Milei WEF Young Global Leader Globalist Puppet

Elderly Protester: “I’m Starving to Death” – “Milei – You’re a Son of a Bitch.” | Patricia Harrity
There has been much confusion as to where the President of Argentina’s loyalties lie, is it with the globalists or with the Argentinian people? This answer has been obvious for some time, as Milei is a WEF man, a graduate of the school of Klaus and his Young Global Leaders. Ever the performer, Milei however has played the part of the saviour of the previously Peronist nation and a darling of the people who vowed to free Argentina from “decadence and decline.” So good was his performance, even after being invited to the globalist meet up at Davos, he still managed to convince the wide awake that he was anti everything the WEF are about.
Fast forward and a few weeks into his presidency, his policies to reform the Argentinian economy, previously reported by the Expose, it is obvious that not only is he one of Schwab’s best boys, he is a vile dictatorial violator of human rights.
The Great Pretender
There were certainly early warning signs that were missed by the many who hoped Milei was all he appeared to be:
“All these politicians who blame the human race for climate change are fake and are only looking to raise money to finance socialist bums who write fourth-rate newspapers.” Javier Milei made his views on the climate crisis clear before becoming Argentina’s president-elect in November.
Milei economist, political outsider and former TV pundit won November’s general election with the highest percentage of votes since the country’s return to democracy in 1983, against the backdrop of a crippling financial crisis.
Economist Milei campaigned with radical policies, including replacing the country’s peso with the US dollar, shutting the central bank, and halving the number of ministries.
He also proposed holding a referendum on the legality of abortion, easing regulation on guns and called the climate crisis a “socialist lie”
“All these politicians who blame the human race for climate change are fake and are only looking to raise money to finance socialist bums who write fourth-rate newspapers,” Mr Milei previously said.
According to the Telegraph, “such comments fuelled doubts around the future of the country’s environmental agenda, particularly when he rejected the Paris Agreement – which Argentina signed in 2015 – for being “cultural Marxism”.
Surprisingly, for some, Javier Milei backflipped on his campaign promise to exit the Paris Agreement on Day 1 of his presidency!
Yes, day 1!

The Madman
Milei, a celebrity economist nicknamed “El Loco” (the Madman), became president in December vowing to free Argentina from decades of “decadence and decline” with his libertarian ideas and won the presidential election in Argentina with a margin of 55.69% defeating Peronist Sergio Massa.

It is important to note, that voting is mandatory in Argentina and while 8.3 million voters, many of whom traditionally would have backed Peronism, actually preferred to abstain and pay a fine. Conversely, the bulk of Milei‘s voters was in protest against the Peronist policies and rule within Argentina for most of the last forty years since the fall of the dictatorship.
“The pessimistic mood of many of those going to the polls was summed up by one Milei voter who told the media: “Mejor un loco que un ladrón,” better a madman than a thief.
Davos 2024
Confusing many, just a few short weeks after his election victory, Milei, who is a graduate of the WEF school of Global Young Leaders, made an appearance at Davos on the 17th January and was introduced by Klaus Schwab as the “freely elected president of Argentina” which, as we know is a rarity these days of the New World Order and the WEFs infiltration of governments worldwide.
Milei, however, continued to drive the excitement of many when his speech, which he read from a piece of paper rarely looking up, seemed to be promoting an ideology that was anti-WEF, anti-socialism, and anti-authoritarian as it would be possible to be.
I asked in an article on January 18th, if this was in fact a ploy, and is Javier Milei just another puppet working to rebuild trust in the World Economic Forum (WEF)? source. Well of course the answer would be yes.

Since then, El Loco, has swiftly pushed forward with a reform bill known as the “omnibus law” and as we reported in the Expose last month, his proposal to implement a “shock treatment” favouring free market capitalism.
The Expose reported that this idea was similar to the”shock treatment” that Pinochet implemented in the 1970s on the advice of economist Milton Freedman with disastrous results.
Pinochet dismantled Chile’s public sphere, auctioning off state enterprises and slashing financial and trade regulations and although enormous wealth was created in this period by the early 80s, the Pinochet/Friedman-“shock treatment” policies had caused rapid de-industrialisation, a tenfold increase in unemployment and an explosion of distinctly unstable shantytowns. Also leading to a crisis of corruption and severe debt and human rights abuses. See here
Controversial Innovations
Milei’s decree and the draft legislation propose hundreds of highly controversial innovations including:
- A wave of privatisations
- Ferocious spending cuts
- A major expansion of presidential powers
- Scaling back of workers’ rights
- Closed 9 of 18 government ministries, including those responsible for education, the environment, and women, gender and diversity.
- Devalued Argentina’s currency, the peso, by more than 50% against the dollar.
- Wiped out or amended some 300 regulations by emergency decree
- Dropped laws that regulate Argentina’s rental market and supermarket supplies which has resulted in food and rent becoming unaffordable for many.
- Devalued Argentina’s currency by 54%
- Slashed state subsidies for fuel and transport
- Removed restrictions on the privatisation of state enterprises, some warn are opening the door to the sale of natural resources to big business . Source
Moves “Will Rescue Argentina From Economic Hell”
Milei claims such moves will rescue Argentina from the “economic hell” he blames on his Peronist predecessors. But the agony has intensified since his inauguration. Monthly inflation hit 25.5% last month compared with 12.8% in November. Additionally, annual inflation has reached a three-decade high of 211.4% – even higher than in Venezuela, a country reeling from a decade-long economic collapse.
Yet, only seven weeks following his election victory President Javier Milei’s radical attempt to “reshape” Argentina has resulted in a nationwide strike, has shuttered schools and businesses, grounded hundreds of flight and forced tens of thousands of marchers to take to the streets resulting in police clashes, say the Guardian.
Demonstrations Against Reforms and Austerity
Protesting is a right in Argentina yet, when the protests began in late December, against the austerity and deregulation measures, the Milei administration said it would allow protests but threatened to cut public aid payments to those blocking thoroughfares, which has been common practice for protesters for years.
According to, “Marchers began gathering in Buenos Aires, the capital, and set out toward the iconic Plaza de Mayo, the scene of protests dating back to the country’s 1980s dictatorship. Police struggled to keep marchers from taking over the entire boulevard.”
One of the organisers of the march, Eduardo Belliboni, said demonstrators faced
“an enormous repressive apparatus.” Belliboni’s claimed marches wouldn’t fit on the sidewalks. “This (the street) is where people move around all over the world … where are we going to fit 50,000 people?,” he asked.
Milei’s security minister told local media:
“Protesters “can demonstrate as many times as they want. They can go to the squares .. but the streets are not going to be closed,” and then announced a new “protocol” to maintain public order that allows federal forces to clear people blocking streets without a judicial order and authorizes the police to identify — through video or digital means — people protesting and obstructing public thoroughfares. It can bill them for the cost of mobilizing security forces. Source

Today, February the 2nd, police in Argentina have fired rubber bullets to disperse protesters gathered outside Congress in Buenos Aires as lawmakers debated newly elected President Javier Milei’s sweeping economic, social and political reform package.
Opposition legislators stormed out of the building at one point to observe and denounce the police action, but later went back inside to take their seats and the debate resumed until past midnight.
Local media reported three people injured and several arrests. The Buenos Aires press union reported at least a dozen journalists were hit by rubber bullets, including one in the face.
Criminalising the Right to Protest

Some groups say the protocol goes too far and criminalises the right to protest as just hours before the protest, police officers were deployed in downtown Buenos Aires and other parts of the city but mainly at the entrances to the capital and some public transportation stations.
Argentine labor, social and human rights groups on Tuesday signed a petition asking the United Nations and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights to intercede against the new public order procedures.
The document states that the security protocol is “incompatible with the rights to free assembly and association, freedom of expression and social protest” recognised in the country’s constitution.
Days later, the government announced that people who block streets could be removed from the public assistance benefit lists if they are on one.

Economic Hell
That may well work to silence them, as people are already living in an economic hell. The Guardian reported on January the 24th, that on the previous “Wednesday at lunchtime, thousands of objectors marched through the capital, Buenos Aires, and other major cities, to voice their anger at Milei’s moves.”
“We’re fighting against the way in which the far right is basically trying to eliminate our rights of existence on all levels, from healthcare to work,” said protester Federica Baeza.
Another protester Ivana Uez, had brought her daughter hoping to stop Milei stripping away her five-year-old’s rights and afraid that Milei’s “catastrophic” deregulation of the housing market would send rents soaring.
Union leader Hugo Yasky told local radio the strike was against the “utter social insensitivity” of a government which has slashed energy and transport subsidies. Source
An elderly man held a placard reading: “I’m retired. I earn 106,000 pesos [about $84 a month]and said:
Thatcher on Steroids
Despite the abuse of rights and the austerity suffered by the Argentinian people, Milei wants them silenced and has ordered military police and security companies to photograph protestors, and threatened to strip anyone protesting of welfare payments, and is aiming to introduce new laws that would result in protestors being imprisoned for 6 years.
Speaking to the conservative news outlet Voz Media, Farage compared Milei’s “exciting” plans to Margaret Thatcher’s attempt to resuscitate the British economy during the 1980s.
“Britain was in a state of terrible decline. The trade unions running the country, high inflation, high unemployment, low growth. We had become the sick man of Europe,” Farage claimed, hailing the “extraordinary gains” Thatcher’s “very painful medicine” had brought about. Milei was now doing precisely the same, Farage believed. “But he’s doing it on a scale that is almost beyond anyone’s thinking … This is Thatcherism on steroids.” Source

Argentina has an annual inflation rate of 161 percent, and four out of every 10 people are poor. The South American country also faces a $45 billion debt owed to the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
Wait a minute – $45 billion owed to the IMF?
But May 25, 2018 Thousands of Argentines swarmed into the capital’s downtown Friday to protest the government seeking financial help from the International Monetary Fund. “
75 percent of Argentines feel that seeking assistance from the IMF is a bad move.”

The IMF and the (and the World Bank) are responsible for deepening the economic inequality they are meant to address, according to activist group Fight Inequality, from developing nations at a “People’s Alternative Global Tribunal.” The group testified about how the policies of the international financial institutions impacted their countries. and said they found the international financial institutions “guilty of fuelling inequality by colluding with the financial sector and powerful multinational corporations”. Source
The group said they (the IMf and World Bank) “pursue an economic model that is entirely flawed and favours political and financial elites” and called on them to “stop working for the richest and start working for the rest”. The jury and audience members called the World Bank and International Monetary Fund “the biggest scam of the century” Anyway, I digress…
Confusion Over?

Never before in modern Argentinian history has this been seen less than seven weeks into a new presidency. Zeee_Media and remarks on the removal of restrictions on the privatisation of state enterprises,” which she says that some warn that this is opening the door to the sale of natural resources to big business. She continues, that this […] ” in particular could easily lead to natural resources being seized by WEF businesses under the guise of “conservation,” which could very well be what he meant when he told them at Davos that they have his unwavering support.”
Clearly the confusion should be over, Milei is an indebted member of the globalist puppets working for the powers that ought not to be. He is pushing the global agenda and the people of Argentina are suffering due to his implementation of the tried and tested, abusive reforms of his “shock treatment.”
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