Flu Shot May Contain Similar Structures As The Covid-19 Vaccine
Dylan Eleven • Truth11.com
The Flu shot should also be avoided. Many think that the 2019 flu shot given to the people of Wuhan contained graphene oxide. When the 5G grid was turned on, millions died. A test run.
Now there are reports of the current flu shot containing similar structures as the Covid-19 vaccine.
Orwellito - La Quinta Columna
Dr. José Luis Sevillano explains how graphene oxide and EMFs create the so-called COVID lung | Summary / Conclusion: Graphene oxide was added to flu (and maybe other) shots pre-2020 which resulted in the symptoms attributed to the fictional virus. And the graphene oxide in the current shots finishes the kill job and helps with the "variants" narrative.
The video below, we have posted seperately in an more recent article. We are posting it here as they also discuss graphene in the flu shots in 2019 and that covid is actually, graphene-enhanced acute irradiation syndrome.
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