We Are Moving Toward A Global Empire And Enslavement Of Humanity In A Digital Gulag

The Expose | Rhoda Wilson
David Skripac
Using the fake covid pandemic narrative as cover, the privileged, power-mad parasites who pilfer the world’s wealth have sharply accelerated their longstanding plan to create a single global empire that is completely under their command.
This single global empire will ultimately employ the services of all the transnational institutions on the planet to regulate and control every aspect of human life.
It is a global empire run by an exclusive club, perhaps 8,000 to 12,000 strong, whose members do not pledge allegiance to any national flag, who snobbishly view themselves as superior to their countrymen, and who are indifferent to political ideology so long as they can control the political structure from within. They aim to erase all national borders and are well on their way to shredding the constitutions of every nation-state.
It is a global empire that, unlike days of yore, needs no standing army to wage war on a battlefield against an opposing empire. For, in this era of the single global empire, the enemy being subdued is each and every one of us.
That mission is being accomplished through a sophisticated information warfare campaign, which is designed to monitor and manipulate our every thought, word, and deed.
A Global Empire is Emerging Catalysed by COVID1984
David Skripac has a Bachelor of Technology degree in Aerospace Engineering. He served as a Captain in the Canadian Forces for nine years. During his two tours of duty in the Air Force, he flew extensively in the former Yugoslavia as well as in Somalia, Rwanda, Ethiopia, and Djibouti.
At the end of July, Skripac discussed, with the host of the Geopolitics & Empire podcast Hrvoje Morićhow, his father’s escape from communist Yugoslavia, his work in the field for the Canadian Forces, and his research of history led him to a proper understanding of what is going on.
He discussed the emerging global empire and how covid-19 [flu renamed] was used as a catalyst to erode our freedoms and erase national sovereignty. The digital gulag is the endgame. He doesn’t believe Putin is against the globalist agenda and that BRICS is two sides of the same coin.
In the video above, Skripac explained that war is never about freedom or democracy despite what governments say; it is always about economics. Even going back to Roman times, wars have always been about economics.
For Skripac, the first indication that the covid pandemic was a fraud was the events surrounding the Diamond Princess. For weeks, 3,700 people were onboard the [allegedly] covid infected cruise ship yet, at first it was reported only three passengers died. They died weeks after the passengers has disembarked from the ship. From this, the media was stating that covid had an infection fatality rate (“IFR”) of 3%. “That was the first light (that came on) for me (that) something was wrong,” he said.
In April 2020, John Ioannidis published his paper suggesting that covid had an IFR of 0.12% to 0.2% which is similar to that of the seasonal flu. [because it is the Flu just renamed] “But the media still kept going on: ‘It’s a global pandemic, it’s a global pandemic,” Skripac said. “And then suddenly all the world leaders – Angela Merkle, Justin Trudeau, everyone was saying ‘this is the new normal until a vaccine can be developed’. Why were they saying that something was wrong … that’s when the light came on for me (that) something’s wrong here.”
Further reading: John Ioannidis Responds to His Critics, Undark, 9 May 2020
All governments are synchronised and have been working together on covid [scam]. This global empire that is emerging has a Hydra at the top, Skripac explained. “The head is the Bank for International Settlements.”
The Bank for International Settlements works with the policymakers – such as the Rockefeller Institute, Club of Rome, Council on Foreign Relations and The Royal Institute of International Affairs (also known as Chatham House). Together the BIS and policymakers influence the policy distributors at the United Nations, World Health Organisation and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (“IPCC”) to coopt governments. “The governments by various means –have either been either bought out or coerced, blackmailed – so that this agenda was uniform,” Skripac said.
Further reading: UN SDGs implant “human rights” and attempt to override our inalienable rights, The Exposé, 1 July 2023
For those who believe Russia’s Vladimir Putin is fighting against the global cabal, Skripac recommended they read Rolo Slavskiy’s Substack page ‘The Slavland Chronicles’ or Edward Slavsquat’s Substack page. Both are “producing some excellent stuff about what’s really going on in Russia,” Skripac said. And, “Mr. Putin is not against the globalist agenda.”
All the covid measures imposed in the West – lockdowns, QR codes, contact tracing, injections – were also imposed on Russians. “Putin is a charlatan, he is not a patriot … Putin is selling (the Russian people) out completely,” Skripac said.
BRICS is not an alternative but is the other side of the same coin as the cabal in the West. And, Russia is not going against the globalist agenda – Agenda 2030 and the Fourth Industrial Revolution are being rolled out in Russia. “It is in lockstep, 100 per cent in line with the globalists, with the WEF World Economic Forum … Putin thinks that maybe by playing along with the cabal in the West … he thinks that will somehow spare Russia in the long run – that will not happen,” Skripac told Morićhow.
Another example of how the global “elites” are working towards the same plan: Putin has been spearheading the Eurasian Economic Union (“EAEU”). In 2015 the EAEU became the latest version of integration in the post-soviet space, bringing together Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan in a Union, taking the European Union as its model.
But the EAEU is not the only union of countries to be taking the EU as its model. According to Morićhow, in recent years various South American political leaders have called for the Union of South American Nations (“USAN”), sometimes referred to as the South American Union, to be based on the EU model.
Needless to say, the EU and its assimilation of the continent under one flag is viewed by globalists as a shining example of the “new world order.”
The way the EU is set up, Skripac explained, is the European Commission (“EC”), which is the executive branch of the EU, is made up of unelected, unaccountable officials. “Whenever they try to emulate that, or replicate it in Latin America or wherever you’re creating a completely undemocratic institution,” he said. Adding that the EC dictates policy that Members of the European Parliament essentially rubber stamp. It is a completely autocratic system modelled very closely on the communist government of China which has a central committee that dictates policies.
The European Central Bank was created by the Bank of International Settlements. “Another secretive, completely dictatorial institution which no one knows how it operates,” Skripac said. The European Central Bank is not to help European citizens, he said, “it’s part of the enslavement agenda.”
What is the ultimate goal?
The ultimate goal, Skripac told Morićhow, is to remove our individual freedoms, destroy our inalienable rights and enslave us all. It is “collectivism on an international scale,” he said.
Collectivism is found in varying degrees in movements such as socialism, communism and fascism. In communist systems, collectivism is carried to its furthest extreme, with a minimum of private ownership and a maximum of planned economy.
Collectivist societies emphasise the needs and goals of the group as a whole over the needs and desires of each individual. Collectivism requires that relationships with other members of the group and the interconnectedness between people play a central role in each person’s identity. To achieve a collectivist society, family values need to be erased and destroy organised religions, for example.
Collectivism on an international scale is globalisation. “When you hitch globalisation to AI [artificial intelligence], to technology … where you’ll be monitored, controlled, told what to eat, where to go, what to buy, what to inject into your bodies, surveillance 24/7 – that is then technocracy,” Skripac explained.
“So, we have elements of communism in the way that they collectivise and try to erase the individual and individual freedom, so that aspect is definitely there, but when you marry that to technology you have then technocracy … And where do we have a prime example of that in today’s world? … China … As Patrick Wood correctly described it, [China] is a full-fledged technate. If we want to see what could be the future for us, all we need to do is look at China.”
Patrick Wood is an economist, financial analyst and editor of Technocracy News. For those who want to explore the subject of technocracy further, he has published a series of articles on his Substack page titled ‘The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism’. He has also written two books on this topic: ‘Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation’ and ‘Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order.’
Technocracy was formulated in the 1930s at Columbia University. Howard Scott has been called the founder of the technocracy movement. Marion King Hubbert joined the staff of Columbia University in 1931 and met Scott. Hubbert and Scott co-founded Technocracy Incorporated in 1933, with Scott as leader and Hubbert as secretary.
The technate that China has become was all enabled by the Rockefellers. When Henry Kissinger went to China in 1971 to establish a relationship with the communist government of China, Skripac said, “he wasn’t sent there by Nixon, by my understanding, he was sent by the Rockefellers. He wasn’t working for President Nixon; he was working for the Rockefellers.”
Kissinger was sent to China to establish “this massive laboratory” for technocracy because of the millions of hardworking Chinese people that would not really go against the government, unless really bad things happened, and so could be moulded and manipulated.
What is the solution?
We need to get information about what is happening to as many people as we can. “Pierce through the propaganda so that we can inform people,” Skripac said, “we have to do it in a humble and patient way.” Yelling at people and resorting to insults is not going to get through to them. We have to plant a seed when opportunities arise. Pose questions to them so that people start to think about things.
Also, seek out like-minded people and start organising at a local level. At a local government level, we can prevail. You can also, for example, create your own Freedom Cell.
“We have to move away from fear … The opposite of love is fear,” Skripac said. “[Fear] is the lowest frequency and love is the highest frequency. Fear leads to anger, which leads to hate, which then leads to violence and suffering. And that’s where the cabal, the Luciferians, want to operate is at the fear level … Once we realise that is their modus operandi, that is how they operate in the realm of fear – we move away from that, from the lower energy … By love, [by] going the opposite spectrum to fear, then we will prevail.”
At the policymakers and policy distributors level of the cabal, there are about 8,000 to 12,000 people that are in charge of everything. “So, it’s 8 to 12,000 against 8 billion of us … we will prevail,” Skripac said
Original Article: https://expose-news.com/2023/08/18/we-are-moving-toward-a-digtal-gulag/
Note: Comments placed in [ ] are added by Truth11.com editor. For example; [Flu]
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