Pandemic Treaty | Nations Are Expected To Obediently and Immediately Sign An Unfinished Document
James Roguski |
The negotiations for the “Pandemic Treaty” are on the verge of failing miserably. The bad actors involved are desperate, so they are trying to pull a fast one by using a dark psychology technique.
The Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) that has been negotiating the “Pandemic Treaty” has done an absolutely horrible job at reaching consensus.
But maybe it is much more complicated than that!
The Intergovernmental Negotiating Body has clearly failed to get the 194 member nations to reach an agreement regarding the details of the following aspects of the negotiations:
- One Health (Articles 4-5)
- Pathogen Access and Benefits Sharing System (PABS) (Article 12)
- Financing (Article 20) and Conference of the Parties (Article 21)
However, rather than admit defeat, they are resorting to a form of negotiating blackmail.
They are attempting to pressure the WHO member nations to adopt an incomplete agreement during the upcoming 77th World Health Assembly which they plan to make available to be signed that very same day (as soon as May 28, 2024).
The not-so-subtle threat is this:
If nations do NOT obediently and immediately sign the unfinished document, then they will not be able to continue to participate in the subsequent negotiations to work out the details.
Proposal for the WHO Pandemic Agreement:
Proposed Pandemic Treaty Resolution:
The proposed “Pandemic Treaty Resolution” is scheduled to be submitted to the 77th World Health Assembly on May 28, 2024. It includes a recommendation to vote to adopt the proposed “Pandemic Treaty,” which is included within the proposed “Pandemic Treaty Resolution.”
Excerpts from the Proposed “Pandemic Treaty Resolution”:
CALLS UPON all States and regional economic integration organizations entitled to do so, to consider signing, ratifying, accepting, approving, formally confirming or acceding to the Agreement at the earliest opportunity, with a view to bringing the Agreement into force as soon as possible;
The Agreement shall be open for signature at WHO headquarters in Geneva, from [28 May] to [28 June] 2024, and thereafter at United Nations headquarters in New York, from [8 July] 2024 to [7 July] 2025;
In the leaked draft of the “Proposal for the WHO Pandemic Agreement,” the date that was specified for the agreement to be available for signature was June 17, 2024.
The date specified in the official “Proposal for the WHO Pandemic Agreement” is not specified.
The date specified in the draft of the “Proposed Pandemic Treaty Resolution” is May 28, 2024.
Regardless, the “Proposal for the WHO Pandemic Agreement” must NOT be signed.
FURTHER URGES all Member States, regional economic integration organizations, international organizations and other interested parties to support the preparatory activities referred to in this resolution, and to effectively encourage prompt entry into force and implementation of the Agreement;
One Health
In order to provide that the instrument/s is/are operational no later than 31 May 2026, the One Health InterGovernmental Working Group shall submit its outcome for consideration by the Seventy-eighth World Health Assembly [May 2025], or to the Conference of the Parties, as appropriate to the legal nature of the proposed international instrument deemed appropriate by the One Health InterGovernmental Working Group;
Pathogen Access and Benefit-Sharing System (PABS)
In order to provide that WHO Pathogen Access and Benefit-Sharing System (PABS) is operational no later than 31 May 2026, the PABS InterGovernmental Working Group shall submit its outcome for consideration by the Seventy-eighth World Health Assembly [May 2025], or to the Conference of the Parties, as appropriate to the legal nature of the proposed international instrument deemed appropriate by the PABS InterGovernmental Working Group.
Financing and Conference of the Parties
Rules of procedure for the Conference of the Parties and criteria for participation of observers at sessions of the Conference of the Parties (Article 21.5);Financial rules for the Conference of the Parties and its subsidiary bodies, and financial provisions governing the functioning of the secretariat (Article 21.6);A draft budget for the first financial period (Article 21.6);Preparations for the convening of the first session of the Conference of the Parties, following entry into force of the Agreement;
The resolution also requests that the Director-General implement with immediate effect the activities under the following articles:
- Article 6.5 (Preparedness, readiness and resilience)
- Article 7.3 (Health and care workforce)
- Article 10.6 (Sustainable and geographically diversified production, and technology transfer and know-how), [NOTE: They are so desperate and in such a rush that this article doesn’t even exist.]
- Article 13.1 (Supply chain and logistics)
- Article 13.6 (Vaccine and therapeutic related compensation and liability during pandemics)
- Article 14 (Regulatory strengthening)
- Article 20.3 (Coordinating Financial Mechanism of the Agreement)
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