Happy Thanksgiving
Dylan Eleven • Truth11.com
These holiday celebrations have been trying over the past few years for most of us. With aunt Karens and negative reactions of our efforts of trying to persuade them not to voluntarily join the covid vaccine genocide program. This has kept many of us from being invited to the family gatherings.
Now mask mandates and vaccine madness has subsided, many of us are back.
Some of us are sitting with fewer people at our family gatherings due to the deadly covid shots. The elephant in the room remains that no one wants to talk about that the absence's are due to the shots.
So we sit.
Or do we.
No, we should keep trying.
These vaccinated loved ones of our families are sitting in denial and could do something about it. Maybe, just maybe, they are ready to hear some solutions.
Personally I will be trying again when sitting with extended family, and maybe will get through to one or some of them.
A D-Dimer test, some dark field microscopy to start. Then they can see the problem with their own eyes. Thats my goal at first with them.
From there we can suggest the many solutions doctors are having success with.
You can find them in our Solutions pages or in our search engine.
I am thankful for all of our family that sits with us on this thanksgiving evening and thankful for you fellow truth warriors.
I hope you all have a great thanksgiving.