“Yielding of Sovereignty Is Considered the Crime of High Treason” – Archbishop Vigano on Nation States Handing Over Sovereignty to the WHO

The Gateway Pundit / Joe Hoft
Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano provides a memo this morning warning of the dangers of handing over individual nation-state sovereignty to the WHO. This is an act of treason by these nation-states.
Archbishop Vigano is a world leader with the courage to stand up to the globalists who are attempting to take over the world. He provides a letter to the people of the world this morning.
Archbishop Vigano writes:
In the coming days, the Nations that adhere to the World Health Organization will vote on resolutions regarding the WHO’s management of pandemics. These resolutions will transfer sovereignty regarding the health of citizens to a supranational body that is largely financed by the pharmaceutical industry and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. If these resolutions are approved by a majority, the WHO will have exclusive international authority in the case of a pandemic to impose all the rules, including quarantines, lockdowns, obligatory vaccinations and vaccine passports. It should also be borne in mind that this organization enjoys immunity, and thus its members cannot be either tried or convicted if they commit crimes. Unelected technocrats will paradoxically have more power than that which citizens confer on their representatives by means of their democratic vote.
Given that the yielding of sovereignty is considered the crime of high treason by the laws of every nation, and that Parliaments may not legislate against the interests of the Nation, much less violate the natural liberties and fundamental rights of the citizens whom they represent, I believe that it will not escape anyone’s notice that this attempt by the WHO to appropriate a power that properly belongs to individual Nations is intended to impede any sort of opposition to the Agenda 2030, which in the field of healthcare also aims to accomplish the drastic reduction of medical and hospital services, the privatization of the health industry, and disease prevention by means of vaccines.
Below is the entire memo and a must-read. (Read what Archbishop Vigano says about the current Pope in the last paragraph.)
Vigano WHO Declaration May 21 2022 by Jim Hoft on Scribd
Original Article: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/05/exclusive-yielding-sovereignty-considered-crime-high-treason-archbishop-vigano-nation-states-handing-sovereignty/
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