Israeli Takeover Of Syria

Israeli Takeover Of Syria

Syria conquered just like that as a terrible tragedy unfolds accorts across the middle east.

The only reason why Syria was just conquered in a day and a night is because of Trump’s POTUS win…and because the utterly lawless empty suit Joe Biden will do whatever he’s told.

However, it’s really because Trump will soon be occupying the Oval Office that the go ahead was given by The Power That Beto conquer Syria.  For Trump was completely behind this fundamentally top Israeli goal toward the fulfillment of the rapidly evolving Greater Israel project.  Remember, it’s all about MIGA, not MAGA as Trump so often falsely trumpets.

But how did it happen so fast?

They keep saying “lightning fast offensive,” and there really is no other way to describe it. “Cheetah fast offensive” doesn’t cover it. You could maybe say “warp portal offensive,” but no one in the media would say that. I would say it.

Apparently, “no one saw it coming.”

I don’t really have any desire to go into the details here, but the media has always portrayed all of these various groups as representing different interests. That is probably true of the individuals involved in these groups, who are believers in whatever their cause is, whether they are Islamic extremists, Kurdish ethnic liberationists, or Turkish shills. I’m sure the members of these groups would disagree on several things. However, they all have the same core objective, which is overthrowing the Assad government. They work together remarkably well, presumably because they all know their money is coming from America, and they know the Americans want them cooperating. (I’m sure they imagine that when Assad is gone, they will build whichever sort of utopia they envision, just like Ukrainians planned to build an Aryan Reich.)
(Source: Welp. Syria Is Done.)

By the way, if you don’t get it yet, this is very, VERY serious development indeed—an extremely bad development, that is, for all parties concerned and especially for the people of Syria.  For it the various Christian communities who Israel is determined to wipe out just as they have mass murdered the Palestinian Christians via their horrific Gaza Genocide.

“A Syrian rebel leader has called on Israel for stronger actions against Iran-backed militias, proposing peaceful relations post-Assad. Rebels seek political support from Israel and envision a democratic, secular Syria that respects Kurdish rights.”
(Source: Syrian Rebel Leader’s Stunning ‘Israel Aid Admission’; Netanyahu’s Nexus Against Iran, Russia)

Make no mistake: Israel gets what Israel wants no matter who sits in the White House.  In point of fact, Trump only won 2016 because the Khazarian Mafia made sure that the Democrats would not steal it (which they fully intended on doing … … … and Trump won 2024 only because the Khazarian Cabal made sure he did. Does anyone still believe those two absurdly fake assassination attempts were’t carried out to bolster his electability odds on the home stretch?!

Back to the Israeli takeover of Syria.


Look it, this thing will ONLY get worse becoming yet another Zionist clusterfuck that it truly is.

Honestly, that Russia, Iran, China and other key players folded so quickly, and really allowed this military rout to occur, is an exceedingly bad omen for the BRICS and Global South.

As a matter of fact, this blizkrieg across Syria makes many wonder:

Did Russia Just Stunningly Betray The Syrian People By Making Treacherous Backroom Deal With Zio-Anglo-American Axis And Their Nation-Destroying Terrorists Groups?!  -


Image: Source [Edited]

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