Rare Magnetic Earth Metals in COVID-19 Vaccines | Magnetic Humans

Rare Magnetic Earth Metals in COVID-19 Vaccines | Magnetic Humans

Karen Kingston | substack.com/@karenkingston

A peer-review study confirms that rare earth metals used to create super magnets are undisclosed ingredients in the 'COVID-19 vaccines,' potentially explaining the magnetic humans phenomenon.

Yesterday, InfoWars reported on a recently published study in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice and Research (IJVTPR) confirming that there are ‘at least 55 undeclared chemical elements found in the COVID-19 vaccines,’ including toxic metals, radioactive elements, and ‘11 cytotoxic lanthanides (rare earth metals) used in electronic devices and optogenetics.’

Rare Earth Metals (Lanthanides) are Used to Create Super Magnets for Nuclear Reactors, Windmills, Smart Phones and Electronic Vehicles

Lanthanides, also known as ‘rare earth metals’ have unique electromagnetic properties that have established them as the cornerstone of the internet-of-things and many advanced technologies, including; nuclear reactors, smart phones, fiber optics, lasers, windmills, and electronic vehicles (EVs). Rare earth lanthanides are also used to create the highly powerful, permanent magnets found in Elon Musk’s Neuralink and the motors of Tesla electronic vehicles.

What Rare Earth Metals Were Found in Pfizer’s and Moderna’s COVID-19 Injections?

Nine (9) rare earth metals were found in the Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA injections.

Moderna contained 7 rare earth metals, including Neodymium.

Rare Earth Metals Used to Create Super Powerful Neo-Magnets

Per the 2024 US Geological Survey (USGS), the US purchased thousands of tons of rare-earth magnet block materials including Neodymium (found in the Moderna ‘vaccine’).

Neodymium magnets (or neo-magnets) are the strongest permanent magnets losing less than 5% of their strength over 100 years. Neo-magnets are used to write data into cells of a hard drive and to carry and convert sound waves in headphones and speakers.

According to a national magnet retailer, neo-magnets are so powerful that they can “crush fingers, break bones, cause internal bleeding if swallowed, be a hazard to the eyes, and cause death.”

Neo-magnets are also a dangerous threat to electronic devices and other magnets (causing re- or demagnetization).

People Were Not Magnetic Prior to the “COVID-19 Vaccine” Rollout

Despite the rumors that ‘humans were always magnetic’ prior to the ‘COVID-19 vaccine’ rollout, human tissue and bone were not magnetic. The validation from this recently published study in IJVTPR that COVID-19 shots contain magnetic rare earth metals and super magnetic materials is the likely explanation of the magnetic human phenomenon.

This is a 25-minute compilation of injected people placing magnets on their bodies.

Why Are There Magnetic Rare Earth Metals (Lanthanides) in the ‘COVID-19 Vaccines’?

The scientific researchers of the IVJTPR article opined;

“Whereas the appearance of the daunting diversity of undeclared chemical elements remains strange, the clues seem to be pointing to some kind of worldwide technological experimentation. Because the lanthanides, as we have noted above, are known to be extremely cytotoxic, their being discovered in significant quantity and across the whole array of vaccines we have studied here, is suggestive of some kind of nanotechnological experimentation along the lines discussed by Kourie & Broudy 2022.”

“Cyborgs R Us”

The Kourie & Broudy 2022 publication the authors are referring to is entitled, “Cyborgs R Us,” and highlights the many speeches given by Yuval Noah Harari on leveraging the COVID-19 crisis to inoculate humans with Ai gene-editing and surveillance technologies in order to control the human population and create new species. (Link to a 3-minute clip of Yuval Noah Harari on “Humans are Hackable Animals.”)

Section 4.3 Undeclared Nanotechnology Found in ‘COVID-19 Vaccines’

The authors confirm the presence of self-assembling nanotechnology in the COVID-19 injections and discuss the optoelectronic role of quantum dots in neuronal control and neural interfaces (i.e. brain-computer interfaces such as Neuralink).

Lathanides Use Light (Optics) to Read and Write Activity of Nerve Cells in the Brain

In the abstract, the authors stated that the “cytotoxic lanthanides (are) used in electronic devices and optogenetics.’

According to multiple resources and the Centre for Neural Circuits and Behaviour, optogenetics uses light (optics) to modify the genetic code of targeted cells, including neurons.

“Optogenetic techniques allow neuroscientists to read or write patterns of neuronal activity in the living brain with cellular and molecular specificity.”

“Optogenetic control is a form of wireless communication in which the receiver of the wireless signal - the actuator-is fabricated from materials encoded with DNA…The activity of the cell can be controlled simply by turning on an external light source.”

Rewriting the Genetic Code of All Cells in All Americans is a Societal Goal of the CCP and Biden Administration

On September 12, 2022, President Biden signed the Executive OrderAdvancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovations for a Sustainable, Safe, and Secure American Bioeconomy.

The Execute Order states, “For biotechnology and biomanufacturing to help us achieve our societal goals… We need to develop genetic engineering technologies and techniques to be able to write circuitry for cells and predictably program biology the same way in which we write a software and program computers.”

Biden states that in order to achieve societal goals we need to develop genetic engineering technologies that can write circuitry for cells and program biology the same way a developer would write software for a computer. Not only is this transhumanism, but the societal goals of the Biden administration and the Chinese Communist Party are the same; the destruction America, human rights and humanity.

We Don’t Want This

Throughout 2021 - 2023, I was frequently interviewed by Stew Peters to disclose the use of graphene oxide, quantum dots, electromagnetic hydrogels, and smart devices in the COVID-19 injections as part of a global criminal experiment on humans and a war against humanity.

Those in power (on both sides) are not being honest with the American people. There are sociopathic leaders that are telling Americans and global citizens what they believe we want to hear in order to advance their transhumanism agenda and the destruction of humanity.

Last week, during his debut for Ai autonomous robots and vehicles, Elon Musk asserted “We, Rebot: This is the World We Want,” a world where humans have lost all autonomy to come and go as they please within their own cities, states, countries, and the globe.

The above image is not ‘what we want,’ It is exactly what the World Economic Forum desires, a world where there are no vehicles in site….and…no humans.

Ephesians 5: 11-3

And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. For it is shameful even to speak of those things which are done by them in secret. But all things that are exposed are made manifest by the light, for whatever makes manifest is light.

Original Article: https://karenkingston.substack.com/p/rare-magnetic-earth-metals-in-covid

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