Civil War | A Soldiers Perspective
Justin Smith
It is one matter to hold differences of opinions on how to conduct business and make new laws for a society joined in a shared vision for America, under the same set of Christian and Western principles the country was built upon, and quite another matter to be made to do battle with an entire massive subgroup of counterculture communists who subscribe to a worldview, ideas and a way of life, that is totally repugnant and antithetical to the country’s founding. And while all sane Americans may always wish for peaceful transfers of power within our system, no sane American would go along with changing the system from a republic charged with defending individual liberty and freedom to an authoritarian socialist system devoid of any recognition of one’s inalienable God-given rights.
Under the Communist Control Act of 1954, communism was criminalized in the United States, while the McCarran Internal Security Act of 1950 had already been serving as a tool against any subversive ideology, such as communism and Islam, that presented itself in the country for the purpose of overthrowing and supplanting our democratic constitutional republic. Unfortunately, the U.S. Supreme Court let stand the overturning of these laws by lower courts with McCarran ending in 1965 and the CCA ending in 1973, unfortunately.
A fairly remarkable figure in American history, a Chief Judge at the Nuremberg War-Crimes Tribunal and U.S. Associate Justice, Robert Houghwout Jackson, “the best legal stylist of the 20th century” according to Justice Antonin Scalia, once stated:
“It is not the function of our Government to keep the citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the Government from falling into error.”
News Flash: Y’all are failing miserably.
Our federal government is extremely centralized and it has grown a hundred times larger in size and the scope and depth of its mission agenda, since 1917, with well over 1100 separate agencies, as it has largely been infiltrated by anti-American, anti-liberty radicals and communists who proceeded to make government ever more intrusive in individual American’s everyday lives, inserting itself into private matters of the home and family and violating us beyond anything anyone could ever suggest to be reasonable. And with every new violation, they promise that they are prodding, assaulting, poking and corralling us like pigs awaiting the slaughter in the name of “the general welfare of all”, “democracy” or “equity and social justice”.
In reality, what America has received in return for their trillions of dollars of taxpayer dollars has been a caste system, where conservative, Christian and independent opponents to the Democrat Part Communist Marxist-Maoists and the statist Republicans-In-Name-Only have been reduced to second class citizens and handed a two-tiered “justice system” bent against them for their troubles. We see the Democrat elitists, political operatives and apparatchiks given privilege above and beyond any “equality under the law”, which is precisely the reason we now have homosexual unions legalized as “legitimate marriages” in America today, men parading their penises around women’s restrooms and children being traumatized by child gender “therapy”.
And as our nation is being undone by the Biden regime’s out-of-control spending, being overwhelmed by illegal alien invaders, inflation, expensive energy costs and higher taxes, there is no one to blame other than the American people themselves. You have aided and abetted this by voting for these anti-American rat bastards, for those who believe they were legitimately elected, or you have allowed it if you stood by while they illegally and illegitimately initiated changes and policies aimed at fundamentally transforming our system into something freedom-loving Americans find to be completely foreign, undesirable and repugnant.
The people have fallen for the traps offered by tolerance and compromise, when those things offered by the Democrat Party are intolerable, insufferable and deserving of our scorn and hatred. But we are told we must be tolerant and we must find compromises, even tho’ too often whatever “compromise” emerges from the ranks of the Republican Party is simply one more in a long line of surrenders.
To Hell with these Democrat Party purveyors of anti-American lies, propaganda and the idea that conservatives and Christians should be canceled and even imprisoned for an entity they call “hate speech”, when in America, there is only Free Speech. To Hell with their monitors, and commie apparatchik censors who seek to squash conservative and Christian speech and thought by way of intellectual dishonesty and intellectual terrorism. These communist slugs are endemic to the Democrat Party and they are indicative of all that is wrong with such a worldview, because it is readily apparent they are uninterested in at arriving at serious solutions for the nation through honest debate and free-flowing information, or creating a truly free society or even a democratic society.
As reported by Henry Redman at ‘The Wisconsin Examiner’, speaking in La Crosse, Wisconsin this evening [August 29th 2024], former President Donald Trump remarked:
“I’m supposed to be nice when I talk about the election, because everybody’s afraid to talk about it. ‘Oh please sir, don’t talk about the election, please’. You know, if you can’t, if you can’t talk about a bad election, you really don’t have a democracy, if you think about it, right?”
People are hanging their hopes and the future of America on the upcoming election, as if this will automatically solve our problems and end the current numerous crises, which is ludicrous and approaching the absurd once one understands that America has accumulated approximately $180 trillion in unfunded liabilities to date, on top of our $35 trillion national debt. We may not even have to worry about any approaching tyranny should this house of cards comes tumbling down any time soon — which it well might.
Although Donald Trump offers some good stop-gap measures in the offing regarding the economy, the border, energy, and foreign policy, he’s talking about implementing more Big Government solutions and more massive government spending. And as I see him in my mind’s eye holding an LGBTQ Rainbow Flag, I still can’t forget that he really isn’t a friend to our Bill of Rights either, especially regarding our rights to bear arms, privacy and property or that he promoted and defended the anti-liberty lockdowns, the death-dealing vaccines and his sovereignty-killing USMCA.
Under Trump’s second term, everyone can rest assured that government will continue its expansion and trend towards tyranny, because it will keep operating within this fascist system that favors a few over the many, regardless of who holds power. Under Republicans and Democrats alike, we see one huge corporation after another constantly receiving a bailout or being protected, as small businesses are driven under through this protectionism and unfair and often illegal application of “the law”.
But, as hard as this may be for the unhinged left Democrats and “liberal” Republicans to believe, matters in the U.S. will be worse than anything we’ve seen yet, if Kamal Harris should somehow make her way into the Oval Office. She adamantly and fiercely defends and facilitates baby murder, criminal “rights” and defunding the police, carbon cap and tax redistribution schemes that send U.S. taxpayer dollars largely from America’s middle class to wealthy tyrants controlling poor countries, student loan forgiveness, and more illegal alien violations of our borders. And let’s not forget the recently proposed $150,000 for each illegal alien to purchase a house in America while also being allowed to vote in the upcoming election as a “justice impacted American”, if you can believe the hubris it took to present this shit.
Kamala’s price controls will ensure that shelves at grocery stores across America will be empty, and so too will the cupboards of our people be bare.
But the poor learned long ago that they could get government handouts whenever Democrats held office, and now the welfare state is deeply embedded within our system. And rather than look to themselves for their lack of position or wealth, most of America’s poor have fallen for the Marxist-Maoist propaganda that the wealthy owe them, because surely they acquired their wealth by being born to it and were fortunate, or by sheer force, Darwinian superior strength and fraud they freed themselves from the shackles of poverty.
Let’s not forget that Kamala will reinforce and strengthen the current weaponization of the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, to be used as tools against all opposition, as never seen before. It will be like something out of the old Soviet Union where dissidents and suspected dissidents were followed, and if they were followed, they were arrested; and if they were arrested, they were deemed “guilty” even before trial. Think not? Let me say “Alvin Bragg” … “Juan Merchan”. And while we aren’t quite there yet, it isn’t too far removed from a day when we will see dissidents thrown straight away in the new American gulag or murdered outright, if these communists and their allies in the pro-Hamas camp aren’t decisively defeated soon, in every meaning of the word.
With every Marxist-Maoist victory in this battle, the American people lose a sizeable chunk of their individual liberty and an untold amount of their wealth, as future generations too are put on the hook to pay off an unsurmountable amount in the current $35 trillion national debt. With every advance of their miserable new world order utopian vision, another massive piece of the American Dream falls into a dark abyss of national despair and is eventually utterly destroyed.
To view Das Kapital as a treatise only on a society’s economy or the Transgender Movement as a movement for only for sexual freedom would be a mistake. Both are aimed at attaining and holding raw political power and setting up their supporters as the privileged ruling class, our new masters and those who would be Kings and Queens.
Who can or will respect the results of this election when all the old mechanisms for election fraud are still in play along with the newly added feature of the Illegal Alien Vote?
If any election results in a majority who create a “law” that demands we all follow one another off a cliff in national suicide, does that mean we simply follow in blind obedience, as the guards enforcing it and the oligarchs stay behind to reap the benefit and take the wealth our departure and deaths leave behind? Surely not; and in this same line of reason, neither are we to blindly accept any law that violates our inalienable God-given rights, since it is no “law” at all in that regard. At what point do we stop being satisfied with the removal of traitors to America from office and start inflicting real punishment on them, up to and including death by firing squad or hanging by the neck from the tall trees and the balcony railings of the Capitol Building? Especially when these traitors are acting as enemy combatants, foreign occupiers and the enemy-from-within to destroy traditional America and our republic from within.
At some point, people will need to wake up and decide if they want to be totally controlled by a monstrous Super State Leviathan — to own nothing and be happy [read “I’m happy because the government will kill me if I say otherwise] — or do they want full control over the fruits of their labor and real independence, freedom and individual liberty.
The Democrats tell us they know better than us and that we must sit down, shut up and simply obey and follow their lead — that conservatives are backwoods rubes, hillbillies, white supremacists, racists, domestic terrorists and enemies of democracy, all because we simply demand the respect and legal standing that the original text and intent of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights is supposed to afford us. Many of us have refused and made a great fight of it through peaceful opposition within the public arena, Congress and the Court, but it’s anyone’s guess if it will be enough, in the end, with the ranks of the Takers having grown to an astounding proportion of our population.
Many will tell you that our country is already done, down and out; and given what we see today, it would be hard to argue to the contrary. Two of the primary factors that keep being highlighted are our unmanageable national debt and the current ongoing massive invasion of illegal aliens. But no matter what one faces, one should not go down without a fight, however one chooses to fight and in any manner one’s conscience may allow.
But “don’t resort to violence — Oh No, NO” the talking heads tell us over and over again. Heaven forbid we do something of real worth to actually defend ourselves, our families and our country.
Doesn’t this Biden regime use violence against us, when it threatens parents with prison for refusing to allow their children to be transitioned into the opposite sex by the reprobate, deviants and perverts of the medical field? Try resisting arrest over this issue in the states that are Democrat strongholds and see how quick the Government Agents are to manhandle you and throw you in a cell — can simply shooting you down grow more probable if Kamala wins in November and consolidates her power.
The naysayers will tell you that the Democrat Party Communists want us to violently revolt, so that they can enact martial law, shut down elections and hold power for as long as they wish, until further notice or the people arise and slit their goddamned throats; and so, according to the cowards amongst us, we must not ever react through violent means no matter what. But do nothing and tyranny will surely come anyway, if only a bit slower.
This doesn’t mean that I’m for revolution or change just for change’s sake. The American people must have a well-formed idea of what they want to come next. But if we really think about it, the original Constitution worked well until men started “improving” upon it to allow them the freedom to violate its core tenets. The problem at the moment is that the Democrat Party is simply ignoring the Constitution altogether and they actually seek to eradicate it completely, because it stands between them and the total power they crave and currently demand.
One also must recognize that many terrible horrors accompany any civil war. However, there isn’t any good way to avoid the bloody abattoir of civil war, that is surely to burst forth in the not too distant future. We certainly are not going to allow ourselves to be forced into surrender and made serfs to an authoritarian socialist regime that sees us only as a product and its property to dispose of as it sees fit — are we. And although it’s no consolation, this trajectory is being directed by the Democrat Party Marxist-Maoists, and rests solely on their heads, and they don’t seem inclined or likely to stop any time soon, as their lawlessness is shoved in our faces daily.
Maybe the American people will need to live a few decades under communism, before they finally decide to cherish their freedom and individual liberty again, in a manner befitting our American heritage, and stand to fight fiercely to reclaim both.
It’s long been noted by theorists, that the main threat of civil war, however, is the people do not emerge freer at times, but find themselves under a harsher regime, a deadly taskmaster and tyrant. All the more reason to fight to ensure the forces of life, truth and liberty do emerge victorious on the other side of the ebbing chaos of our next uncivil, bloody conflagration.
What is really left in the face of such a determined, ruthless, immoral enemy acting within the halls of government every day, all across this America we love so well?
In her philosophical treatise ‘The Objectivist’ [1966], Ayn Rand writes:
“Moral cowardice is the necessary consequence of discarding morality as inconsequential. It is the common symptom of all intellectual appeasers. The image of the brute is the symbol of an appeaser’s belief in the supremacy of evil, which means — not in conscious terms, but in terms of his quaking, cringing, blinding panic — that when his mind judges a thing to be evil, his emotions proclaim its power, and the more evil, the more powerful.”
There isn’t any principle based upon freedom and liberty that would allow America to be invaded by millions of Illegal Aliens in a matter of a few short years or silence us by colluding with Big Tech companies to control how we think or what we say through the written word. There doesn’t exist any principle of freedom that would move any righteous administration to force Americans to live in fear of being cancelled, prosecuted and convicted for the fiction of “hate-speech” or speaking the truth about any U.S. political scandal, whether it be Hunter’s laptop and receiving millions of dollars from the Chinese Communists for access to Traitor Joe or a little matter of the certain possibility that the 2020 election was stolen. No administration gets to tell me or any other American whom I must love and whom I must hate — that I must hate my country and the traditions of America to gain favor, or that I will be sent to a special sort of Hell if I hate the anti-American Democrat Marxist-Maoists, Black Lives Matter and Antifa and a whole list of other far left reprobates, for that isn’t freedom at all but a mockery of freedom, a farce.
Far too many people currently residing in our nation are either complicit or deluded and persuaded by the amerikkan Democrat Communists that this bad regime — modeled from all the worst ideas of Marx, Mao, New World Order technocrats and sexual deviants from the Transgender Movement — is conducive to the gratification of their inner-most desires of ambition, career goals, greed and luxury, and they have become accomplished in deception and the use of violence to achieve such desires: and it is by such men and women the entirety of America has suffered the insufferable, as our rights have been violated and our people subjected to tyranny, for a lack of knowledge and understanding by what means and methods they are currently being enslaved.
It goes beyond the pale of reason and common sense that so many so-called American patriots cannot acknowledge that a time and a day might arrive, whereby the accumulative acts of treason against our country and our people by the Democrat Party Communists, the pro-Hamas groups and many of their other allies will finally necessitate the use of the force of arms and violence with extreme prejudice, as a matter of survival, righteous self-defense and self-preservation. To refuse to even contemplate the use of violence against a tyrannical regime is to deny the nature of man and the fact that every significant advancement of our species was born in violence from the days of Cain and Abel through our War for Independence and on to the present day. Such a lack of resolve to fight tyranny by every means available and every means necessary only ensures the success of our enemies, the certain and final end of every last vestige of traditional America and one’s own eventual death at the hands of those who hate us most.
I can’t forgive, nor will I ever forget, what these anti-American, anti-liberty rat bastards have done to this America I love so well. Your conscience may speak to you differently, but mine is telling me to hang on and fight them at every level and opportunity, wherever the fight may lead — whatever form it takes — even if it means one day leaving thousands dead on the fields of the National Mall at D.C., the fields near Arlington, the Eastern Plains, the shores of the West Coast and every in the streets of every major U.S. city that has suffered their infestations.
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