Solutions • 4

These pages focus on solutions and resources. They are starting points for you to do your own research to see if the solutions presented are suitable for you.
Breuss Cancer Cure • Austrian’s Juice Cured Over 45,000 People From Cancer + Other Incurable Diseases
Prepare For Change | Derek Knauss The core of the Breuss Cancer Cure is a rigid diet, which consists of a 42-day fast in combination with special vegetable juices and teas. Additional recommendations are included, for instance, to avoid so-called water veins. According to Breuss’s theory, cancer…

Stories - React19
Support for those suffering longterm Covid19 vaccine reactions

Synergistic Pairing Of Anti-Parasite Drugs Ivermectin And Fenbendazole Found Highly Effective At Preventing And Treating Cancer | Ethan Huff Synergistic pairing of ivermectin and fenbendazole found HIGHLY EFFECTIVE at preventing and treating cancer During the [fake] Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “p[l]andemic,” the powers that be made it a top priority to discourage and even prevent the general public from…

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