Hitler Did Not Commit Suicide In His Bunker | He Lived In Argentina | Declassified CIA Documents

Hitler Did Not Commit Suicide In His Bunker | He Lived In Argentina | Declassified CIA Documents

Dylan Eleven • Truth11.com

As we have reported many times before, Hitler moved to Argentina along with other SS. His alleged suicide was a cover story.

Hitler was living in Argentina, according to CIA documents recently declassified by Trump.

From Navy Intel: We didn’t win WWII. We lost to the Nazi They withdrew to rephrase and infiltrate worldwide. Hitler did NOT die in a bunker in 1944. That was his butler who also doubled his body. He escaped to Argentina along with other SS, where he lived a long life when he died in a car accident in 1957. Eva Braun went with him and their daughter Ann born in 1942. While in Argentina Eva and Adolf had 3 daughters who were taken to Germany to be raised in the ” motherland “. Their names are: Angela [Merkel], Theresa and Dalia - Source: https://www.truth11.com/untitled-38/


Obamas Grandmother Eva Braun 1944
Tap News / Weaver So let’s elaborate…… BARRY OBAMA HITLER (Obamagate is exposing the NWO) BARRY IS HITLER’S GRANDSON, HIS AUNTS ARE ANGELA BRAND(Merkel), THERESA MAY, DALIA GRYBAUSKAITE. Hitler had 4 daughters. Interesting reveal: Came from Navy Intel… We didn’t win WWII. We lost to the N@