The Spectre Of Government

The Spectre Of Government

Elections: It Absolutely Does Not Matter Which Piece of Shit ‘Wins,’ We All Lose!

Gary D. Barnett |

“Representative government is artifice, a political myth, designed to conceal from the masses the dominance of a self-selected, self-perpetuating, and self-serving traditional ruling class.” ~ Giuseppe Prezzolini

The spectre of government and governance is the epitome of evil and rule, the very foundation of slavery, the father of totalitarianism, and the mother of hate and death. This is what most have always voluntarily chosen, this is what most vote for, this is what most strive to create, this is what most achieve by their moronic and certifiable lunacy when they choose controlling rule over freedom. I wish I could explain this human affliction of perpetually seeking a lord and master, but alas, I cannot fathom stupidity at that level. Is it gullibility, total ignorance, worship of power, fear of self and self-rule, greed, jealousy, envy, or just moral bankruptcy? It is all these things and much more; it is mass psychotic mental retardation based on cowardice.

At this point, I am left with the task of wagering on how many more fake ‘assassination’ attempts are still forthcoming for Trump, and how many fake sympathy statements and claims that “violence has no place in America,” the most murderous and violent country on earth, are coming from Harris. I think these two criminals should just ‘hook up,’ and run as one team. At least that would be more honest and believable than this asinine circus of idiocy and hypocrisy that is on full display for all to see.

As H. L Mencken so eloquently noted, “As ‘democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”What the great Mencken could not fathom, was that they are mostly all morons or worse, each more so than the last, but today we have the most moronic of all batches to date; which definitely includes the current cluster of ruling idiots, and also those attempting to squat in the White House after this next moron-choosing ‘selection.’

Everything has become so convoluted, that it is nearly impossible to discern one thing from another, and to figure out what sides are being taken, and by whom. In addition, the so-called ‘alternative media’ has morphed into just an offshoot of the mainstream whores. Most of them, especially the big money contenders, those like Carlson, Rogan, Alex Jones, Russell Brand, and a cadre of others, including so many claimed (falsely) anti-state ‘libertarians,’ are now just political grandstanders picking red or blue and becoming shills for evil politicians. This is true for supporters of both Trump and Harris, but Trump’s gang has a slight lead in the bogus ‘alternative’ arena. If any of these so-called alternative voices were legitimate, they would never become political party advocates, and would instead call out the State and these slimy politicians on both sides of the aisle at every turn. Instead, we get political cheerleaders stumping for one side or the other, a pathetic display of deception.

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