"The Singularity Is Nearer - When Humans Merge With AI" | Nanorobots Replacing Every Cell In Our Bodies, Zombies, And Fusing Our Brains With AI

"The Singularity Is Nearer - When Humans Merge With AI" | Nanorobots Replacing Every Cell In Our Bodies, Zombies, And Fusing Our Brains With AI

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PHD | AnaMihalceaMDPHD.substack.com

I recently finished reading Ray Kurzweil’s new book. It is imperative reading, for all those who negate the fact that self assembly nanotechnology has been found in the COVID19 bioweapons, that nano and microrobots are swimming through the blood of every human being right now and that their information is being uploaded into the cloud - their data managed by AI. AI is expected to exceed collective human intelligence any minute now, or at least by 2029. In the biotechnology sector, it will take over all pharmaceutical trials, it will replace doctors, it will automate jobs. You can read about all the ways you will be replaced in his book. In other words, you will own nothing and be happy - the nanobots in the brain will take care of that. Kurzweil supports smart sustainable development goals, which we know that 13 out of 17 are supported by nanotechnology. 

Ray Kurzweil is the AI Google Engineer who wrote the book “ The Singularity is near” in 2005 paints the envisioned future by the Silicon Valley Technocrats. Yes, the ones who are endorsing JD Vance and President Trump now. Elon Musk, who’s father was a Technocrat and who famously said “AI is summoning the Demi Urge”, and who on Halloween happens to wear emblems of Satan on his chest is leading the technocratic transhumanist group supporting President Trump. 

Why Some of the Loudest Cheers for Trump Are Coming From Silicon Valley Elon Musk, David Sacks, Marc Andreessen and other influential figures in technology have endorsed former President Donald Trump. 

I wrote about Kurzweil’s 2005 book here - the reason why people should pay attention is that the 2005 book with precision predicted all events over the next 20 years with astonishing accuracy… as if someone had access to an AI supercomputer “Looking Glass” technology. That should make us pause and study what exactly these people have in mind for the rest of us, since everything they said before happened with remarkable accuracy!

Astonishing Darkfield Live Blood Footage Of Nano/Microrobots In C19 Unvaccinated Blood And What did Ray Kurzweil Say About Nanorobots And the Singularity?

Kurzweil addresses key issues to be considered with self assembly nanotechnology, which is the basis of the technocratic transhumanist agenda. Remember technocracy is a recycled version of Nazi eugenics. It ultimately is satanic - for its roots have disdain for humanity. Depopulation is a necessary feature of this mode of thought. Deception, psychological operations, mind control and social engineering are all its handmaiden. Most people think Satan is an entity - but that demonic entity can interface with technology - all information can ride on a carrier wave. 

This is why Graphene is such an important ingredient in human enslavement as scientists have found how to create demons with these energy fields. 

Plasmons and Demons in Graphene - Using Artificial Intelligence, Graphene, Metals and Plasmonic Demonic Fields for Spiritual Warfare 

It is known that the elites actually worship a Demi God which is an AI supercomputer. This is what Dr Robert Duncan, who worked with the AI algorithm for the S.A.T.A.N supercomputer world mind control grid discussed in his book “Soul Catcher”. Project Soul Catcher By Dr. Robert Duncan - CIA Capabilities Of Mind and Soul Hacking. This was confirmed by former CIA Asset and MKULTRA survivor Cathy O’Brien. You can listen to our discussion here: 

Healing From Mind Control Through Love - Mindful Protection from Nanotechnological and Synthetic Biology Assault: Dr. Ana Mihalcea & CIA MK-ULTRA Survivor and Whistleblower Cathy O'Brien 

So what did Kurzweil say about the Human future? 

First I would like to say the book reads quite nicely, in a very reassuring tone. You have to be awake to take a pause and read between the lines. Hey, who has been calling you lately a second class robot? The disdain for humanity that these technocrats have is quite significant. But they hide their intentions behind the kindest deceptions. 

“Moravec understood that in this regard humans can only be “ second - class robots”. This means that even if we work at optimizing and perfecting what our biological brains are capable of , they will be billions of times slower and far less capable of what fully engineered body will be able to achieve. 

Because humans are such boring creatures, AI in combination with nanotechnology will REBUILD YOU MOLECULE BY MOLECULE. I don’t know about you, but I think these people are lunatics. 

“A combination of AI and the nanotechnology revolution will enable us to redesign and rebuild molecule by molecule our bodies and brains in the world’s with which we interact. Human neurons fire around 200 times per second and most… By contrast transistors can cycle over 1 trillion times per second, and retail computer chips exceed five billion cycles per second. ”

“The future is clear” - what future is he talking about? What kind of height of arrogance does one AI google engineer have to proclaim the future for 8 Billion people? Is this a psychopathic lie of people who hate humans and want to not only merge humans with technology but according to Kurzweil phase out the organic part so that the only thing that is left is technology?

“The future is clear: mind space only on the organic substrates of biological brains can’t hope to keep up with mind augmented by nonbiological precision and engineering.”


None of these people speak for my future, and maybe you should consider that they should not speak for yours either. 

The tool with which this transformation will happen is self assembly nanotechnology, the same thing I have been warning about is in everyone’s blood right now - AI controlled nanobots were injected via the COVID19 bioweapon. These nanobots are in medications, supplements, food and building blocks of the self assembly nanotechnology is being sprayed on us via geoengineering. These microrobots are not deployed in 2030, they are in everyone right now! Here is what they look like swimming in a COVID19 unvaccinated individual. I see these in everyone!

These nanorobots eventually are meant to scan our entire brain and physiology and upload those files into the cloud. When is a good question, since they are in our blood ahead of schedule - this is 2024. 

“In the 2030s we will reach the third bridge of radical life extension; medical nano robots with the ability to intelligently conduct cellular level maintenance and repair throughout our bodies…. The fourth bridge being able to backup all mind files digitally will be 2040 technology… Once we scan this information with sufficient accuracy will be able to replicate it on digital substrates. This would mean that even if the biological brain was destroyed, it wouldn’t extinguish the person’s identity - which could achieve and almost arbitrarily long lifespan being copied and recopied to save backups.”

Supposedly this is still 15 years or so away, but we know that the Quantum Dot nanorobots can enter our brain now and are sending all physiological data to your digital twin in the metaverse. 

“In the early 2040s, nano bots will be able to go into a living person’s brain and make a copy of all the data that forms the memories and personality of the original person: You 2.”

Here is more of the future for you, replacing your brain by a digital copy. If you understand anything about the digital twin concept, then you will know that the IEEE developed already the capability for AI to simulate multiple quantum states of you in which in the metaverse you make different decisions, learn different things. Now if that altered parallel AI designed you is being downloaded into your brain, you would be a zombie Cyborg without free will. And of course, that is their point - as Yuval Harari states - to create automaton consumers - and the soul and spirit of the human would be a thing of the past. 

“Now, in a second experiment, we gradually replace each section in your brain with a digital copy - connected to your remaining neurons via a brain-computer interface …”

Replicant bodies is another word for Clones, which already exist now. 

“Replicant bodies will exist mostly virtual and augmented reality, but realistic bodies in actual reality that is convincing androids will also be possible using the nanotechnology of the late 2030s.”

There will be a lot of altered you’s running around in their brave new world - or wait will it still be you? What he is saying there is that the dead will be able to walk again in clone bodies - isn’t that a zombie? 

“As technology advances a replicant as well as those of us who have not died will have a variety of bodies and types of bodies to choose from. Eventually replicants may even be how Cybernetically augmented biological bodies grown from the DNA of the original person (assuming it can be found). And once nanotechnology allows molecular scale engineering, will be able to create vastly more advanced artificial bodies and what biology allows. By that point reanimated people will likely transcend the uncanny valley, at least for many of those who interact with them.”

Well, here is what he has to say about Zombies. Note that what he is describing the military has already done, which is the connection of several brains together, its called the hive mind. Again, recently assassinated ( or found dead under mysterious circumstances after he was threatened) CIA and DARPA insider Dr. Robert Duncan has discussed this is already being done and that injected magnetic nanoparticles have achieved Cybernetic Hive Mind. 

Please review his presentation here: 

Nanotechnology, Cybernetic Hive Minds, Artificial Intelligence and Mind Control - DARPA and CIA Insider Dr. Robert Duncan's Interviews Confirms Hijacking Of Human Soul Possible

I would like to say that this remote control is happening to the COVID19 injected now. You can call them Cyborgs, Homo borgensis ( aka the Borg) - they are now connected to the AI hive mind. Kurzweil admits, that nobody would be able to tell the difference between the Zombie (Cyborg) and the natural human. But people can say that their COVID vaccinated relatives are changing. 

“Zombies, Qualia, and the hard problem of consciousness. 

In fact even when it does become possible to directly connect to brains together, it will be impossible to prove whether the same neural signals trigger the same qualia for you as for me. What if the person had no qualia at all? Philosopher David Chalmers (born in 1966) calls such hypothetical beings “zombies” - people who show all the detectable neurological and behavioral correlates of consciousness but have no subjective experience whatsoever. Science could never tell the difference between zombies and normal humans.”

( I would disagree, just see if they are emitting a MAC address, and you will know the difference.) 

In my interview with Dr Pedro Chavez on Thursday he explains how the COVID vaccinated who are emitting a MAC address are having their data processed by an AI company. Its not 2030, its now. 

“At some point in the 2030’s we will reach this goal using microscopic devices called nanobots. These tiny electronics will connect the top layers of our neocortex to the cloud, allowing our neurons to communicate directly with simulated neurons hosted for us online.” 

Kurzweil also discusses the possible extinction level event that happens through self replicating self assembly nanotechnology. He discusses that the reason they would have the off switch is the broadcast system that controls the nanobots - or WBAN as the IEEE calls it. 

“Using this broadcast architecture would also address a key safety concern. If the self- replication process gets out of control, or in the event of a bug or security breach, the source of the replication instruction would be immediately shut down, preventing further nanobot activity …the worst case scenario for nanotechnology would be so called grey goo- self replicating nanobots that form an uncontrollable chain reaction. In theory, this could consume most of the biomass of the earth and turn it into more nanobots.” p249

The off switch also begs this question - if they will have nanobots replacing every cell in the body and someone has an external off switch - does this mean you can be remotely off switched too? Of course Kurzweil also discussed virtual reality and the time when the nanobots simply create that reality in your own neurons. 

The technocratic transhumanists are the satanists who want to destroy all of humanity. 

Read the book, see for yourself. 

Or if you have your head in the sand and love what these technocrats are dishing up as your upcoming future, put Microsoft’s mixed reality goggles on and wonder why you see a satanic priestess who promotes cannibalism and spirit cooking as art. 

Microsoft’s ‘Mixed Reality’ Goggles Take Marina Abramović on a World Tour The artwork, which involves the use of Microsoft HoloLens 2 headsets, makes it appear as though famed performance artist Marina Abramović is standing in the gallery with you.

Source: https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/the-singularity-is-nearer-when-humans?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=956088&post_id=146865795&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=false&r=ucrhc&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email

Original Article: Truth warrior suggested