Starving Cancer Of Its Sugar (glucose) + Oxygenating The Body | Diet | Warburg + Vodder
The Marshall Report |
As stated by Otto Warburg nearly a century ago, “cancer is a metabolic disease, a fermentation caused by malfunctioning mitochondria, resulting in increased anabolism and decreased catabolism. Treatment should, therefore, aim at restoring the energy yield. To decrease anabolism, glucose (sugar) uptake should be reduced”.
Warburg hypothesized that cancer growth is caused by tumor cells generating energy (as, e.g., adenosine triphosphate/ATP) mainly by anaerobic breakdown of glucose (known as fermentation, or anaerobic respiration). This is in contrast to healthy cells, which generate energy mainly from oxidative breakdown of pyruvate. Pyruvate is an end product of glycolysis and is oxidized within the mitochondria. Hence, according to Warburg, cancer should be interpreted as a mitochondrial dysfunction.
Note: the mitochondria of the cell is where energy is stored from the light emitting diodes from the sun that allows cells to multiply and divide. Without the full spectrum lighting from the sun, living cells can’t function. And now you know why they got rid of full spectrum incandescent light bulbs!
This is also why “MED-BEDS” will assist the body to heal. It’s all about light emitting diodes that replicate the full spectrum of the sun that go all the way into the skin down to the bone. (Along with other positive physiological changes it creates within cellular action.)
Today, we look at other factors that were not known to Warburg that also contribute to cell death, and how the body works to reestablish homeostasis – i.e. put the body back into its natural balance and be healthy again. But, those who paid for such research from men like Warburg and others, were always searching for the way to mingle with all of that, as in the days of Noah where they mingled seeds of man, beast, and living plants. And then there were also the goals of how to control free will through controlling ones mind. The same ones who funded research on the body, were the ones who funded the new field of psychiatry… the right leg of philosophy and a new method of mind control. A new form of religious confession… tell your shrink what you are thinking and your deepest secrets and allow them to get thoroughly inside your head. Try the pills and a bit of hypnosis. Tavistock Institute wants to find the easiest, fastest methods to herd the sheep for the ones who rule the world from the shadows.
Let’s take a deeper look into Warburg…
Warburg came from a family history of biologists. He was observing the breakout of what they called cancer during the NAZI rise and during a time of bio-warfare research. When we start to connect the dots it appears he was studying a bit more than finding a cure. Or was he? Perhaps his research was first funded by those who wanted to understand the mysterious inner workings of the body and how to clone it, alter it, or all sorts of “its”. When we look at the NAZI concentration camps we can imagine all sorts of “its” that might apply. The fact that he won the Nobel Peace Prize for his work and was awarded an honorary doctorate by Oxford University, well that all appears to be quite the achievement, yet he was frustrated by the lack of acceptance of his ideas? In a nutshell, we are speaking of his ideas of healing people by oxygenating the body and starving cancer cells of sugar. He was known to quote Max Planck’s words, “Science advances one funeral at a time”.
Otto Warburg had traits despised by the Nazis. It is said he was Jewish and gay (although he never admitted it). Because of his having two Jewish grandparents, he wasn’t well favored by the Nazi party, and fell into the category of “first degree Mischling”. Yet, he still worked at the Kaiser Wilhelm Society for the Advancement of Science in Berlin. What do we understand of that type of research? Just asking.
The story goes that Warburg was aware that he served a special role for the Nazis, who greatly feared cancer and believed the Nobel laureate’s research offered hope in curing a disease that Hitler himself was reportedly obsessed with to the point of hypochondria. His research on cell metabolism is said to have kept him safe during those years, but, later his research for cancer cures was disregarded. Why was it disregarded if the NAZI party was so fearful of getting it?
The question is, were they more concerned how to give it than to cure it? Were they more concerned how to make money off a cure that would accomplish another goal, like persay, depopulation? Or learning more how to manipulate DNA? Mingle seeds of man?
In 1918, Warburg was appointed professor at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Biology in Berlin-Dahlem (part of the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft). By 1931 he was named director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Cell Physiology, which had been founded the previous year by a donation of the Rockefeller Foundation to the Kaiser Wilhelm Gesellschaft (since renamed the Max Planck Society). Read more about Warburg and his suppressed studies: Otto Heinrich Warburg – Wikipedia
At the same time we have the wonderful and literally earth breaking discoveries of Nikola Tesla. Who was also supplied with nefarious funders and had all sorts of mysterious secret backers and supplied with patents on his nightstand every morning ready for him to pick up and go to the lab to assemble and put to the test, while his German agent would file the good ones for him. What a system of monopoly on invention from within the gatekeepers of the U.S. patent office itself? It is what it is.
Recall this big fat dot called “Operation Paper Clip” where after WW II the NAZI scientists were brought into the US and given new backgrounds. They were placed in US underground research facilities and NASA where rocket science comes to mind with a lot of questions.
The Importance of Oxygen in Tumors: Accelerating Oncology Research (
Today in research labs they still control cancer cell growth studies through oxygen. When they want to speed up the cancer growth they do so by depriving oxygen and when they want to slow the cancer growth they add oxygen. This is in our face and yet they deny oxygenation is any sort of cure that they can achieve inside the body. At the same time they push sugars as good and have daily requirements of it for health, and put it in most all processed foods, along with all sorts of toxic ingredients. The medical field never restrict sugar for anyone medically except those who have diabetes. And sugars lead to low oxygenation in the body. i.e. Excess blood sugar decreases the elasticity of blood vessels and causes them to narrow, impeding blood flow. This can lead to a reduced supply of blood and oxygen, increasing the risk of high blood pressure and damage to large and small blood vessels.
In a nutshell: Dr. Warburg studied the metabolism of cancer tumors and the respiration of normal cells. He discovered normal cells have respiratory enzymes that allow the cell to turn oxygen into energy. However, if there is a low oxygen environment, the cells will be damaged. In order to survive in the low oxygen environment, the cells will “devolve” into simple cells that convert energy, not from oxygen, but from fermentation. The cells will use the fermentation mechanism to convert body sugars (glucose) into a weak form of energy. That conversion from cells that turns oxygen into energy to cells that turns sugar into energy is a defense mechanism that allows the cells to survive in a low-oxygen environment. The cancer cells cease to do anything else beneficial for the body. They are only trying to survive and, in that state, they do the only thing they are capable of doing, and that is growing.
The cause of cancer is a low oxygen environment. A low oxygen environment is caused by environmental toxicity that raises the acidity of the body, which can be caused by a number of factors, including, but not limited to, poor diet. The remedy is to raise the pH (potential hydrogen) of the body through a proper diet and homeopathic herbs and vitamins, thus increasing the oxygen level; this supports the immune system and destroys the cancer cells. However, Warburg’s discovery does not make any money for the patent medicine firms (Big Pharma) and so it has been relegated to obscurity.
Today, the idea of starving cancer of its sugar (glucose) and oxygenating the body are back in the treatment options for healing cancer growths. Cancer is a metabolic disease.
The research of Warburg was just the beginning of understanding the wonders of the lymphatic system and how the body heals itself. (Regardless of how that research may be used in nefarious ways, it is a valuable key to understanding good health). In the same era, we have the work of Dr. Emil Vodder, born in Copenhagen, Denmark, and his revolutionary discoveries of the lymphatic system that led to the discovery of DNA and insights on how the body heals itself.
Through Dr. Vodder’s research, he was convinced that the human being is a biological unit. Based on papers from BERNARD, CARREL and DRINKER he realized that lymph as the environment of life is omnipresent. Dr. Vodder quoted Drinker with his insight that: “the lymph system is the most important organic system for the life of human beings and animals. And here I want to add a comment from the great radiologist and lymphologist Prof. Dr. Horst Weissleder who once mentioned: “it has to be assumed that the majority of our diseases originate from microedemas in the loose connective tissue”.
In order to understand the agreement in these statements one has to know that at the time of Drinker and Vodder, the interstitial fluid of the loose connective tissue was called lymph. When you consider that the lymph – say loose connective tissue – as the environment of life is changed by microedemas it is easy to be understood that this is the reason for many diseases.
In 1929 when Vodder treated his patients, he gained experience and put forward his own hypotheses that seemed bizarre at that time. He palpated swollen lymph nodes in the cervical region in patients suffering from acne, migraine or sinus problems. He had the vision that the real cause of these pathologies was congestion in the swollen “lymph glands” – today we call them lymph nodes. The lymph nodes could not comply with their task to cleanse the tissue. His reflection was whether it was possible to decongest the nodes by an adequate massage as if one would open the floodgates of a dam and drain the excess water in order to normalize the situation.
Dr. Vodder applied circling pumping movements of the skin, and a light massage to assist the lymph flow and carefully assist the toxins out of the body through the pathway of elimination that the body uses naturally to be carried out of the body. He treated swollen lymph nodes in the neck even though it was a complete taboo to touch the lymph nodes. He discovered that the lymph nodes worked as little safety valves to trap toxins from going throughout the body. It was the body’s way of stopping the disease from spreading throughout the body. While trapped in the lymph nodes the body could go to work to rid it instead of spreading. His life’s work was dedicated to researching the anatomy and physiology of the lymph vessel system and how to heal the body from disease through what he called “Manual Lymph Drainage”. (Manually assisting the lymphatic system in the body to help it rid itself of the toxins causing infection and illness. Read about Dr. Vodder here: Vodderschool – Emil Vodder – His Life and His Life Work
Dr. Vodder always saw the human as a whole. His thesis was, “if one part is sick the whole human being is sick”.
Vodder only gave whole body treatments with special dedication to the affected area. For some reason, western medicine approaches the body mechanically and treats body parts separately, like a car. In so doing, we never get to the root of what is causing the illness, nor all the cascade affecting other body parts. For example, someone having symptoms of Carpal tunnel disorder in the hand would be referred to a surgeon by their general practitioner who would then be looking at how to fix the hand with possible surgery. Where a chiropractor will relieve the hand symptoms by adjusting C4 in the neck. I know this, because it happened to me.
So, to approach root causes of illness, we must look at how the body functions and do our best to help it function the way it was designed to function.
The point is we have had biologists, doctors and researchers discover breakthroughs that promote health and for some reason… they have been either ignored, shut down, or silenced. Today, as people are waking up, they are looking at finding ways to eat to live, and looking at what is in the food, the medication, the treatments, and looking at alternatives for their own health. COVID actually woke many people up to how the system worked. Especially when everyone was diagnosed, with COVID, regardless of if they had symptoms or not. In hospitals across the world, everyone was dying from COVID regardless of the symptoms. Everyone getting the same vax that led to sickness, death and or permanent injuries.
This led to people looking at other diagnosis like cancer. And asking… how do we know for sure and is there any other way to treat it? Well, the body is a marvelous machine that has everything within itself to heal… we need to know how to assist it.
Which bring us to “Simplicity in eating healthy…” Facts about Mucoid Forming Foods and the God given herbs of the field!
Mucoid Forming Influences: About Dietary Change…
Although excessive consumption of mucoid forming foods and inadequate levels of intestinal lactobacteria are the principal causes of a toxic colon, it is not recommended to immediately switch to a totally non-mucoid forming diet, in fact as you will see, that would not at all be healthy. Both the body and the psyche need time to adjust to any dietary change in order to make it a lasting lifestyle change. Remember you are assisting your body to function like it was designed to function, not punishing yourself… sometimes our minds tend to think we need that chocolate iced donut and to not have it is a punishment of sorts? That’s common in dieting. You know… the splurge that leads to returning to the same old patterns that got you depleted in the first place. Smile.
Remember, a pendulum that swings far in one direction will eventually swing far in the opposite direction. If you rush into abruptly eliminating foods from your diet, then you will eventually feel so uncomfortable that you will begin eating those same foods again. (Except for processed sugars – stop that.) In changing your diet, the object is to avoid the pendulum effect. Be gentle with yourself. Never try to eat in a way that feels forced. Make a firm resolution to improve your diet and look for good ways to spice it up with healing herbs.
Unless you have had a life-threatening diagnosis and are mentally committed to doing whatever it takes to heal… it may be difficult to change. It’s like taking an aspirin when you don’t have a headache… you won’t really feel any difference and see no need to take it. It is what it is. However, for example when you do have pain caused by inflammation… you will feel the benefits of an anti-inflammatory diet (void of sugars) quickly and stay committed to eating the foods that help your body heal.
There are some things that you need to cut out all together and those are all GMO and processed foods with additives and preservatives and all processed sugars – these are just toxic to your body. You will learn how to make nutritious sweets as you go along with foods like raw honey, maple syrup, black strap molasses, stevia and other substances, but for now… depending on your health concerns, that is what will determine the direction you take on addressing what foods to eat and not to eat. For now… we are looking at a way of eating that helps our bodies detox and improve our lymphatic immune system, digestive system, and respiratory system by increasing oxygen levels through increased blood flow.
Before we go any further, mucoid forming foods can be eaten… the rule of thumb is to avoid the mucoid forming foods that your own body can’t process well. Mucoid forming foods can cause histamine reactions which are mucus producing causing phlegm production. This is a natural body process to eliminate what is causing the histamine reaction. We will also note that every person’s body type is different and allergens/histamine reactions vary according to a person’s body type. Some people can thrive on a carnivore diet, while others cannot.
It is important to point out now, that our bodies need fats, and butter, ghee and lard are healthy fats. Although these are mucoid forming… they are needed for a healthy body. Remember for our body to break down fat soluble vitamins it needs healthy fats to do that. Without fats in our diet, our bodies cannot break down and uptake vitamins A, D, E and K. All of what is presented here is to be taken with common sense, and adapted to your own body and what it needs to thrive. There is NO ONE SIZE FITS ALL!
Watch this video interview with Dr. Goldkamp to understand what you are eating and why everyone needs to look at what works for them. It’s not always what it looks and sounds like. As we discussed in part 1, stress is the number one killer. Read: We’re In This Up To The Finish Line – There’s NO Going Back! – The Marshall Report (
Our body needs fats. Fats play a vital role in our health. There are healthy fats and manmade fats that cause harm to our arteries and are toxic to our bodies like margarine which is actually one molecule away from being plastic. Our body breaks down good fats to be used for energy, and to help in a vast array of body functions. For example, when women go through menopause their estrogen production from the adrenal glands stops. The body then adjusts to this process by adapting itself to making estrogen from fat cells. Which, appears to be why God made females with an extra fat layer that males don’t have. Smile. Good fats are also needed for brain health, which our brain is made up of a lot of fat cells. Note: There is no such thing as good and bad cholesterol levels, that has been proven in courts to not be true. It has been proven that people suffering from dementia do not have high cholesterol. People with high levels of cholesterol do not get dementia.
Listen to Prof. Tim Noakes – who is also the man who fought the medical field and Big Pharma and won the cholesterol debate in court trials.
There is no good or bad cholesterol, that was always a lie… it was sugar all along that caused heart disease, among other issues. Prof. Noakes won his court case and kept his license to practice and the Heart Association. Australia even issued a public apology to the people for their part in pushing cholesterol misinformation.
Listen below to Prof. Noakes explain low carb and high fat and how the body works. He is one of the men who did not back down and exposed the deception behind those who profit off of illness – i.e. Big Business, Big Food and Big Pharma.
Our body needs lots of protein to build muscle and assist in cellular energy. Lack of protein leads to poor oxygen levels, fatigue and sickness.
Beef is a complete protein and contains all the needed amino acids and all the B vitamins including B-12, among so many other nutrients. It is also a high mucoid-forming food but don’t let fact that mislead you. As you will see our body has its own way of breaking down foods to upload what is good and get rid of what isn’t good for it. Some things may sound contradictory, but the body is amazing. For example, plain yogurt provides good bacteria needed in the gut to assist in fighting off bad bacteria. Yet yogurt is highly mucoid forming. So, don’t panic and start cutting out foods that are needed for good health. And don’t fall for isolating foods based on one aspect of the food itself… our bodies know how to break things down and use them in ways man is still discovering.
So… that being said… here are some of the main foods that are mucoid-forming…
Dairy products from cow’s milk, whether pasturized or raw are the most mucoid-forming of all foods. This includes milk, skim milk, butter, cheese, cottage cheese, cream, yogurt, kefir, ghee and whey. Every one of these are mucoid forming. However, goats milk is substantially less mucoid forming than cows milk. Flesh foods – meat, fish, fowl, and eggs are almost as mucoid forming as cow’s milk and dairy products. They usually affect the respiratory system less, but the total amount of mucoid is still quite high.
It is important to know the difference between nonsense and truth about what we eat and need from meat and other foods.
Remember also that our bodies do a good job on breaking down our foods and separating the nutrients it needs from the things it does not need, as well as countering other factors by creating its own free radicals (via B-cells for example), to get rid of things that cause imbalance and shouldn’t be there. Refer to Part 2 “Part 2 We’re In This Up To The Finish Line – There’s NO Going Back! – The Marshall Report ( So, it appears that a lot of the mucoid formation hype has been stressed to scare people into becoming vegans, which is not a healthy lifestyle for the body. Did you know that spinach is also high in mucoid?
Plant foods vary from highly mucoid forming to totally non-mucoid forming. Before classifying them according to mucoid-forming activity… let’s classify them in food groups.
First let’s take the edible portions of plants and define them as either vegetables, fruits, mature seeds, or sprouts. Vegetables are edible roots, trunks, stems, stalks, leaves, flowerbuds, flowers, succulent immature seeds, and single celled organisms. When a seed is enclosed in a tender, juicy, edible medium, that medium is termed FRUIT. Seeds normally eaten along with the fruit they are imbedded in are considered part of that fruit. Mature seeds are divided into oily seeds, grains, and pulses. Oily seeds include all nuts, coconut, and other nutlike seeds such as sunflower, sesame, and pumpkin seeds. Grains are the mature dry seeds of plants belonging to the natural order of grasses. Example are wheat, rice, rye, corn, barley, oats, triticale, and millet. For nutritional purposes, we also classify buckwheat as a grain, although the plant does not belong to the grass family and is more commonly called buckwheat groats. Pulses are the mature dry seeds of pod-bearing plants. These include all beans, lentils, mature dry peas, etc. A sprout is the initial developing stage of a new plant obtained when a seed begins to grow. A sprout becomes a vegetable when it is no longer customary to eat the entire plant as a single unit.
We need to know how the body works so we don’t fall for opinions as facts. Most vegetables and pulses are mucoid forming.
They love to tell us healthy foods like eggs and bacon are bad and put them on lists like this one calling them their “List of Pus, Acid, and Mucus Forming Foods”. When you read this article, you only have a few foods that are eatable and of those good luck getting any nutrition for health. List of Pus, Acid, and Mucus Forming Foods – Mucus Free Life No fats allowed and we told you above why the body needs fats. Watch out for food gurus who are going green.
Beware of those who push extremes without real facts of how the body works and what it needs to function as a whole unit to be healthy.
Now, back to our real food classifying…. Maple syrup, yeast, and spirulina plankton are classified as vegetables. String beans, cucumbers, okra, eggplant, zucchini, all melons and all squashes are fruit. Fresh corn on the cob is a vegetable, but corn meal, corn bread, corn chip, and corn tortillas are all grain products. Fresh peas in their tender, juicy state are a vegetable, but mature dry peas such as are used in making split pea soup are a pulse. Wheatgrass is a vegetable.
Soy beans are the most mucoid-forming of all plant foods. Their mucoid-forming activity is similar to that of meat, fish, and eggs and comes close to that of dairy products. The susceptibility of soy products to putrefaction is also similar to that of meat. Notice how quickly tofu or soy milk will spoil. Soy beans have gained a lot of attention as being nutritionally suitable plant food substitute for dairy products and meats. But they are only a substitute in respect to protein and other nutrient content, not for being non-mucoid producing.
After soybeans in mucoid-forming activity are all other pulses. There is a substantial gap in mucoid forming activity between soybeans and the other pulses, even so, the mucoid-forming activity of the other pulses are considerable. Even buckwheat similar to the pulses in mucoid forming activity.
So, you see if we just look at the mucoid factors in foods… we will truly be on our way to eating the bugs that Klaus Schwab has ready for us all to eat!
It’s time to look at foods and what our body does with them. And not isolate the foods into categories of eat this and don’t eat that, with the exception of processed foods, GMO’s, preservatives and toxic poisons that don’t belong in any food source, and processed sugars.
Each person needs to eat for their own body type.
Most all fruits are mucoid free, exceptions are gas-ripened bananas and sulphured fruit, which are mucoid-forming due to the man-made processes to which they have been subjected. Almost all bananas sold in this country, including most sold in health food stores, have been gassed to induce ripening. On sporadic occasions one may be able to find a non-gas ripened bananas at certain health food stores. Except for figs and dates, all dried fruit should be considered to be sulphured, unless specifically labeled otherwise.
Food supplements are often mucoid forming. All protein powders, except for 100% pure yeast and spirulina plankton are highly mucoid-forming due to their inclusion of soy, milk, egg, or meat derivatives. Many popular “yeast” powders are highly mucoid-forming because they contain up to 50% whey. Tableted vitamins, minerals, digestive enzymes, etc., may also possess a degree of mucoid-forming activity.
But another factor to consider is your own body and how it is functioning… we need to eat for our body and its needs. We can’t stress that enough. Listen again to Prof. Noakes.
And now, warning, warning, we are now going to discuss how the body eliminates waste through the colon…and all that crap!
Herbal foods will often alter the mucoid content of one’s stools. There are herbs that will lessen the mucoid present in one’s stools. There are also many other herbs that while not mucoid-forming themselves, will cause old mucoid present in the body to be eliminated. This may result in increased mucoid in the stools. The jelly like consistency of psyllium husks makes one’s feces cling together even when a totally non-mucoid forming diet is being eaten. Many spices possess varying herbal properties, but it is important to note that the gelatin capsules that are so widely used for encapsulating powdered herbs possess a residue of mucoid-forming activity.
It’s not just what we eat, there are also Airborne Mucoid-Formers
Airborne pollutants are generally all mucoid-forming. A sensitive person on a nearly or completely non-mucoid-forming diet can notice a significant mucoid response due to breathing smoggy air, factory pollution, chem trails and second hand smoke. The mucoid response to airborne pollutants is frequently more easily noticeable in the respiratory system.
Not to mention chemicals sprayed directly onto crops, such as round up that also runs into the soil and into water supplies.
So what can be done with all of the mucoid-forming foods we consume? How do we counter all that?
The answer is in the intestinal lactobacteria…and adding herbs and foods that help control mucoid content.
A healthy population of lactobacteria within the intestinal tract far surpasses anything else known as far as controlling the mucoid content of one’s stools is concerned. In fact, it is generally not possible to obtain a non-mucoid stool without a healthy population of lactobacteria in the intestinal tract. The presence of these lactobacteria promote bulky, well-lubricated stools as well as more frequent bowel movements.
The lactobacteria and putrefactive bacteria in the intestinal tract contrast with and counteract each other in various ways. Lactobacteria live on carbohydrates, whereas putrefactive bacteria live on protein. Putrefactive bacteria do not grow well in the acidic medium produced by lactrobacteria. However, the metabolization of protein by the putrefactive bacteria produces ammonia, which neutralizes the acidity produced by the lactobacteria. It therefore takes a vigourous growth of lactobacteria in the intestinal tract to finally predominate over the putrefactive bacteria.
A high protein diet will always produce large amounts of putrefactive bacteria in the intestinal tract even when the diet contains substantial amounts of carbohydrates as well. So, finding herbs and vegetables that assist with countering putrefactive bacteria is an answer, such as adding yogurt with Lactobacillus acidophilus to help the body fight off putrefactive bacteria. There are many, many foods and herbs that can help with this.
The bowels will normally be slow to move unless the contents of the colon has reached a certain acidity. The colon is in fact a bacteriological fermentation chamber, and it is as if the body judges when the ferment is mature by the acidity within the colon. When the colon contains large amount of lactobacteria together with relatively low levels of putrefactive bacteria, the acidity will be such that the bowels move at least two times per day. When such is the case, the feces will have spent a relatively short period of time in the colon, and so will have a high water content, making them soft and bulky when expelled. The actual rule of thumb for healthy digestion is for your body to eliminate what you have eaten approximately an hour after you have completed your meal.
When food is swallowed, it goes first to the stomach where it is held for a while in a highly acidic medium while protein digestion begins. The high acidity is not essential to the protein digestion, but does act to destroy most of the bacteria present in the stomach. When food leaves the stomach and enters the small intestines, the live bacteria count is nearly insignificant and the body then reverses most of the acidity towards alkalinity. As the food travels through the small intestines, the bacterial count increases very slowly. Not until the food residue empties from the small intestines into the colon is it ordinarily exposed to large populations of bacteria.
There are many prebiotic foods and herbs deserving of special mention for their ability to promote the growth of lactobacteria in the intestinal tract, but these three are a must have.
The first one of these is the ONION. It provides the best enhancement of lactobacteria growth. One medium to large size onion must be eaten daily to obtain a good effect, and it does not matter whether it is cooked or raw.
The second food is CABBAGE. Cabbage selectively feeds lactobacteria; they thrive and grow quickly on it. At the same time, cabbage tends to suppress the growth of putrefactive bacteria when eaten daily for several days and provided sufficient lactobacteria are present in the body
Cabbage not only counteracts intestinal mucoid, but also sizably reduced the putrefactive odor of one’s bowel movements. To obtain a noticeable effect, it is necessary to drink ½ to 1 cup of cabbage juice two to three times per day. You can sweeten it with maple syrup or honey if desired. Whole cabbage has the same effect as cabbage juice. For serious detoxing, eating one pound of cabbage per day will have a sizeable effect.
The third food is FLAX SEED. Flax seeds are nature’s tiny powerhouses. These oval-shaped seeds come from the flax plant and are an excellent source of healthy omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and phytochemicals. Flaxseed oil promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria Lactobacillus, Allobaculum, Desulfovibrio, and Bifidobacterium and dis-favoring the growth of Actinobacteria, Bacteroides, Proteobacteria, and Streptococcus.
These seeds have a nutty-taste and you can eat them whole, ground, or cold-pressed in the form of flaxseed oil. Add flax to various dishes and recipes to enhance their nutritional value. That being said, flax seeds can be hard to chew and if they pass through your digestive tract unbroken, your body doesn’t receive the full nutritional benefits so it is best to eat them after some process of grinding—in a blender, coffee grinder, or food processor to break up the seed, making it easier for your body to digest.
It’s best to keep flaxseeds in an airtight container—such as a glass jar—in your refrigerator. When possible, buy whole flaxseeds (they have a longer shelf life) and grind your flaxseeds at home as you need them.
Flaxseeds are loaded with dietary fiber (almost six grams for two tablespoons!), flaxseeds can help promote regular bowel movements and keep your digestive system functioning smoothly as their high fiber content acts as a prebiotic, providing nourishment for the bacteria in your gut. Flaxseeds also contain lignans, which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. These compounds can also help balance hormones, enhance digestion, and support a diverse microbial community for a healthier gut environment. Flax seeds also absorb nano particles like radiation, engulfing them so the body can carry them out through the colon.
Read more of the wonders of Flaxseed: Flaxseed Bioactive Compounds: Chemical Composition, Functional Properties, Food Applications and Health Benefits-Related Gut Microbes – PMC (
There are many prebiotic foods that help your body to function at optimal levels and fight off pathogenic gut bacteria that cause inflammation and disease.
Listen to Professor Knoakes as he explains the 10 Key Ideas that the Diet Dictators Have Hidden!
We need to look at our bodies for ourselves and take responsibility for our own health. At this time in the global controlled storm, we can no longer trust the system and it’s researchers who are owned by their KM Oligarch philanthropists. Just saying.
Dr. David Harper, Nutrition Researcher, promotes a high fat diet to kill cancer cells and other disorders and of course no sugar. Listen to what you aren’t going to hear from Big Food or Big Pharma.
Pretty much Harper is validating the things we have been sharing and explaining many things we haven’t talked about.
We are presently in a world system that appears to be designed to make money off of sickness. The Bible tells us that unclean spirits cause sickness and disease. Jesus healed the sick by casting out evil spirits. When you are aware of what is in our foods… and how your body works, that is a powerful defense to end many man-made diseases that come with lethal toxic jabs and treatments!
Matthew 10:1 Spirits 1And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease.
Now all that being said, the herbs of the field are for healing; by adding herbs and spices to our diet, we are assisting the body to function healthy!
The key here is to listen to your body and choose the foods that your body responds to and assist in healing. Don’t buy into any fad diets that no generation of people ever ate before. You may have some trial and error… but, you will find what is best to help you feel alive, alert, with increased energy, less pain and or pain free and well.
Excerpt From Original Article:
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