Fury Battle-Bots | The Corrupt Few are Building + Testing Their Autonomous AI Army For The End Game When Humanity Finally Wakes Up

Fury Battle-Bots | The Corrupt Few are Building + Testing Their Autonomous AI Army For The End Game When Humanity Finally Wakes Up

Dylan Eleven • Truth11.com

When looking at the unmanned military technology being tested in war zones, large drones, small flying drones that can target a person and track and kill them, and unmanned battle-bots like the one in the article below; we must keep in mind that these technologies are being field tested, and are not just built for the wars.

Field tested to solve one of the parasite class main problems: The fact we outnumber them.

One of the major problems of the corrupt few that hold humanity down, who are actively performing genocide by war, vaccine, chemtrails, poisoned food, etc; is the fact that we outnumber them and if we ever as a world populous realize what they are doing we will all come after them.

So they are perfecting the art of war with technologies that can be run by a few, to fight the masses. The end game of the elites, when the world finally wakes up and decides to hang them all.

AI could also take over these technologies, with skynet scenarios to follow, and some critical thinkers feel AI is already leading this charge.

If you see a weapon of war, realize it may be used against you at some point. Time to learn self defence against these machines of war.

As Losses Mount, Ukraine Deploys 'Fury' Battlebots To Front Line

ZeroHedge News | Tyler Durden | Zerohedge.com

As Losses Mount, Ukraine Deploys 'Fury' Battlebots To Front Line

With losses stacking up – including the sudden forfeiture of 500 square miles of territory once held in Russia's Kursk region – Ukraine's military leadership announced on Tuesday that it's deploying machine-gun-equipped robots to the front lines. "The main task of ground robots is to reinforce our units and replace soldiers in the most dangerous areas," said the ministry.

News of the deployment of an unspecified number of these weapon platforms comes as Ukraine continues to struggle with recruiting and conscription. In February, Ukraine launched a new effort aimed at recruiting 18- to 24-year-olds. While it strikes Americans as odd, Ukraine does not draft those who are under age 25. The new recruiting campaign features bonuses roughly equivalent to $24,000, along with mortgage subsidies and free college education. Recruits also win the privilege of traveling abroad -- something that's currently denied to Ukrainian men between 18 and 60. Against the backdrop of the Ukrainian military's ongoing manpower crisis, robots are understandably appealing. 

The Ukraine defense ministry touted the Lyut's versatility. "It is designed to perform a wide range of tasks in difficult conditions. In particular, to conduct surveillance and fire support of the actions of our units," the ministry said in its announcement, adding that the official adoption of the equipment comes after testing in "real combat conditions." Specifically, the ministry said the testing took place in Kursk. With Ukraine's diversionary gambit there having now evolved into a full-on failure, that isn't exactly confidence-inspiring. 

A look at the business end of the bot's 7.62mm machine gun, along with the vehicle's sensors (YouTube / Militarnyi via New York Post)

Called the Lyut – the Ukrainian word for "fury" – the compact wheeled robot can fit in the bed of a military pickup truck, and is equipped with a single 7.62mm PKT machine gun and, reportedly, Class 4 armor.  It doesn't have tires, but rather steel rims with rubber stretched over them. 

The Lyut and a paper target: The ministry didn't indicate how much ammunition it can tote. (YouTube / Militarnyi via New York Post)

Lyut is powered by a "silent" electric motor. The ministry didn't specify the battery life, only offering a vague boast that "the battery capacity is enough for a fairly long operating time." The Ukrainian military-news website Militarnyi, however, was more forthcoming with specifications: "The drone has a battery life of up to 72 hours, a range of up to 20 kilometers, and a driving time of up to 3 hours. The gross weight... is 330 kilograms." 

The bots are not autonomous -- rather, a soldier operates it via remote control, with line-of-sight communication stretching up two 2 kilometers. A single operator can simultaneously maneuver the vehicle and fire its machine gun. 

The compact battlebot can fit in the bed of a military pickup truck (Facebook / Mykhailo Fedorov via New York Post)

Don't expect this to turn the tide for the beleaguered Ukrainian military. 

Original Article: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/losses-mount-ukraine-deploys-fury-battlebots-front-line


Hunting Killer Drones With Your 12-Gauge Shotgun
ZeroHedge.com | Tyler Derden Mike Fredenburg |The Epoch Times The Ukraine-Russia war and its innovative use of drones has significantly changed warfare. And while the use of drones as spotters for artillery and bombs is arguably their biggest contribution to death and destruction, Telegram is full of chilling FPV footage