The “Death Tsunami” Is Here. “You should never ever take any Covid shot anymore”. Dr. Sherry Tenpenny

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and Peter Koenig
We are living in an ever-more intense “Death Tsunami”; Dr. Sherry Tenpenny tells us.
She says in the UK, 1 in 73 people who got the shot are already dead, according to US government data. She adds, about a 1,000 people a week die, as a result of the coerced vaxx campaign.
About 900 professional athletes have already died – and the number is rapidly increasing, mostly from myocarditis, a result of the vaxxes.
When they first started with the shots in early 2021, Dr. Tenpenny says, we saw hundreds of people with electronic charges – Instagram pics with keys and other metal pieces, clinging to arms and foreheads. You may remember having seen such photos.
This is clearly the result of heavy doses of Graphene Oxide in the shots.
She suggests, they may have changed the formula of the injections, as such pics have largely disappeared – but the substance is still there.
This looks like the first lots were sort of “trial balloons”. They got away with them. Nobody stopped them.
Graphene Oxide, when exposed to hydrogen, takes on a magnetic charge. Dr. Tenpenny refers to hundreds of scientific documents testifying to this.
She reminds us that “they” want 3 to 5 billion people to be eliminated from the planet.
It’s a “slow killing”– sometimes very, very painful. Most people don’t connect the dots.
What Dr. Tenpenny says is substantially the same as expressed as a warning to the world earlier by Dr. Mike Yeadon, former VP and Chief Science Officer of Pfizer.
Dr. Tenpenny ends by recommending that anybody who is listening to this – or gets the message otherwise, should never ever take any Covid shot anymore.
Definitely NO BOOSTERS!
This cautioning also applies to simple flu shots, or combinations of flu-Covid shots – which are now being marketed. Because all these shots – “they” don’t tell you – will contain killer formulas.
See this.
Conclusion, yes, indeed, just about a year after the extremely forced shots began – mass-dying started – the death tsunami is flooding humanity, literally.
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