This is World War Three | A Covert War On Humanity Waged By A Parasitic, Criminal Global Financial Elite

This is World War Three | A Covert War On Humanity Waged By A Parasitic, Criminal Global Financial Elite

Steve Cook |

The following article gives you a very enlightening summary of the game being played here on Earth at this time by the so-called “elite”. The “elite” is in fact a crime syndicate of unproductive parasites who have  control of global finance and are trying to use their money-power and covert influence to crush liberal democracies and end – they hope – humanity’s progress towards freedom and greater enlightenment in which governments serve their people and not the other way around.

This is World War Three: a covert war on humanity waged by a parasitic, criminal global financial elite

Observing how the game is played, there is no doubt that the money-powers are going all-out to crush civilisation and terminate the trend towards liberty, equality and fraternity amongst and between the human communities of Earth.

Put simply, when you have amassed crimes against humanity the way these psychopaths have, the last thing you want is a bright, alert and high-morale well-administered human community that runs on true justice and has zero tolerance for murderous perverts and deadbeats.

The murderous perverts and deadbeats have to operate covertly, using subterfuge and deceit because very, very few people are interested in the bleak, dehumanised wasteland of which they dream and nobody will support it once they  understand what it means.

They have no grass roots support from an ideological hard-core the way other creeds such as democracy, communism or even Nazism have had in the past and, in essence,  virtually no friends that they have not had to buy with large amounts of money.

One of the major reasons the utopia of the globalists is not supported by the People is because said utopia appears to require the culling of  large numbers of the human herd. In other words, mass murder and people, understandably, are reluctant to support plans that involve their own murder and/or the murder of their friends and loved-ones.

Therefore, the globalists are friendless – and ultimately cannot even trust one another. The world to them appears to be a bleak and hostile place full of highly dangerous entities know as human beings and they must perforce resort to  subterfuge, deceit and manipulation to have their way.

They are actually quite good at subterfuge, deceit and manipulation, having had several  centuries of practice, but given the sheer relentless amount of successful subterfuge, deceit and manipulation required to seize and hold dominion over the planet, not good enough.

They are having a hard time swinging things their way stably enough for them to sleep soundly in their beds because the herd have a habit of thinking and behaving like rational beings rather than livestock, which must be very irksome for those who dream of lording it over a slave planet.

Nevertheless, whilst things are looking decidedly ropey and they are in a constant state of fear and desperation, they have had some breaks.

One of those breaks was the installing in the UK of another  of their stable of well-groomed Trojan Horses to replace the previous Trojan Horse that died of shame after a long illness. The Labour Party found itself in power with a hefty majority of seats that will empower the sociopaths running the party to do pretty much as they please for a while, passing laws and so forth that serve the agenda of their puppet masters.

It should not be forgotten that whilst the Labour majority in terms of seats is large, they actually got the vote of less than ten million Brits, about one adult in five and actually fewer votes than they got at the previous election when they were thumped by the execrable Tories.

Of the fewer-than-ten-million who voted for them, it is unlikely many did so out of a fervent dedication to whatever it is Labour – led at this time by an individual who, when Director of Public Prosecutions, neglected to bring Jimmy Saville the arch-pedophile and friend to various nobs to justice – pretends to stand for.

Indeed, having been thoroughly subverted by globalist plants and stooges, Labour is a long way from what it was originally founded to be; a voice for the working people.  A large number of people who voted Labour did so only to get the corrupt and despicable Tories out. One cannot blame people for that, but it means that solid support for  the Labour party is very thin on the ground as will be the patience of the People when Labour starts misbehaving.

In essence, Labour does not have a mandate from the People for whatever it does next although expect them to act as if they do.

Expect Starmer and the other globalist stooges who have hijacked the Labour Party to use their majority of seats to the hilt to ram through as quickly as possible as many pro-globalist, anti-liberty measures as they can whilst virtually unopposed in the Parliament – about as close as the UK has come to a One Party State.

It is likely to get pretty grim for a while because the globalist agenda is to crush what is left of our democracy and impoverish the citizenry to a point where their main preoccupation is worrying about where their next meal is coming from or how to avoid hypothermia during Winter power outages rather than what the lunatics in  Westminster and their overlords abroad are playing at.

The good news, however, is that millions of people have already woken up to the fact that our democracy has been subverted – as evinced by the numbers who did NOT vote for any of the major a parties, a “None of  The Above” faction that if it were an actual party would have won the election by a landslide.

As their  game has already become dangerously exposed, the globalists are in a race against time to seize absolute control before the number of citizens who are alert to and cheesed off by their shenanigans reaches critical mass.

Therefore we can expect Labour to move precipitously, throwing caution to the winds to use their majority while the going’s good to curtail civil liberties, orchestrate another pandemic psyop and pseudovax mass  killing, treasonously hand national sovereignty to the WHO, use the puerile “Net  Zero” ploy to further ruin the economy and usher in engineered poverty and so on and so forth.

But all that nonsense will annoy no end a citizenry whose patience with political idiots is already worn thin. In a climate where truth is spreading like an unstoppable wildfire, everything Labour does to shove through the globalist agenda will provide increasingly stark evidence that the rapidly growing dissident movement will be able to point to to prove their case.

Labour’s already feeble popularity will plummet and unrest will grow at an accelerating rate.

The globalists will of course have other tame stooges waiting in the wings to take over the nation-wrecking when Labour crash in flames much as the Tories have just done.

Unless We The People can create an alternative the globalists or any other criminals cannot control, with policies that will end their covert hold over elected governments forever.

Such an alternative is missing from the current scene, a huge camouflaged hole into which our governance has fallen.

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Source: Steve Cook


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