COVID Bioweapon Shots | Deliberately Designed Destruction of the Human Genome

COVID Bioweapon Shots | Deliberately Designed Destruction of the Human Genome

John Gideon Hartnett |

Deliberately designed destruction of the human genome has been implemented though toxic sorcery. The recent COVID bioweapon injections massively increased the deleterious gene mutation rate, with a disruptive stepwise increase, leading to catastrophic irreparable damage and massive global depopulation within a few years.

Genetic Entropy refers to the concept, proposed by Dr John Sanford, a retired Cornell University professor of genetics, wherein the genomes of all living organisms are slowly degenerating due to the accumulation of slightly deleterious (harmful) mutations.

This idea contradicts the fundamental principles of neo-Darwinian evolution, which relies on natural selection to drive the accumulation of beneficial mutations, which has never been observed. On this point miso theist Prof. Richard Dawkins said

“Evolution has been observed. It’s just that it has not been observed while it’s happening.”

Which, of course, makes no sense at all. Bill Moyers interviewed Richard Dawkins, Now, 3 December 2004, PBS network.

If information accumulates in beneficial mutations over time, selected by natural selection, then there should be plenty of examples. Richard Dawkins was asked to “give an example of a genetic mutation or an evolutionary process which can be seen to increase the information in the genome”.

But Dawkins was unable to cite one. He eventually responded (see video below) but dodged the question. Why? Because information comes only from intelligence, not random processes.

Random copying processes always destroy information in the genome. This is what genetic entropy refers to. When the copying errors are only slightly deleterious they are not selected out, not eliminated, by natural selection.

Sanford argues that the genomes of all living creatures are not being preserved or maintained by natural selection, but rather are slowly deteriorating over time. He claims that this degeneration is inevitable and will ultimately lead to the extinction of all living populations.

In the plot below I have tried to conceptually illustrate this by the blue solid circles. And if COVID bioweapon injections had never been given, the continued accumulation of slightly deleterious genes, as a function of generation, would have followed the green open circles. That would have been serious enough given enough generations.

But what happened in 2021? The world was subjected to a military operation of mass bioweapon injections.

At that point in time a major disruptive event occurred to the human genome. I have illustrated that with the arrow pointing vertically indicating a stepwise massive increase in the number of accumulating deleterious gene mutations. The end of the genome will come much faster for many.

A synthetic piece of messenger RNA (mRNA) was used to transfect the human DNA adding a gene sequence that is totally unnatural to the human body.

Evidence has now been shown that this artificial mRNA instruction set, via Pfizer and Moderna injections, has invaded the human genome, bypassing the body’s natural defence system, rewriting the DNA to produce very damaging, not slightly deleterious, but strongly deleterious, mutations.

The red squares then indicate the subsequent accumulation of very damaging genetic changes, following the COVID bioweapon shots. Since they are not slightly deleterious they can be selected for by natural selection. Thus I have labelled the x-axis “Copies” and not “Generations”.

Therefore, the deliberate mutational damage from the foreign genetic code injected into humans starting around early 2021 can be selected for by natural selection. Folks, that means death and disablement so that those humans never reproduce. Their DNA is taken out of the gene pool.

This is now clearly seen in the accumulating excess deaths from all causes in the statistics of many Western countries, which keep such data. Over 17 million have died so far that we know of.

Let’s do a ‘back of the envelope’ quick calculation. The world population was 8 billion in 2021. Assume only 50% got mRNA shots that altered the human genome. Other shots may have also done this type of damage but let’s be conservative. Of the 4 billion then assume 25% got a placebo or a batch that was ineffective. Therefore 3 billion humans got significant DNA damage which cannot be repaired by the innate repair mechanisms. That number represents 37% of the initial 8 global billion. In time they will be depopulated.

This number is close to the 33% fraction indicated in the book of Revelation chapter 6. One third die from COVID sorcery and other related causes. Read Revelation 6: The White Horseman Brings Toxic Death Shots and Revelation 6: The Four Horsemen Bring Global Depopulation.

Isn’t it interesting that the Deagel report estimated global depopulation figures up to 77% depending on the country. The US was to be 68% depopulated by 2025. Read Silencing Free Speech | Global Depopulation Plan in Plain Sight.

My ‘back of the envelope’ calculation is only for depopulation resulting from the toxic bioweapon shots. Wars, famine and other diseases will make their contributions. Here I am focussing on the genetic damage from the COVID bioweapons.

My estimate above was very conservative. It could be way worse. As time rolls on and more and more ‘died suddenly’ victims are brought to light we will see. But I also think many will be buried from our sight.

The Satanic globalist totalitarians have by design deliberately mass murdered (past tense) billions of humans. Most do not yet know that they are ‘dead-men walking’. Their genomes cannot recover and natural selection will select them out.

Plummeting human fertility is direct evidence of this. The spontaneous abortion and miscarriage rate is about 80% for those injected with the sorcery shots.

It looks more and more like we are the Last Generation.

Image: Cropped from the cover of John Sanford’s book “Genetic Entropy” [Edited]

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