England | Muslim Mobs Roam the Streets with Knives and Machetes Unchecked by Police as Labour Gov’t Prepares to Crack Down on “Far-Right Thugs”

England | Muslim Mobs Roam the Streets with Knives and Machetes Unchecked by Police as Labour Gov’t Prepares to Crack Down on “Far-Right Thugs”

TheGatewayPundit.com | Richard Abelson 

Riots continued in Liverpool, Hull, Manchester, Belfast and at least 7 other UK cities Saturday as the System Media blamed the indigenous population for defending their country and mobs of Muslim men armed with knives and machetes roamed the streets in several British cities.

Police braced for fresh violence after protests Saturday resulted in at least 90 arrests, several police officers being injured, and looting, the Express reported. More anti-immigration protests are planned for Sunday  in Bolton, Lancaster, Middlesbrough, Weymouth and Rotherham.

England and Wales police federation Deputy National Chair Tiffany Lynch said the unrest was “flooding across major cities and towns.”

Home Secretary Yvette Cooper said: “Anyone who gets involved in criminal disorder, violent thuggery on our streets, will have to pay the price.”

US journalist Andy Ngo, who was forced to leave Portland, Oregon for the UK by violent Antifa terrorists, summarized what’s happening in Great Britain:

Protests became violent in at least 11 British cities as armed gangs of Muslims were filmed roaming the streets in Manchester, Stoke on Trent, Hull and Southend-on-Sea.

While the System Media blamed Tommy Robinson’s “English Defence League” for the riots, which has been defunct for 10 years while Tommy pursues a career as documentarian and journalist, the media were silent on the bands of armed militants calling themselves “Muslim Defence League.”

British patriots rallied to defend their communities across the country.



While British police treated patriots to the full force of the law, police in Stoke seemed to advise Muslims on how to avoid arrest for wielding knives and machetes. This is known in UK as “Two-Tier Policing”.

British Labour PM Keir Starmer was criticized for preparing to go on vacation as his country burns.

“It would be completely wrong of the Prime Minister to go on holiday whilst parts of Britain are burning”, said Tory MP Robert Jenrick.

Police association chair Donna Jones criticized the leftist government for blaming “far-right thugs” for the violence, which she called “treating the symptom and not the cause”:

“Whilst the devastating attacks in Southport on Tuesday were a catalyst, the commonality amongst the protest groups appears to be focused on three key areas: the desire to protect Britain’s sovereignty; the need to uphold British values and in order to do this, stop illegal immigration. The growth of feeling across the country has mirrored (to a lesser extent) the rebellion to illegal immigration that has played out across France over the last 12 months.

“The government must acknowledge what is causing this civil unrest in order to prevent it. Arresting  people, or creating violent disorder units, is treating the symptom and not the cause. The questions these people want answering; what is the government’s solution to mass uncontrolled immigration? How are the new Labour government going to uphold and build on British values? This is the biggest challenge facing Sir Kier Starmer’s government, and its bitten quickly.”

Donna Jones was instantly blasted for stating the obvious. Winchester Liberal Democrat MP Danny Chambers said he was “deeply concerned”, adding: “These extreme views make her totally unsuitable to hold this position of responsibility.” Former chief prosecutor Nazir Afzal said Jones was “appearing to justify rioting and criminality that police officers are bravely having to deal with right now. Totally unacceptable.”

British patriot Tommy Robinson called for calm and peaceful protests while laying the blame for the unrest squarely at the door of the anti-British elites who have forced mass Muslim migration on their people and stigmatized all critics as “far right”:

Tommy’s statement got 5 million views and counting. He also gave a longer interview to Indian TV station CNN18 which is well worth watching:

Being British from Leeds and Liverpool, the UK patriots naturally have the best street revolution music.

Original Article: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/08/britain-burning-muslim-mobs-roam-streets-knives-machetes/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=britain-burning-muslim-mobs-roam-streets-knives-machetes