Method Of Curing AIDS With Tetrasilver Tetroxide Molecular Crystal Devices

From Telegram
Back in the 90s, a more conscious hip hop community knew the government created AIDS. Today it is known that DS puppet doctor Fraudci created AIDS. The bad news is, those that have taken the vaQ can possibly get AIDS & other unwanted elements in their body. The good news is all of it is treatable — however it will require discipline work. Even AIDS is treatable, but most people DO NOT know this. Most institutional matrix doctors DO NOT know this. They are only trained to go by that one protocol book — written & distributed by the medical industrial complex.
Method of curing AIDS with tetrasilver tetroxide molecular crystal devices
Method of curing AIDS with tetrasilver tetroxide molecular crystal devices - Patent US-5676977-A - PubChem
US-5676977-A chemical patent summary.
US5676977A - Method of curing AIDS with tetrasilver tetroxide molecular crystal devices - Google Patents
Source: Telegram
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