UK Turn Off Your Phones On Sunday 23 April From 2:45 to 3:15

Dylan Eleven •
At 3pm on Sunday 23 of April every phone in the UK will be alerted with a loud constant sound and text as a test of the new "emergency alerts system".
I have researched the effects of wireless radiation extensively on humans. I made a three hour documentary on the whole subject. (Truth11 Films | Wireless Genocide: can be found here)
If you put one cell phone next to a corn kernel and call the phone, nothing happens. If you put several phones in a circle around the corn kernel and call the phones the radiation makes it pop.
At the start of 2022, there were 71.8 million mobile connections in the UK. The reality is that not all phones are going off or being used at any point at the exact same time. What will happen when they do?
I have the following concerns and questions regarding the test of the emergency alerts system, which lead me to make the reccomendation to turn of your phone and not receive the broadcast to reduce overall radiation in the country and your closest source of it.
- With a clear interaction between wireless radiation and health;
What impact can a constant extended signal at the exact same time, on 71.8+ million mobile phones have on people in general? - With a clear interaction between 5G and symptoms falsely attributed to the non existent covid virus:
What impact can a constant signal at the exact same time, on 71.8+ million mobile phones have on people who are susceptible to the corona effect reaction to 5G? - With the 5G network vastly developed:
What impact will this test have routed through 5G networks which are 20-60 times stronger than 4G?. - With the vaccinated injected with graphene oxide, which interacts with wireless radiation (as the video below shows);
What impact can a constant signal at the exact same time, on 71.8+ million mobile phones have on the vaccinated?
Is this a test of a mass murder event?
Will strokes and heart attack numbers be effected by this massive surge of wireless radiation?
Is this similar to the launch of 5G in Wuhan which caused millions of people to drop dead?.
In 4 days we will find out.
Personally my cell phone is always off. Always. My reccomendation to everyone is is to keep wireless devices on airplane mode and hardwire your communications as much as possible.
I detest wireless radiation and promote the use of RSS readers and email subscription for our site so people can go online and download our articles then go offline and read them.
Avoidance of wireless radiation is the best solution. We have recommended this and practiced this for 12 years; Shield your environment, hardwire with ethernet all computers, cell phones and tablets. These are my general recommendations on a normal day.
On the day and time when every tower is activated, and every mobile phone will emit radiation at the same time; In addition to the normal recommendations above, look for those who may be physically effected by this assault on the nation at 3pm. Look out for the died suddenly driving dead vaccidents, check on your vaccinated granny and keep the defibrillators handy.
(71.8 Million) Source:
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