Truth Always Available For Free VS The Downward Spiral Of Truth Behind Paywalls | The Future Of Independent Media + The Truth Movement

Truth Always Available For Free VS The Downward Spiral Of Truth Behind Paywalls | The Future Of Independent Media + The Truth Movement

Dylan Eleven •

Since inception has, and will continue to provide all information for free. As an independent journalist and editor for I read through thousands of articles per month. I am finding now that many journalists are on platforms wth subscribers, but are now putting all of their content behind paywalls, for paid subscribers only.

Putting all information behind pay walls will increase revenue for the site or journalist; but has a large cost for the truth movement and true journalism.

Being in the independent media business for 20 years I can see why they are doing it. When you offer all information for free and allow subscribers to choose to support or read for free as we do, only a very small percentage sign up. 1% for example as is the case with and reportedly other sites and journalists have quoted the same percentage.

For the first 15 years we did not take donations or have paid subscribers to help us with costs. We paid them all. In the past few years we have introduced by choice monthly subscriptions and accept small donations to help us cover costs. All information is still available for free, and for those who choose to help us in our mission they can subscribe for $1, $3, or $11, per month. This revenue greatly helps us cover a portion of our costs. We still cover most, and would love more subscribers, but we wont restrict information to get them.

Many journalists are finding greater financial success by putting their work behind a paywall only. Their subscription revenue will increase past the 1% level as no one can read unless they pay. Now they are getting 100% (obviously) of their readers paying, much fewer readers of course. But over time if people want the information more will sign up than would have if the information was available for free. This is the reality of independent media currently. This is however, a downward spiral.

With writers going pay wall paid subscribers only, although financially justified where they can actually get paid for their work, cover all costs and even make a living, there are problems with this strategy for the truth movement.

It is a problem because the reach of the information is reduced. Readers who do not want to pay or can't pay will not get the information. Also for sites like we will not post the article, because if the author is only allowing paid customers to read the article we will not circumvent their choice and provide it for free. Reading thousands of articles per month all from different journalists and websites, we could not afford pay to sign up with them all to get the information even if we wanted to.

Having journalist work 100% behind a paywall will be good for the journalist or site, but reduces the reach of the truth. The more journalists that go pay wall only to increase their revenue, the more the information will become less available.

The way to reverse this negative downward spiral is for journalists to keep their work available for all to read and share freely. With the ability for those to support when they can or want to. And if more people choose to support independent media as an important resource, this will encourage more journalists to keep the information always free and available. A positive circle which will fuel independent media's growth and keep the truth freely flowing.

Keep independent media free for all to read. Plus support your independent media so they can do so. This is the future of independent media. 100% behind the paywall is not.

Image: Source