Human rights legislation is individual liability

Dylan Eleven |
With police shutting down or fining business and individuals, human rights taken away illegally and coercion to get a deadly experimental vaccine with consequences if we don’t. We need a clear way to understand our rights and what we can do legally to fight back.
All of the covid measures, restrictions, vaccine mandates and vaccine coercion are illegal, unconstitutional, criminal, immoral, irrational, and insane.
There are many laws and rights in each country. We also have the Nuremberg code on our side plus countless others. Protecting us from human rights violations and coerced vaccinations.
The police and government are breaking the law. We cannot let them to continue to break the law. If we let this continue the next step is extermination camps and forced deadly vaccines.
It is a big subject, and when standing in-front of a police officer trying to violate your rights, or judge or boss at work, having a clear quick complete response, defense and offence, is very beneficial. We will update our PDF to include the following legal information.
This is one part of the legal, verbal, and written defence and offence.
Yesterday we posted an interview, the Iron will show: interviewing Stewart Staudinger
You can view the video here
The legal information provided was very clear and very helpful in these current times. So we have documented this below.
In the interview they explain exactly how this is illegal and a strategy to take individually and collectively. And what our government officials need to do to stop these illegal orders being carried out.
This is a peacefully strategy:
1. Understand the law, and how they are breaking it. (This article will explain this clearly)
2. Have that information on you if they try to break the law with you. You can warm them you are aware of your rights. Aware their actions are illegal and explain to them they have personal liability for violating the law. (this article will explain this further).
3. If your rights are violated, this article will give you solutions to hold police or whoever is violating or has violated your rights, accountable.
4. A strategy to inform your local government of their liability and the fact that they are breaking the law. Explaining to them the penalty is life in prison.
5. And a strategy for our government officials to take to stop the illegal orders being followed by police.
This article can be altered based upon the laws of your country. The person in the interview was from Canada. So this information is specific to Canada, but is based upon local and international laws and can easily be altered to your country by finding the laws that align your country with the Rome Convention.
These are two documents we will be referring to:
The Rome Statute
And this information is from the Iron will show: Stewart Staudinger
Canadian and international Law, Covid-19 Measures and Vaccine Coercion
International law regarding human rights was ratified 21 years ago in Canada.
Canadian law was introduced to bring Canada in line with international law, on human rights, 7 Comventions including the Rome Statute.
Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act
Section 1
What is customary international law and what Canada signed up for. 7 Conventions including the Rome Statute.
Section 4
If you commit an act in violation of one of those customary international laws it is a criminal act in Canada. Subject to life in prison as stipulated in section 1.
The ICCPR International Law | The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
Article 1.
It is illegal to remove people’s means of subsistence.
Except in a national emergency involving a direct threat to the nation. Such a s a war. Where the country is overrun by a foreign military, they could close a gas station down to move the family from the fighting near by.
That is the only exemption. Medical emergency does not qualify.
Section 13
It is not a defense to claim you were following a domestic law or order at the time of the commission of the offense.
This means if you follow a Canadian law that contravenes the one of those international laws that falls under section 4 of the crimes against humanity and war crimes act it is a criminal offense and you can’t use the domestic law or order in your defense.
So if you close someone’s business you have committed a crime medical emergencies do not count.
2. Secondly we look at specifically the vaccine mandate and forced vaccines;
The MRNA vaccines are a gene therapy and are still experimental.
Article 7 ICCPR | The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
You can NEVER Coercively or fraudulently enrol someone in a medical or scientific experiment. No exceptions. No matter what the emergency. EVER.
This current political positioning is dangerous because it puts officers in a position that they are violating the law if they back up a health agency directive, doing whatever the health agency asks X, Y or Z . But if they don’t break the law they will be fired.
We need to speak to the police individually, and find a way to get through to the command chain.
The government is not going to back off, if they do they will go to jail.
Nuremberg trials principal 4 specifically says it is not a valid defense that you were following orders. It also states people have the right to give informed consent. And they can refuse any medical treatment without consequences. Any violation of this carries the penalty of death.
The command chain knows the individual officer is liable and breaking the law. And they knowingly send them out to perform these illegal orders. They have no loyalty to the police. Wake up boys and girls in blue.
The command chain is willing to sacrifice police. They need to understand this. The police need to understand they have been put in a position that they are performing illegal acts and are personally liable. Both financially and criminally.
Human rights laws hold the individual responsible.
Resistance is a key strategy so police must excpect great resistance. Therefore police are put in the position where they are in the wrong legally, committing criminal acts that they are liable for personally, and faced with putting the population into a place where the best strategy for the people is to resist.
As history has shown, the best way to stop this genocide is to resist. For example; 25% of Leningrad was arrested one winter, if people had resisted, he would’ve run out of agents in a week.
Police need to be told that they are breaking the law, human rights law, Canadian law and international law. They have no legal defence. They are personally liable, criminally and financially. The penalty for violating section 4 of the crimes against Humanity and war crimes act, as stated in section 1, is life in prison.
If a police officer breaks the law and violates section 4 of the crimes against humanity and war crimes act. For example; shutting down someone’s business, giving out fines specifically for COVID-19 measures, or trying to coerce anyone to have a vaccination, based upon the international law, and Canadian law the have committed a criminal act subject to life in prison.
The process to hold police accountable is:
1. File a criminal complaint at the police station under section 4 of the crimes against humanity act. This is a serious offense.
2. File a complaint with the human rights commission
3. For fines and shutting down of business you can hold them personally responsible for financial losses file a civil suit against them for criminal damages and you can put a lien on their house and their car etc.
We should not be having to hold the police accountable for breaking the law.
But if faced with police, making them aware that we can hold them accountable, and their actions are illegal, may deter them from fining you, or closing down your business, or violating your human rights.
Police should not do any job or follow any order that deeply immoral and is in violation of Canadian or international law. They have the right to refuse these orders and if they get fired for it they could sue.
Another group of people we need to tell they are liable, and face a life sentence, is local government.
They are responsible for your area personally also. If violations of section 4 happen under their watch they are responsible and liable financially and criminally, facing a life sentence as stated in section 1.
If these local government officials know what the law is and if it comes to trial, they will come for the town counsellors. And they are liable. The town can then tell the police, you’re on your own with these illegal orders, and they do not have the back up from the town.
The process that should be done is a lawyer at the government level, talking to the cabinet, to the health minister, to the Premier, the solicitor General and the justice minister; and say “this is illegal, these people (the police) work for us (some crown corporation AHS or something) they are not going to break the law on our watch and on our turf. Over to you solicitor General”….
At which point the solicitor General, sends out a letter to the heads of the crown corporation or private corporation saying you do not get to enforce these illegal mandates, fines and closures in people and you cannot coerce or fraudulently enroll them in a medical or scientific experiment ever.
Human rights legislation is individual liability. There is no such thing as corporate liability.
No one can turn around and sue the crown corporation such as AHS, who run the police, for closing down your business or violating human rights. This is key:
The people responsible are;
1. The person who made the decision,
2. The person that gave the order
3. The person that carried out the order.
They are all legally liable for their illegal actions, not the corporation they work for.
I bet if they fully understood that they have every legal right to stand with the people and refuse illegal orders That go against not only against the Canadian Constitution, the Nuremberg code and the crimes against humanity amd war crimes act. They would feel better about organizing within the ranks and challenging the chain of command to not put them in that position.
Vaccine mandates in the workplace you can also go after these people personally for losses due to the vaccine mandate.
In addition to the crimes against humanity and war crimes act there is the Nuremberg Code, and other laws. We Will put them all in one place a new PDF and put this out soon.
If we all do what is suggested in this video. Tell all cops and politicians they are personally liable for breaking the law and face life in prison.
Also tell them we understand the position they have been put in, but we are all being put in that position so out sympathy is limited.
They are not allowed to break the law. And if they do we will hold them accountable.
I think many more would join with the people if they know they are breaking the law, have no defence, and are personally liable.
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