Riots in England: Immigrationist Policy Tearing U.K. Apart | Two-Tier System

Riots in England: Immigrationist Policy Tearing U.K. Apart | Two-Tier System

Selwyn Duke | The John Birch Society

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable,” noted President John F. Kennedy in 1962.

This could occur to a person pondering the anti-balkanization riots currently roiling the United Kingdom.

Then again, the British not long ago had a chance to effect peaceful “revolution” via the ballot box — and they empowered the very party, Labour (tantamount to our Democrats), most responsible for the crime-breeding immigration people are now rioting over.

So nothing has changed, least of which the double standard governing who may be violent in Britain. Just consider the following headline relating to riots in Leeds just two weeks ago:

“Muslim Migrant Mobs Rampage Leeds UK, Police Retreat.”

Now contrast it with news about the British government’s response to the current anti-balkanization riots. To wit:

“UK police brace for more far-right protests as government warns of tough response.”

A commenter under the latter article noted the British government’s selective testosterone rushes, writing, “Oddly dissimilar to the response to any leftist protests, regardless of the amount of damage.”


Of course, just as January 6, 2021 followed a year or more of 600-plus mostly tolerated (facilitated?) nation-rending Antifa-BLM riots in the United States, is it possible that indigenous Brits wouldn’t currently be rioting if authorities didn’t tolerate violence from its non-indigenous population? Precedents matter, and “Violence for me but not for thee” doesn’t go down well with “thee.”

It’s good for creating a pretext, though, for clamping down on “thee.”

Riots in England: Immigrationist Policy Tearing U.K. Apart
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Interestingly, both sets of riots were sparked by incidents involving children. The Leeds violence began after authorities took four gypsy children into care. The current riots started after 17-year-old Axel Rudakubana, the son of Rwandan immigrants, stabbed three little girls to death and injured up to 10 others at a dance class last Monday. A rumor had spread that that the perpetrator was Islamic because Rudakubana lives in a Muslim area, but his family is actually Christian. (This said, there appears no public information about the killer’s current religion or what his motive might’ve been — even a week later.)

And it all has led to violence serious enough to inspire headlines such as “UK on BRINK of CIVIL WAR!” While this will likely be averted for now, Britain does appear on that road. As The Telegraph reports:

Violent clashes broke out between far-Right rioters and Muslim counter-protesters on Sunday in a sixth day of unrest on Britain’s streets.

The disorder that has spread since the Southport killings showed no sign of abating over the weekend amid escalating community tensions.

In Rotherham, a hotel used to house asylum seekers was set ablaze, and another in Tamworth was targeted by anti-immigration protesters.

In Bolton, Muslim groups shouting “Allahu Akbar” clashed with far-Right rioters.

A mob in Middlesbrough shouted “smash the p—s” and “there ain’t no black in the Union Jack” while targeting the homes of migrants, while footage on social media from elsewhere in the city appeared to show groups of Asian men attacking white men. [Note: “Asian” is how Muslims are generally described in British media.]

In an emergency address from Downing Street, Sir Keir Starmer warned the rioters would regret taking part and vowed to do “whatever it takes to bring these thugs to justice as quickly as possible”.

… He added: “This is not protest. I won’t shy away from calling this what it is — far-Right thuggery.”

Why Starmer didn’t exhibit the reticence shown when characterizing Muslim rioters and call these demonstrators “non-Asian” was not reported. After all, is it actually known that most of the rioters are “far right”? (Or is objecting to little girls being viciously murdered now an extremist position?)

In fairness, there certainly are thugs using the protests opportunistically, as reports of looting evidence. Nonetheless, immigrationist policy — which maniacally floods Western nations with massive numbers of unassimilable migrants — has brought Britain to a boiling point. As commentator Andrea Widburg writes, “For many British people, this attack on children was the final straw, and that’s true even though Axel is apparently not Muslim [?] and is British-born. They haven’t forgotten the Islamically-inspired violence that’s been practically normative in Great Britain and Ireland since 9/11.”

Widburg proceeded to document that violence as well as, earlier in her piece, pointing out that Britain had enjoyed stable (and stabilizing) demographics for 900 years until Labour’s Tony Blair became prime minister (in 1997) and opened the floodgates. The latter’s result?

“From 2001 to 2011, 70% of Britain’s population growth was due not to Brits having babies but to immigration,” related Widburg. “In 2021, almost 15% of the UK’s population was immigrants. Then, in the single year from 2022 to 2023, England and Wales added over 600,000 people.” And this immigration’s rationale?

As Andrew Neather, a former Blair advisor, explained in 2009, the massive Third World immigration into the U.K. over the previous 15 years had been designed to “rub the Right’s nose in diversity and render their arguments out of date.” Now, question:

Is this the purpose of immigration policy — to perhaps irrevocably alter a nation’s demographics so you can cement political power?

And is this, to echo Starmer, not itself a type of thuggery, of a cultural variety?

Whatever the case, British noses of all ideological bents are now being rubbed in diversity, as the long series of tweets below illustrates (hat tip: Widburg and Jihad Watch).

Here are peaceful anti-balkanization protesters:

Then there’s the violence:

“It’s the ‘Allahu akbar’ chant that’s the tip-off that they’re not engaged in peaceful pushback against mob violence,” states Widburg about the next two tweets. “They view their role in the UK as a jihad”:

As for the below, it’s not surprising it occurred it Rotherham. That’s where the aforementioned beating, terrorizing, and sexual abuse of more than 1,400 indigenous British girls by Muslim rape gangs were ignored by U.K. authorities for more than 15 years due to political correctness.

And this is how the British government is responding:

Below is one Lord Walney, a government advisor, suggesting Covid-style lockdowns to quell “Islamophobia.”

And here’s Prime Minister Starmer, announcing new police powers:

This is what happens, too, “when a government imports people who are antithetical to the citizens and, as in the case of Rotherham and the grooming and rape scandal, does nothing to stop the immigrants’ depredations against the existing population,” concludes Widburg.

“With luck, the newly installed Labour government will fall,” she continues. “Without luck, Starmer will use this unrest to consolidate his hold on power; his government will go after the pro-British protesters with the ferocity of Biden going after the J6 protesters, even while ignoring the Muslim protests; and the government will speed up replacing a non-compliant British population.”

This may not be what what that British population wants, but it is what it voted for on, ironically, July 4, Independence Day for us. Will it signify the end of days for British Britain?

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