New | Comments On Articles | Truth Warrior Portal

New | Comments On Articles | Truth Warrior Portal

Dylan Eleven •

The goal of comments on articles is to gain additional truth.

For the first time we are going to add comments on articles. We have not allowed this in the past to keep out trolls and bots. All comments have to be approved. Truthful comments that add value to our readers, such as additional information, clarification, validation or worthy rebuttal will be posted.

To make a comment for an article, for fellow readers to see, please subscribe for $3 or $11 per month, and join our Truth Warrior community. Sign in, and go to our Truth.Warrior page to submit your comments.

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Then go to our New Truth Warriors Page

Tell us and fellow truth warriors what you are thinking. We will post comments and statements on this page, for all readers to see, that align with our focus on truth and that add value to our readers. The page can be found on our main menu.

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