Closed + Indifferent Minds

Gary D. Barnett
“We are seeing a globalization of indifference. There is a culture of conflict, which makes us think only of ourselves. Makes us live in soap bubbles which, however lovely, are also insubstantial. We’ve become used to the suffering of others. It doesn’t affect me. No one in our world feels responsible.”
~ Jonathan Pryce
As should be very apparent, this is a contentious subject, a double edged sword of sorts, and one that requires open and honest explanation. It should be obvious, but it is not, that no one can forcibly open another’s closed mind, or tame and stifle his indifference. No matter the power wielded, no matter the desired intent, no matter a gallant effort, wasted or not; each person is a unique individual, regardless of his collective desires, or his cowardice in the face of adversity and human suffering. Each of us has to come to his own conclusions, right or wrong, and while it is noble to attempt to educate and bring forth some truth and reason to those lacking the initiative to willfully obtain knowledge, it is an aggressive affront to demand compliance with one’s personal wishes.
The indifference and apathy that consumes the common man, especially in this current world of lost hope, the great ambition of the masses for personal gratification above all else, the lack of individual awareness and responsibility, and the extreme tyranny being pursued by those who choose to rule over others, cannot be remedied by hostility, regardless of the sorry state in which humanity finds itself today.
What has happened to the human mind and behavior, is a stark reminder of the seemingly unlimited flaws of man. To have reached this level of existence, required that society as a whole, had to forego almost all normal and traditional thinking, responsibility, caring, and empathy, in favor of a cold and callous presence of mind. While this may seem a harsh observance, is it really? Consider the absolute mass division that has been allowed to take hold in this country, the atrocious behavior now accepted as normal, the intentional blindness to our societal plight, the ‘confusion’ as to our natural human biology, the abuse and perversion against children worldwide, and the allowance of total terror and lies at the hands of the ruling class, it media mouthpieces, and all its government pawns.
It is as if all human imagination, love, joy, splendor, and responsibility, have been lost in a sea of ignorance, indifference, and hate. Maybe many think that the only way to survive this madness is to hide from it, but that is the antithesis of any reasonable solution possible. It is the individual after all, that is our savior in times of extreme strife, psychological pressures, and the absurdities in life. At this point in time, we face not only our own demons, but the possibility of the annihilation of our species. This situation is that dire.
We all know what has happened in the past few years, but that has been just the culmination of a multi-generational decline in human morality and existence; none of it accidental, consequential, or natural, as all of our ills are caused by those who purposely build and define the State’s narrative, and all those who allow it to happen without challenge. In other words, placing blame on one or the other, while convenient to weak minds, is asinine and shortsighted, as all who either strive to rule or voluntarily accept that rule, are at fault.
Most all of human existence and history has been consumed by theft, war, slaughter, killing, irresponsibility, confusion, immorality, self-pity, and dependence on the worst of mankind; the rulers, kings, presidents, congresses, dictators, and tyrants. Most all of this was voluntarily accepted, and that is the absurdity of our worldly presence.
In this country called America, the masses have supported over and over again, for all of our history, one aggressive war after another, where tens of millions of innocent men, women, and children were slaughtered only in the name of ‘God’ or country. This happened not due to any actual or legitimate defense, but due to a pathetic, easily fooled ‘public,’ who succumbed to horrendous nationalism instead of to moral principles. In all these occasions, most stood by without resistance, turned their heads, or even more common, applauded the murder of others at the hands of their rulers.
Any act of inhumanity willingly accepted without challenge by any of you, any act of depravity against others ignored, any act of aggression by any individual or country against innocents left unanswered, whether one against another, or whether sanctioned by this nation-state, is inhumane and indefensible. No one has a right to claim to be human in the face of inhumanity openly permitted.
Closed minds and indifference breeds an environment capable of finding unlimited excuses for ignoring or accepting immorality, violence, and brutality. This is not acceptable to any caring, compassionate, or thinking individual. It is the essence of cowardice and unfettered apathy, and those who ignore the plight of the aggressive harm of innocents, whether those aggressors are individuals, gangs, or the heinous State, (but I repeat myself) matters not.
It is not possible to open another’s mind, or eliminate his indifference to humanity, by force, as each independent individual has to accept responsibility for himself alone. The rest of us can only educate, and supply truthful and compelling information to those willing to listen. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink, and you can lead a closed-minded, indifferent, ignoramus to the truth and responsibility, but you can’t force him to accept it. This is the realty of humans.
All who understand the importance of real freedom, of independent and critical thinking, and who strive for a better world of peace, harmony and true personal justice, are up against mammoth odds, as history does surely support. We can never turn our backs and give up, for to do so, makes us the same as those who cause the insanity. To give up means the loss of all that is good, and that world should be avoided at all cost.
“Indifference, Gundhalinu, is the strongest force in the universe. It makes everything it touches meaningless. Love and hate don’t stand a chance against it. It lets neglect and decay and monstrous injustice go unchecked. It doesn’t act, it allows. And that’s what gives it so much power.”
~ Joan D. Vinge, The Snow Queen
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