The Online Harms Act | Justin Trudeau’s Elimination Of Free Speech In Canada

The Online Harms Act | Justin Trudeau’s Elimination Of Free Speech In Canada

CAP | Brad |

In the world of theatre, a final act in a play often delivers a culmination of dramatic events leading to a tragic conclusion. Within the theatre production that is Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s tenure in office, a similar piece of drama sits behind the stage curtain, soon to be unleashed upon Canadian society.

The title of this tragedy goes by the name of the “Online Harms Act.” If Canadians understood the directive in detail, millions of us would likely be less than impressed by what may be the Trudeau government’s final political performance.

“Civil Society Groups Meet In Ottawa To Discuss Bill C-63 The Online Harms Act”

“An assortment of stakeholders representing civil society groups gathered in Ottawa to discuss Canada’s proposed internet censorship legislation.”
“The National Council of Canadian Muslims and Open Media co-hosted the Digital Justice Summit in Ottawa on Monday. A diverse range of stakeholders and lawmakers gathered to learn, discuss and debate Bill C-63, also known as the ‘Online Harms Act.'”

The “diverse group” of stakeholders include Attorney General Liberal MP Arif Virani , placed at the top of the censorship bill’s totem pole by PM Trudeau.

“Spearheaded by Justice Minister and Attorney General Arif Virani, the Liberals argue that the bill is necessary to protect children and Canadians at large against online harms such as hate speech, non-consensual sexual images and child pornography.”

This seemingly noble venture belies the under-belly of the beast. What is being driven by the Liberals is legislation to instill the most draconian language laws ever enacted in Canada. That the timing of the bill coincides with polling anticipating a complete wipe-out of Liberal Party seats in the House of Commons is no coincidence. In fact, it’s shaping up to be the final act in our federal government’s woke globalist theatre performance.

Multiple efforts toward a stifling of freedom of speech are rolling as we speak. For example, New Democratic Party MP Leah Gazan is presently gunning to bring the hammer down on those who would dare to disrupt the residential school grave narrative:

“An NDP MP[Leah Gazan, Winnipeg] has introduced a bill that would criminalize residential school denialism, saying it would help stop harm caused toward survivors, their families and communities.”
“If the private member’s bill is passed, people could be charged under the Criminal Code for promoting hatred against Indigenous Peoples by condoning, justifying or downplaying the historical and lasting impact of residential schools.”

Downplaying? Such measures evoke the spirit of author George Orwell as articulated in his dystopian novel “1984.” To downplayis not to deny. To propose such a thing opens the door to a world of subjective analysis and ambiguity.

To whom would these complaints be directed toward? Under the Online Harms Act, individuals submit complaints to a government-created Digital Safety Commission.

“Orders of the Commission would be subject to judicial review. Where an employee of an operator makes submissions to the Digital Safety Commission, they would be able to request that their identity and any potentially identifying information be kept confidential by relevant Commission officials.” 
“The Digital Safety Ombudsperson will be mandated to support users of social media services and advocate for the public interest in relation to online safety.'”

CAP wonder whether readers are picking up on common themes. One of which is found in the fact that all these positions are bureaucratic in orientation. As in,  these people are non-elected— the entire procedure being devoid of democratic process.

“Preliminary estimates from the Department of Canadian Heritage indicate that the Digital Safety Commission, Ombudsperson and Office will have 330 full-time equivalent (FTE) employees at full capacity. 

We stand aghast. 330 full-time employees? Looks like the censorship bandits plan to be busy as beavers. Likely it is that few Canadians are aware of the scope of government’s attempt to re-wire the brains of 41 million Canadians.

“In Orwell’s fictional totalitarian state, Newspeak was a language favoured by the minions of Big Brother and, in Orwell’s words, designed to diminish the range of thought.”
“The limitations of Newspeak’s vocabulary enabled the Party to effectively control the population’s minds, by allowing the user only a very narrow range of spoken and written thought. The ultimate goal of the Party’s punishments is to regain control over thought-criminals by changing their psychology.”

What a pity that none of this is being considered by the Canadian press. But why would they, when the sub-text involves strong-arming Canadians back into the hands of mainstream media? Therefore, they tow the government line, inclusive of sublimating thought-provoking observations of this nature:

The Liberal government raise immigration quotas to their highest level in a century. They do so with an understanding that importing millions of migrants from foreign countries will result in an uptick in social discord. The Feds then leverage the consternation to institute communist-oriented censorship of free speech.

Pretty tricky, eh? Then again, when a 50-year plan of national transformation is in play, such are its ramifications. The general public have no say in the censorship game. They never asked for it, nor approved it.

The entire procession is devoid of democracy, driven by non-elected bureaucrats, and backed by “special interest” communities tightly connected to government.  True to Orwellian-speak, the Digital Justice Summit doesn’t sound very “just” at all.

“When the Nazis came to power in 1933, the German constitution guaranteed freedom of speech and freedom of the press. Through decrees and laws, the Nazis abolished these civil rights and destroyed German democracy.” 
“Starting in 1934, it was illegal to criticize the Nazi government. Examples of censorship under the Nazis included closing down or taking over anti-Nazi newspapers; controlling what news appeared in newspapers, on the radio, and in newsreels.”

Those in-the-know understand that communism and fascism exist as two-sides of the totalitarianism coin. Under the Liberals, the left-hand of the authoritarian spectrum is pushing for the greatest clampdown on freedom of speech in Canadian history.

Clearly, Justin Trudeau is planning to “go out with a bang.” Before he leaves the political theatre of Canada, his agenda to bring down the curtain on freedom of speech may be his final performance.

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