The Trump Shooting: So Many Questions | Assassination Attempt or False Flag?
Donald Jeffries |
I had actually almost finished another piece for Substack when people began texting me yesterday about Donald Trump being shot. I never watch the news, so unless MeTV broke into their weekly airing of Three Stooges shorts, I was not going to know about it from my large and trusty television.
Several people have asked for my impressions of this assassination attempt. I am kind of an expert on the subject, seeing as how the JFK assassination first took me down the rabbit hole and has consumed a lot of my thinking for almost fifty years. First off, there is the following image, which has an almost Iwo Jima feel to it. Iconic. Like a scene lifted from Braveheart. It takes a strong man to rise up with blood on his face and instantly raise his fist in defiance. You’d think he might have spent a moment or two worried about his potential injuries. He is seventy eight years old, after all. More importantly, you’d think the Secret Service would prevent him from doing this. Wasn’t he still a potential target? It violated all their procedures to permit this. But it did make for a great picture. I assume it will be used extensively by his campaign.

In this photo, Trump looks a bit like poor Lee Harvey Oswald, surrounded by over seventy police officers in that Dallas basement. And somehow, none of them thought to stand in front of him. Protect his front. Oops. Isn’t that what we’re seeing here? Maybe these Secret Service agents had spent too much time watching footage of Oswald being shot? Did surviving JFK Secret Service detail agent Clint Hill give them a pep talk? On how not to protect a president? I think the same rules apply for ex-presidents. I don’t know, aren’t they trained to throw themselves over the person they’re guarding in such a situation, and rush him off for medical treatment as quickly as possible? I don’t believe propping an injured victim up, so that the crowd (including any other shooters, if not the same would be assassin who clipped his ear) can see him clearly? No one could miss that blood on his face.
Amazingly, Donald Trump can be heard on audio, as he is being lifted to his feet (and not completely covered as standard operating procedure would require), saying, “Let me get my shoes.” What? He was speaking on stage without shoes? The flesh wound to his ear knocked him out of his shoes? I was advised by some on Twitter/X that it is actually quite easy to slip out of your shoes in such a situation, especially if you are very wealthy. Apparently, the more expensive the shoe, the more easily it just slips off in these situations. This seems very dubious to me. But I have never been shot at. And I am known to look for my shoes on sale.
This was the first assassination attempt on an American politician since Ronald Reagan in March, 1981. Forty three years between assassination attempts is a long time for a country like America. What with our love of guns and everything, and our propensity for deranged lone nuts, who manage to circumvent all that sterling Secret Service protection we pay for. There was never any doubt that this act was going to be attributed to a lone nut. In America, politicians are never shot at for political reasons. It’s an American exceptionalism thing, you wouldn’t understand. This was in spite of early eyewitness reports that there were some eight shots, and they had been heard coming from different directions. Uh oh. No, we can’t have that. Different directions means more than one shooter. That never happens here.
So let’s look at some facts, before they are shoved down the memory hole. In all these cases, early reports are the most interesting. The narrative hasn’t been officially established yet. Contrary witnesses appear. The BBC interviewed an eyewitness who described seeing a man scaling a wall in their midst, rifle in hand. He tried to alert the police, but clearly wasn’t successful. Well, really, why should the police be any more alert at a presidential speech than the Secret Service? The interview can be seen at the following link: BBC Interview- Gunman was Visible. Watch it before they take it down. As some anonymous wit pointed out online, they had police on another rooftop, as can be seen in the amusing meme/photo below. But none on the roof the gunman shot from? And these guys didn’t notice him?

Now, I will say that Trump reacted quickly and got down on the ground exceptionally well for an overweight seventy eight year old. Must be all that Diet Coke and fast food. And the small wound on his right ear was the most insignificant injury suffered in a major assassination attempt since Teddy Roosevelt was supposedly protected from a bullet by a fifty page speech in his pocket. Boy, they must have given long-winded speeches in those days. What good fortune. If only JFK had had his Inaugural Address protecting his head on November 22, 1963. That was a pretty long speech, too, albeit no mammoth fifty pager. Teddy Roosevelt was the kind of guy the assassins usually miss. Just like his cousin, the odious FDR. Or Warren Commission member Gerald Ford. Not sure what this says about Trump, but they did miss killing him.
So just who are they attributing this bloody ear wound/near assassination to? The initial reports claimed that Mark Violets, who was associated with Antifa, was the lone nut. He even posted a video on YouTube proclaiming, “Justice is coming.” But Violets was a not a three namer. America has a long tradition of lone nuts, and they like to refer to them using all three of their names. Sure, he was called Lee Oswald by his friends and family, but not the state controlled media. James Earl Ray was known as Jimmy. Even Richard Hauptman was constantly referred to as Bruno Richard Hauptman (he really hated the name Bruno, and no one called him that) as they framed him for the Lindbergh Baby kidnapping.

But Mark Violets just didn’t have that ring to it. No middle name? And the Antifa connection was quite troubling. That certainly doesn’t fit the narrative. And so, they found a new patsy, a three namer more suitable for their purposes. He is (or was, as of course he was killed at the scene) Thomas Matthew Crooks. Not even a lukewarm public supporter of Antifa. A registered Republican. The New York Post certainly found his voter registration information fast. Oddly, it lists him as being born “9/2003.” Maybe they didn’t bother to ask him the exact date in September. You know, like the exact year Trump supposedly raped E. Jean Carroll. This is America 2.0, and we have different standards. Maybe Crooks would have been offended. It would have probably been racist anyhow. What isn’t?
So the narrative will be constructed for Crooks. They won’t explain why he did this, because when you’ve accepted that there are an endless number of deranged nuts out there, just biding their time to assassinate someone- anyone- you will not be asking for any motive. Maybe Crooks was jealous of Trump’s hair. He did kind of aim for it. Some reports claim Crooks was a “gun nut,” or more kindly put an advocate of the Second Amendment. Others say he was a “progressive,” and perhaps one of those Democrats who only registered Republican to vote in the primary against Trump. At any rate, he felt the need to climb onto a rooftop at the Trump speech site, an only slightly less conspicuous act than King Kong carrying Fay Wray up the Empire State Building. And somehow no one noticed him but the guy who was interviewed by the BBC. Kind of like how Hamas paraglided in over a concert without the IDF noticing.
Mainstream accounts of “what we know about” Crooks tells us that he had donated to a “progressive” PAC. Coming from one of those affluent, predominately White areas that are a hotbed of potential lone assassins, his parents were both said to be licensed behavioral care counselors. You would think no would could spot a brewing lone nut better than licensed counselors. Evidently, he was bullied quite a bit in school, like all those alleged school shooters. A classmate in fact claimed he was “bullied almost every day.” But unlike most victims of bullying, Crooks regularly wore hunting outfits to school. And like so many guilty and/or framed criminals before him, Crooks was described as a “loner” and an “outcast.” You’d think that at least one popular extrovert would consider assassinating someone. But it would kind of destroy your popularity.
In an article in The Guardian, we learn that “Multiple people who were listening to the former US president’s speech outside the rally venue said they spotted Crooks as he brought an AR-style rifle to the plant rooftop and took aim in the direction of the former president. But they said officers did not immediately react to their warnings – assertions that prompted local district attorney Richard Goldlinger to tell CNN that it was urgent for investigators to figure out how Crooks ‘would’ve gotten to the location where he was.’” To the layperson, it seems that Crooks got to the location because none of the police or Secret Service, even though alerted by “multiple witnesses,” confronted him. You know, the kind of thing they’re paid to do.
Donald Trump, and most of the state controlled media, lauded the Secret Service for their “quick actions.” They could have less kindly, but more honestly criticized them for not noticing a guy with a rifle climbing a nearby roof, and then holding up Trump, wounded ear and all, for everyone to see, including the lone nut assassin or, in the event that there had actually been a conspiracy afoot, any other shooter on the scene. I don’t know how many bystanders were injured, but one was killed. He has finally been identified as former fire chief Corey Comperatore. It is reported that in a last act of heroism, he shielded his daughter from gunfire. When they finally noticed Crooks on the rooftop, the Secret Service agents opened fire and killed him. Jack Ruby wasn’t even needed. So there will be no trial for attempted assassination.

You’ll notice in the picture above that Crooks is wearing a tee shirt that seems to have some sort of “gun’s rights” message. And yet he gave to a “progressive” PAC. Doesn’t look much like an assassin to me. But then neither did nineteenth century matinee idol John Wilkes Booth. Crooks here, surprisingly enough, isn’t using that “Matthew” middle name. That only comes into play when one is being framed for an assassination, I suppose. No one has ever called me Donald Anthony Jeffries. But I’ve never been framed for an assassination, either. Fortunately, I don’t think my full name has that Lee Harvey Oswald catchiness to it. So, the perpetrator was a bullied, gun-loving progressive. Maybe he just had a really bad case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Most curious of all, apparently Crooks appeared in a 2023 BlackRock commercial. Was he an actor? Dare we suggest crisis actor? And for BlackRock?
Speaking of that, I’ve seen some nasty comments online about the Trump shooting. Sam Tripoli was live streaming last night, and showed some Instagram and TikTok videos of truly frightening people, almost all women, who were angry that the shooter missed. One respectable looking middle-aged woman declared, “We were that close to it being the best day ever.” One tattooed, obese monstrosity displayed her ignorance by shouting, “Lee Harvey Oswald wouldn’t have missed!” Lee Harvey Oswald didn’t shoot anyone, gorgeous. I guess they aren’t scared of the FBI or Secret Service tracking them down. They’ve been pretty good about finding J6 defendants. Just not gunmen on some roofs. High profile Democrats generally said the right thing, but there were references to Trump’s own “dangerous” rhetoric contributing to this.
In fact, some keyboard warriors online maintained that “Trump asked for it.” You know, the way a fetching preteen in a bikini asks for a migrant with a brewing “sexual emergency” to rape her. I guess Trump asked for “comedian” Kathy Griffin to hold up that severed head. What else could George Lopez do, but infer that Trump should be killed on Twitter? Mickey Rourke had no choice but to threaten to beat the Orange Man with a baseball bat. The producers of the play that ran for months in New York, during Trump’s presidency, that contained his mock assassination, were only responding to his anti-immigration rhetoric, and his objections to illegals killing American citizens. I’m waiting to hear Robert DeNiro’s reaction. He must be beside himself. So close to nirvana.

If Trump wasn’t the actor Trumpenstein, there logically should have been a conspiracy to assassinate him during his term in office. It would have merely been the logical culmination to all the threats and hatred he endured for more than four years. As was seen by the event yesterday, and certainly in JFK’s assassination, the Secret Service can stand down with the best of them. As in a total 9/11 stand down. And the same FBI that will “investigate” this assassination attempt, would have investigated any successful assassination of President Trump. The FBI has nearly a century’s worth of lies, crimes, and cover-ups to its name. They weren’t going to attempt to find the truth, and they won’t attempt to find the truth about what happened yesterday.
The mainstream media certainly won’t be doing any investigating. CNN initially tried to deny that there was an assassination attempt, reporting that Trump had fallen and cut his head. A tweet on Twitter/X claimed that the Secret Service had urged that no one “speculate” or “jump to conclusions.” They noted, “Don’t call it an assassination attempt unless authorities confirm that connection.” New anchors were discouraged from showing a “serious” expression on their faces. Again, I don’t know if this really originated from the Secret Service, and why our “free press” would obey their instructions. I do know that they didn’t notice a guy with a rifle on a nearby roof, even when witnesses pointed it out to them.
Because it’s so early, there is much out there that is impossible to verify. So many people have been sending me information, and I very much appreciate that. There is a video of someone who says, “My name is Thomas Matthew Crooks, and I hate Republicans and I hate Trump. And guess what- you got the wrong guy.” I have no idea if this was really Crooks. He did refer to himself with all three of his names for what it’s worth. Just like Lee Harvey Oswald was assessed as “a rather mediocre shot” by the Marines, Crooks reportedly tried out for but didn’t make his high school rifle team. Maybe mediocre shooters make the best patsies. And Vincent Fusca, the guy QAnon devotees believe is actually JFK, Jr., was photographed at the rally, sitting close behind the stage where Trump was shot. Or was Trump actually hit by glass fragments from a missed shot, not from a bullet?
In March of this year, the thoroughly odious former ESPN talking head Keith Olbermann shared a tweet from Biden-Harris HQ, which said “Trump says he has been treated worse than Abraham Lincoln, who was assassinated.” Olbermann replied by saying, “There’s always the hope.” Five days ago, Joe Biden stated, “It’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.” I think Sarah Palin once got in hot water over a similar remark. A July 1 Huffington Post headline blared, “Supreme Court gives Joe Biden the Legal OK to Assassinate Donald Trump.” If I wasn’t so damn cynical, having spent so many years down these rabbit holes, I would just assume they finally tried to kill him, after attacking him in so many other ways. The Secret Service let it happen, as they have been known to do. Trump got lucky and showed his ferocious determination.

But if you’re a regular reader, you know it’s never that simple with me. I have to factor in the Trumpenstein Project. I can’t stop looking at that iconic photo of Trump with his fist raised triumphantly, as the Secret Service positions him for a perfect head shot, should the lone three namer still be alive, or (heaven forbid) have some confederates. That just doesn’t ring true with me. How does a two namer Antifa guy turn into a bullied three namer “gun nut” who is a bad shot? Trump, lover of law enforcement that he is, is unlikely to ask how a guy holding a rifle was allowed to scale the wall of a nearby building. What exactly were those “protecting” Trump looking for, if not something like that? There was a report of an officer encountering the shooter on the roof, and then inexplicably backing away. What? This is no “conspiracy theory.” Just answer the questions. Provide a logical explanation.
It will be interesting to see if this event, real or staged, gives Trump a “bump” in those continuous pre-election polls. Will Trump be portrayed as a martyr by the press that has overtly hated him like no other public figure? On the surface, surviving an assassination attempt would seem to be a guarantor of victory in such a seemingly close race. Will the bumbling, stumbling Sniffer in Chief be replaced by the Democrats? The conventions are fast approaching. I don’t pretend to know. As I’ve said, I stopped making predictions when Trump became president in 2016. Anything could happen- Trump could suddenly withdraw because of an ear infection from the shot. We could wind up with Nikki vs. Hillary. Whatever happens, we will be lied to as always, and the lives of the vast majority of the people will not get better.
I’m sure I will be writing more about the Trump attempted assassination. There are bound to be more questions arising that contradict the always ridiculous official account of events.
Original Article:
Trump Assassination Attempt False Flag

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