United Satanic States Of America | U.S. = A Federal Corporation

United Satanic States Of America | U.S. = A Federal Corporation

TapNewsWire.com | Pete Fairhurst

Richard Sauder | RichardSauder.substack.com

Don’t believe me that the “United States” is a corporation?

Here it is in black letter law, straight from the United States Code at 28 USC § 3002(15)

28 U.S. Code § 3002 - Definitions
US Code - Title 28 > PART VI > CHAPTER 176 > SUBCHAPTER A > § 3002

(15) “United States” means— (A) a Federal corporation; ….

Only a complete and ignorant fool – – or witting tool of the Federal corporation – – would feel even the slightest shred of loyalty to it. It is artificial, cold and $atanic. I recently wrote a long blog post about it, at this link:

28 USC § 3002(15) – – It’s All Disgustingly Corporate (Fascist)

I don’t feel any loyalty to that. I will go further and say that I sincerely question the fundamental life motives, at the most profound Soul level, of anyone who does.

That corporation, and its millions of agents all over the world, exploit, subjugate, enslave, torture, steal, lie, slaughter, destroy – – all while bruiting about the deceptively sly propaganda of liberty, freedom for all, democracy, justice, and other slickly mendacious buzz words designed to bamboozle and hypnotically program the human mass mind.

Do you see the liberty, the freedom, the democracy, the justice of the Federal corporation? Do you? Because I don’t.

And incredibly, some people, including long-term readers, write to me that my dislike for/distaste for/bitterness toward/rejection of/ the U$$A, Inc. is showing in my writing.

One man whom I have known for half my life, a former U$$A, Inc. Army officer, emailed me recently to darkly warn that what I am saying is crossing the line, that I had better watch myself.

He, and many others like him, read my blog; they know of the massive, centuries-long, Satanic criminality of the “United States” corporation – – and then they criticize me for forthrightly calling it out.

Many years, decades and even centuries of slavery, genocidal slaughter, human/child trafficking, weapons trafficking, military invasions, military occupations, armed theft of land/property/resources, global poisoning in multiple ways of food/water/crops/land/air, demonic altering of DNA across the biosphere, huge, ongoing, malevolent, mind control programs, and much more – – and all of it on a global, industrial scale.

And then people write and criticize me for being publicly bitter, for publicly calling it out.

Seriously ??

I’ve talked to more than a few people like myself, who have also physically moved far away from the CONUS/U$$A, Inc., and are on a years-long/decades-long, CONUS/U$$A, Inc. – expatriate – detox regime – – mentally, physically, spiritually, psychologically, emotionally, politically, etc. It takes time, effort, insight and persistence to detox from the sinister, pervasive, red-white-and-blue hooks/influence/nastiness/anti-life programming. There are layers and layers of it. It’s insidiously ubiquitous.

For just one example, here is the YouTube perspective of Dick Allgire, who recently visited South Korea with his Korean wife, and then returned to their home in Hawai’i – U$$A, Inc. He blurts out the quiet part right up front: America is Sick.

Amen, man. He’ll get no argument from me. I’ll take Dick Allgire’s analysis an extra step further and deeper than he does: it’s demonically sick to the depths of its red-white-and-blue Soul.

Flee from it with all alacrity, inwardly/mentally/spiritually/emotionally at the least, and/or also physically, if you are able, ready and so inclined.

Come out of Mystery Babylon. Separate yourself. It’s extremely Bad to the Bone. Watch the Destroyers in concert, replete with a USA-shirted drummer. Talk about hypnotic mass mind programming. This song has been included in dozens of Hollywood feature film soundtracks for decades now, and broadcast to myriad millions around the entire world.

Here is the barest hint of what is to come, sent to me by one of my readers this morning: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bjSbjckbWg

That’s a brand new FEMA base in the part of North Carolina recently devastated by the remnants of Hurrican Helene. That’s a staging area.

The Feds are getting ready to do something in that region. It has somewhat the look and feel of a Roman Army fortified camp from 2,000 years ago, with the big berm around the perimeter.

What are all of the many truck trailers and other structures for?

Secretary Mayorkas said earlier this month that FEMA is out of money for disaster relief, and then suddenly this installation popped up like a mushroom. According to Mayorkas there is no more money for disaster relief; if he is telling the truth, then logically what is visible here is not for disaster relief, but has another purpose.

And what might that be?

Source: https://richardsauder.substack.com/p/ua-inc-united-atanic-tates-of-america

Original Article: https://tapnewswire.com/2024/10/17/the-us-is-a-federal-corporation-ua-inc-united-atanic-tates-of-america/

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