Independent Media Industry | Censorship Effects + The Power Of The Subscription

Dylan Eleven •
The independent media industry is highly underfunded yet very necessary. We are also highly censored and threatened with arrest for speaking the truth.
When these areas converge you clearly can see who is on your side.
When people work largely for free on a cause you can see that money is not their motivation, but the actual cause.
When we are highly censored you can see clearly that the narrative pushers just want to silence the truth.
Arms manufactures are swimming in money, yet cause death and destruction. Politicians rake in millions in donations and do nothing but lie and try to kill their own populations.
Money is the root of all evil and boy evil has a lot of it. Largely because they do evil things to get it.
The independent media industry is filled with people who find the truth and are willing to work largely for free to tell others about the truth.
We do this because the truth is a very necessary asset in todays world of lies and deception. These lies can kill and have killed; can take away freedoms and wage wars of genocide; can inject the world with a deadly vaccine and continue to lie to this day about it preventing many from seeking help.
It should be a no brainer that this industry is vital and should be flourishing, which it is, despite off the low incomes. Independent journalists are driven by the quest for truth and the freedom it provides for us all.
However this industries growth could be faster. This industry needs to gain a more solid foundation and have access to tools that can have the truth reach more people.
Combatting censorship and subscriptions are the keys. They are the future of people having access to the truth. The truth industry needs subscriptions and donations to survive and grow, and we need people to share our work to combat censorship.
Why Censorship and Subscriptions Matter
I will use experience with censorship, its effect on daily views and reader subscriptions as an example:
15 years in, a few years ago now, we had a free subscriber email list of 15,000 people. We sent out 400,000 emailed articles per day. We had 50,000 articles read per day and more on telegram etc. Over the Covid period we reached 20 million people and got the message out there that covid was a lie, and the vaccines were the real killer. Hopefully we helped many stay away from them. Our reach was good, we were considered a high traffic site by site ranking companies.
We were reaching so many people with our daily articles read on the site and emailed out that worpress decided to shut us down to stop the truth getting out.
Enter Censorship And Its Effects:
Due to censorship we were shut down without notice. After 15 years on the platform. Our subscription service was halted. 400,000 emails of truth per day silenced.
14,000 articles were taken offline, and 15,000 subscribers stopped getting daily emails.
In addition to not having access to our wordpress subscribers we could not access our URL for one week.
I rebuilt a new site in that week while waiting for access to our URL. And had to start again from scratch. Which we did.
Having to start from scratch due to extreme censorship of worpress has taken a toll on our reach and on the reach of the truth.
Loosing 14,000 articles drastically impacted our daily views plus our email subscriber list went from 15,000 to 0.
We have rebuilt on the new platform and now have 4,000 articles published so far.
On the new platform we now have to pay on our end for sending emails, so we were forced to require a $1 monthly fee to cover the cost.
We have gained back 267 subscribers out of 15,000. Due to the cost or having to link a card, many are unwilling to subscribe. Based upon our industry and how we are censored I can understand peoples hesitation to be associated with an industry that is being blacklisted.
But at some point people have to make a stand, many of you have.
In order for the independent media to thrive, and survive, in order for the truth to be known and continue to be available, people need to realize the importance of supporting the industry that brings you the truth.
Subscriptions to your favourite news outlets is like buying a magazine or newspaper. But one that actually tells you the truth.
With subscriptions costs are covered and salaries earned. The truth industry thrives, and the truth survives.
Fighting Censorship
You can fight censorship by sharing articles and telling others where to find the truth. Help our industry and reach more people. Help us combat the censorship we endure.
The Power Of The Subscription
The power of $1 is immense to this industry, the cost is minimal.
Again using as an example, if we had a larger fraction of our 15,000 subscribers back we would be able to cover costs and would provide an income for our work. 267 subscribers at $1, $3 or $11 (132 of which are still receiving articles but their cards decline, a sign of the times) is greatly helping us but we are not yet covering all costs, paying any incomes or able to fund expansion plans.
New subscribers are our future and the future of this industry.
Subscriptions fuelled the original free press. Advertisers took over and censorship began. Now we are the new free press and we need subscribers to grow. On we do not allow any advertising; We do this to keep the content clear and accessible and free from advertiser censorship coercion.
A shift in thinking is required to make subscriptions a recognized essential part of the growth of independent media and the truth movement.
Subscribing to truth ensures the truth will always be told.
Please support the truth industry by subscribing and encouraging others to do the same.
We appreciate your help to cover costs and to support our work. Thank you truth warriors!
Become A Monthly Subscriber And Support Our Work At
Or You Can Help Us In Our Mission By Making A One Time Donation
If you are having any issues donating or subscribing with your bank or card due to smart economic sanctions against the independent media industry and you would like an alternative means to donate please contact us directly. Thank you.
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