Constitutional Sheriffs Deputizing The Revolution

Constitutional Sheriffs Deputizing The Revolution

Dylan Eleven •

I am a big fan of the concept of the constitutional sheriff and have written and posted several articles on the subject during the covid scamdemic. The constitutional sheriffs stood up against the covid scam and had the legal right, along with the badge to do it.

The resistance needs a starting point of organization. Usually we would expect every cop and soldier to be up to the task of fighting domestic enemies, but instead the police that violate civilian rights are part of the problem, and the army helped roll out the deadly vaccine. It's still not too late for those who stand behind a badge or those in the armed forces to join the right side of history, and arrest the genocidal few. But without them we find the support needed in the constitutional sheriff, with the ability to deputize us all.

The concept of sheriffs deputizing large numbers of us is a great way to build our army and take back our countries. They need to implement this idea up in Canada and around the world also.

As I began to research for this article, I found others had written about the same concept. They were biased against the subject. but ironically pretty much made my articles point nicely, (all be it in the reverse). Meaning I think it is a good idea and the articles found in Rolling Stone and the AI search result from Brave below, explain the concept but think it's a bad idea, saying it's a threat to democracy.

As the meme suggests, democracy is nothing more than mob rule. After the covid scam; seeing the majority of people be easily duped and the masses calling for forced deadly vaccines for everyone with concentration camps for the non believers, we can see that democracy is a pile of shit. The fact that the sheriffs resisted the government against these illegal, dangerous and ridiculous mandates is a good thing, for us, and a threat to the corrupt system.

Here is what those who think it is a bad idea have to say: with my [comments in brackets] showing how they are actually pointing out the positive factors:

The Constitutional Sheriffs: Inside the Far-Right Movement That’s Above the [corrupt] Law | An excerpt from ‘The Highest Law in the Land: How the Unchecked Power of Sheriffs Threatens [mob rule] Democracy | The “constitutional sheriff” movement descends from other far-right movements of the past few decades, but, around 2011, ex-sheriff Richard Mack decided to turn the sheriff into the key figure, the law enforcement officer who would prevent complete Armageddon even in the face of a corrupt government [That is a good thing]. Mack’s CSPOA is the largest  organization for constitutional sheriffs and has recruited hundreds of sheriffs through trainings and rallies like the one I attended, which included several Nevada sheriffs. - Jessica Pishko

Here is what brave search AI results has to say on the negative side: Again pretty much states our point of how it is a good thing. [my comments in brackets]


constitutional sheriffs deputize the revolution


Sheriffs Deputize Revolution

The constitutional sheriffs movement, a fringe theory, posits that sheriffs have more law enforcement power in their home counties than any other government body or individual. [which they do] This ideology has gained influence over the past decade, with some self-proclaimed constitutional sheriffs [rightfully] refusing to enforce [unconstitutional] government-enacted public safety guidelines [based upon lies], including those related to the Covid-19 [scam] pandemic and mass shootings.

Deputizing the Revolution

The Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA), founded by former Sheriff Richard Mack in 2011, promotes the idea that sheriffs can prevent complete “Armageddon” even in the face of a corrupt government.
Mack’s call to action assumes violence, urging sheriffs to take a stand and potentially use force to restore the Constitution as the supreme law of the land. [what needs to be done by those who take an oath to do so and legally have the right and the badge to back it up]

Unchecked Power [the ultimate legal power in the US] and Threat to [mob rule that has gone astray] Democracy

The unchecked power of constitutional sheriffs poses a threat to [mob rule] democracy, as they operate outside the [corrupt] legal framework and disregard [illegal and illegitimate] federal and state laws. This movement has become a flashpoint in the current politics of toxic masculinity [straight family oriented males], guns, white supremacy, and rural resentment, with some sheriffs using their position to promote anti-immigrant [invader] and anti-[corrupt and unconstitutional] government agendas.

Example of Constitutional Sheriffs’ Actions

Refused to enforce government-enacted public safety guidelines, such as mask mandates and vaccination requirements [stood up for the people and their constitutional rights]


The constitutional sheriffs movement, with its ties to extremist groups and ideologies, poses a significant threat to democracy [mob rule of the left] and the rule of [corrupt] law. The unchecked power of these sheriffs, who [rightfully] claim to be above the [unjust illegal and illegitimate] law, undermines the authority of elected officials [domestic enemies of the people] and the [corrupt] legal system. As a result, it is essential to monitor and address this movement’s activities to protect the integrity of our democratic institutions. [or rather promote the concept to save this country and spread to others]

I don't usually take the words of our opposition and use them to illustrate my point, but in this circumstance, their stated objections are actually our stated benefits and it shows that both sides are in agreement; this is a solution. That is why they think it is a threat.

Image: Source [Edited]


Note: Comments placed in [ ] are added by editor.  For example; [Flu]


Constitutional Sheriffs Are The Answer To The Corruption And Abuse Perpetrated By The Federal Government Kevin Hughes Constitutional sheriffs are the answer to the corruption and abuse perpetrated by the federal government. Sheriff Richard Mack made this assertion during his appearance on the Aug. 30 episode of the “Merritt Medical Hour” Brighteon.TV. “The constitutional sheriff is the answer for any corruption and
Sheriffs stand together against gun control amid Biden’s call for gun legislation / Belle Carter (Natural News) The Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA) stands firm in saying no to gun controldespite President Joe Biden’s statement that he would not give up on efforts to have gun legislation. “One of the greatest efforts of the CSPOA is to have

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Arthur Coller |

With each State in this union currently being invaded is mandatory that each county suppresses this insurrection. With Congress legislatively enslaving the populace who is now the invader their is no president that is going to be able to get these communists out of the counties. What must be done is that The People of the several states work along side their Sheriff to hold these foreign invaders accountable to Constitutional Law. This being that the chief law enforcement officer of each county is the Sheriff who is directly below the People that this representative is in charge of protecting. With both state and Public Servants not enforcing the corruption laws of the U.S we have a serious problem. I am educated on this commercial evasion am spiritually ready to be deputized let me know what I can do for my Country. Arthur Coller an officer of