Getting Feedback For Reporting Crazy Truths | The Staged Trump Shooting And The Response We Have Received For Reporting It

Dylan Eleven •
When we report a truth that is not widely understood or believed, such as the staged Trump shooting, at first it is met with loud shouts of disbelief; which is understandable. Some truths seem so ludicrous that how can they be true.
I received similar comments days after 9/11, 3/11 Fukushima, in early 2020 about the covid scam, and before the deadly covid vaccine roll out when I called them the real killer before anyone got a single covid bioweapon injection, the Maui DEW attack, and so on. The list is very large.
Many felt at the time it was so out there that the government would blow up their own buildings, or lock down the world for a fake virus or create a deadly genocidal vaccine; yet they have all been proven to be true, these and many more.
It is not the reporting that is insane; it is that the actions of these people are so unbelievable its seems crazy to even suggest it is the truth. I get that.
It know it tars us with a conspiracy theorist brush for a while until the truth is finally understood.
But unfortunately the truth is the truth no matter how out there it sounds and we report it, no matter how it makes us look. Time has shown us to be very accurate.
Many are quick to suggest we are wrong, but when proven to be right, NONE have admitted we were right and contacted us to say so.
In this instance, regarding the staged Trump shooting, I do feel it is the truth. There are many reasons why they would stage this event, many of them. And after watching all available video footage frame by frame, it is clear to me that this was a staged event, and a poorly performed one at that.
To be clear, we do not suggest that people were not shot. I would not put it past them to kill innocent people in the crowd as part of the staged event.
It is the Trump being hit in the ear part that we suggest looks like a poorly performed lie with make up artists and actor secret service agents.

Also we do not think the real or alleged sniper could gain that position armed and ignored for so long without inside help or being part of the charade. Maybe by throwing the rifle so far away the shooter thought they would be just arrested.

To concerned readers who are Trump supporters: We understand your frustration and desire to have Trump as a saviour. Trump is not on your side. He is responsible for the deadly vaccine roll out. Why is it such a stretch he would fake this event?
To the fact checkers: Your statements are invalid and do not prove anything.
I have been told by NewsGuard, the company that thinks it is a source of truth and a gatekeeper of the internet, (the one with government grants and ties), the following:
However, there is no evidence that the attempted assassination of Donald Trump was staged, as the article [on] stated. The incident was
documented by multiple credible news outlets, eyewitness accounts, the U.S. Secret Service, and local police.
When we believe a truth is being performed and or covered up by the very same news outlets, U.S. Secret Service and local police, why would their stated opinions matter? Stating that they believe it was a real event and not staged is not reason enough to believe it. This does not prove anything. The actual events are the only proof.
And to NewsGuard, we are not getting back to your email as we don't respond to junk mail.
On this subject, as is on many others, time will tell.
On some subjects it takes about 10 years for the conspiracy theorist chatter to lower to a quiet roar.
It's very loud right now.

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