They want people eating insects because in 30.33% of the cases, the parasites found in insects were pathogenic for humans

Dylan Eleven |
While governments reduce farming output by various attacks, such as; paying farmers not to grow crops, attacking farmers with nitrogen reductions and increased fuel prices, etc.; The government is giving money to companies to grow insects.
They will claim it is to be green and everyone should switch from a diet society has had for many years in favour of eating bugs.
The only people who eat bugs on earth, do so because they have no choice. Any one of them would choose a different protein if they had a choice.
Funding companies to make a food that is considered the food of last resort while perfectly good food production companies are forced to go out of business or are burned to the ground or paid or forced to reduce output, is obviously a criminal attack on the food supply and the people.
The bug solution they have in store is not just to get us to eat at the bottom of the food chain. It is also a way of introducing parasites found in insects into humans.
At a time when the vaccinated are devoid of any natural immune system, being forced to eat bugs with parasites will obviously not be a good thing.
They are altering our food supply to supposedly save the planet by reducing carbon.
The problem is we are the carbon they want to reduce. Eating bugs filled with parasites is part of the depopulation plan.

The inage above and comment below is from Telegram:
They want people eating insects because in 30.33% of the cases, the parasites found in insects were pathogenic for humans.
They will mostly grind it up and put in processed food so you wouldn't even know about it.
So check your labels carefully. They did this with aborted fetal cells, they will mostly do it with insects as well.
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