
Running For Canadian PM | Tyrannical Leftist Nutcase Chrystia Freeland Wants To Build A Nuclear Deterrent To Protect Canada From The US

Running For Canadian PM | Tyrannical Leftist Nutcase Chrystia Freeland Wants To Build A Nuclear Deterrent To Protect Canada From The US

Jim Hoft | TheGatewayPundit In February 2022, Canada’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Chrystia Freeland, announced crowdfunding for Canadian freedom protesters and truck drivers would be considered ‘terrorist financing.’  This was after Canadian truckers formed a boycott to protest the tyrannical COVID vaccine policies implemented by the Trudeau
“Long Covid” Is A Cover Story For Vaccine Damage | Gaslit Vaccinated Friends + Family Continue To Suffer While Their  Doctors Are Still "Baffled"

“Long Covid” Is A Cover Story For Vaccine Damage | Gaslit Vaccinated Friends + Family Continue To Suffer While Their Doctors Are Still "Baffled" | S.D. Wells * LVS (Long-Vax-Syndrome) is causing widespread health issues: The health problems experienced by vaccinated individuals are not due to "Long Covid," but rather to the lingering effects of mRNA vaccines, which cause cells to produce harmful spike proteins indefinitely, leading to autoimmune disorders and