Truth In Music | Rush Exposing Chemtrails
Dylan Eleven •
Many music artists have been exposing the truth with their work. The Smashing Pumpkins with their album Zeitgeist, Tool with their album Fear Inoculum, Bob Dylan, Black Sabbath, Van Morrison and Eric Clapton, just to some we have documented on
Here is another example of truth in music by the band Rush. In this song Rush is exposing chemtrails.
Vapor Trail by RUSH
Stratospheric traces of our transitory flight
Trails of condensation held
In narrow paths of white
The sun is turning black
The world is turning gray
All the stars fade from the night
The oceans drain awayHorizon to horizon
Memory written on the wind
Fading away, like an hourglass, grain by grain
Swept away like voices in a hurricaneIn a vapor trail, in a vapor trailAtmospheric phases make the transitory last
Vaporize the memories that freeze the fading past
Silence all the songbirds
Stilled by the killing frost
Forests burn to ashes
Everything is lostHorizon to horizon
Memory written on the wind
Washed away like footprints in the rain
Swept away like voices in a hurricaneIn a vapor trail, in a vapor trailWashed away like footprints in the rain
Swept away like voices in a hurricaneIn a vapor trail, in a vapor trail
In a vapor trail, in a vapor trail
In a vapor trail, in a vapor trail
In a vapor trail, in a vapor trailSource:
Songwriters: Alex Lifeson / Geddy Lee / Neil Peart
Sent to us by: Kevin a reader and truth warrior.
Truth11 Films | Goodbye Blue Sky | Chemtrails, Ignored Genocide From Above
Truth11 Films 11th film release; Is about the global problem we all face in Chemtrails aka geoengineering.
The film explains the difference between contrails and chemtrails, who is spraying us and why. What it is doing to our health and what you can do to prevent the planned global genocide that the elite is attempting.
Chemtrails are part of the global culling of the masses. Yet this obvious pollutant from above is largely ignored. Hidden in plain sight, most don’t understand the dangers that are falling from the sky.
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