True Journalism Reports The Truth | Please Support Independent Media
Dylan Eleven •
We need the truth to navigate and to defend ourselves. We need the truth to know our enemy and how they work against us. We need to keep up with every move they make to keep the truth in full focus.
Keeping up with the onslaught of propaganda and attacks on humanity is a full time job. By working full time as independent journalists, we can understand the big picture and keep focus on the truth.
True journalism reports the truth. Today the only way to report the truth is to work independently from mainstream media. As outcasts from main stream media, we are heavily censored, our efforts attacked, sites blacklisted and social media de-platformed, all while working without regular income.
The truth is what drives us. But we too have bills to pay. With the support of subscribers and those who have donated we are covering a good portion of our costs, thank you!.
If you like and what we stand for. If you benefit in knowing the truth. If you find the information and effort we provide valuable; please consider a small one time donation or become a monthly subscriber.
Thank you truth warriors for reading articles on, for sharing our articles and for any financial help, your support is greatly appreciated.
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