a scenario. As I write this, there are people in North Carolina that have allegedly been without power, food, or water for twelve days. Now, I didn’t think humans could live without water for more than a couple of days, so FEMA is probably looking into this on their “Hurricane Misinformation” webpage. Or, they could just send workers to the area with food and water. Even if twelve days is an exaggeration, I’m sure there are plenty of hungry and thirsty people there.

So many questions remain. Were the authorities after a lithium mine there, much as they appeared to want to grab land in the bizarre Hawaii wildfires of 2023? Of course, like everything else, those fires were never adequately explained. There were similar allegations against law enforcement in Hawaii; that they were blocking people from escaping. FEMA has essentially supplanted the Red Cross, and they seem to behave in the same irrational manner. I wrote critically about the Red Cross, and all the big charities, in my book Hidden History. The Red Cross historically has been accused of holding up donations, and only doling them out in increments, to the anger and confusion of those who need them. I’m sure they were of little help, as usual, in Asheville and other areas. However you look at it, none of those tasked to help out in these situations appear to have done so. Except for kind hearted private citizens.

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Identity Politics has entered the fray, as it does with any issue in America 2.0. FEMA is actually promoting “disaster equity” over helping everyone affected. Desperately poor Whites in Appalachia are just not “equitable.” Ask anyone in Hollywood. Why do you think no politician visited them while campaigning until JFK did in 1960, and then RFK in 1968? There hasn’t been a politician seen there since then. There are no rappers in Appalachia. No one seeks to glamorize their lives. All told, Hurricane Helene may have taken the lives of as many as 30,000 Americans. I would call that “historic,” but I’m just a community college dropout. Our lovely Vice President Cackula, fresh off insightful, probing interviews with Howard Stern and Stephen Colbert, urges us to trust the “experts.” And instructs those impacted to contact the authorities. Ask your doctor. Even when they’re blocking aid, they know best.

Elon Musk, who appeared to be critical of the non-relief efforts, then tweeted on October 4 that Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg- the former Mayor Buttcheeks- “is on the ball.” On the ball? Buttcheeks forbid private citizens from using drones to deliver supplies. So, because they belatedly did their job, after letting people suffer needlessly for days, everything’s cool? The $750 that apparently many people are being denied, has been compared by some Thought Criminals to the estimated $4605 per person that the Ukrainians have received from the same U.S. government. That again demonstrates quite clearly where the average American stands on its government’s list of priorities. They admit they have worked on weather manipulation. They aren’t blowing storms out to sea or rain clouds to drought areas. Do the math; they are eugenicists and they want to get rid of you.


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