Weaponized Hurricane Helene

Weaponized Hurricane Helene


State Of The Nation | Stateofthenation.co

Here’s why the superstorm was deliberately intensified to a Cat 4 at landfall and aimed
right at Taylor County, Florida.

SOTN Editor’s Note: The following exposé was sent to this Alt Media platform by an experienced conspiracy researcher and crime investigator.

For the uninitiated, here’s how weather warfare and geoterrorism is now systematically perpetrated against the American people every storm season of the year, depending on where they live.

Everyone knows that the entire southeast United States has seen hurricanes practically forever. However, the dramatic uptick in the incidence of Cat 3, 4, and 5 hurricanes is quite unusual and now very obvious to long-time residents of the South.

In point of fact, Hurricane Season was never so fraught with these superstorms as the Deep South has experienced over the past 30 years. That’s because the NWO geoengineers are purposefully making those storms from scratch or hijacking natural tropical storms. Then, these geoterrorists greatly intensify them and aim them right at a pre-selected target.

The last three mega-hurricanes to hit the continental US, which all struck Florida, were each manufactured in this fashion. The latest highly destructive superstorm was Hurricane Helene which was stealthily geoengineered, initially off the coast of the Yucatan (see the preceding map), where the technology and equipment is located to generate superstorms from their very inception. That technology includes, at the very minimum, a specific mix of chemical geoengineering techniques, Nexrad radar stations, HAARP-level frequency emitters, and power plant-generated water vapor.


Next Rad Stations | Pulse Across The US

The 4 most devastating hurricanes to strike Florida over the past five years were manufactured in this manner and took a similar path initially. What follows are the trajectories of Hurricane Helene, Hurricane Idalia, Hurricane Ian and Hurricane Michael, respectively:


What’s the critical point here?

The NWO geoterrorists are now methodically producing superstorms during each and every hurricane season, and then targeting specific communities, cities and states in order to impose a new order or rules & regs or set of zoning laws or land grabs on them in the aftermath of the pervasive and profound destruction. Which makes most of these cataclysmic superstorms false flag geoterrorist operations, where Mother Nature is blamed for what is actually a manmade event. Even those hurricanes that are completely natural from the outset can be easily hijacked and steered toward a chosen victim. In this way, the well-concealed perps enjoy the benefit of plausible deniability.

Remember the old saying “Never let a good crisis go to waste”.

Well, that’s exactly what the NWO globalist cabal is doing every Hurricane Season throughout the Christian, Conservative and Patriot-oriented southern USA. They use these storm seasons to create a much bigger crisis that they then capitalize on. It’s well known that highly exploitative disaster capitalism is routinely employed by predatory capitalists the world over. Now read below how one of these predators just took over Taylor County, Florida to implement his plan that was continually resisted by the residents.

State of the Nation

The photos posted below show the damage caused by Hurricane Helene and were taken at various locations in, or very near to, Taylor County, FL the main target of Hurricane Helene. The aforementioned exposé immediately follows.

Is this why geoengineered superstorms Idalia, Debby and Helen targeted Taylor County, Florida?

Florida’s richest man scores HUGE win from hurricane destruction of Perry, Florida

Submitted by CeaClearly

Devastating Hurricane Idalia made landfall at Keaton Beach in Taylor County, Florida on Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Billionaire Thomas Peterffy, aka Florida’s richest man, is set to have all his dreams come true thanks to the recent spate of hurricanes striking Taylor County, Florida. Peterffy a Hungarian born, naturalized citizen, has been pushing “a 15 minute” style development of Perry, FL for years. Peterffy, through his company Four Rivers Land and Timber LLC, owns an impressive 500,000 acres in Taylor County, home of Perry, FL which is the county seat. In 2015, Peterffy purchased 500,000 acres of rural Taylor County which is 788,500 acres in size. Let that sink in for a minute.

In 2008, Taylor County adopted a “Vision 2060” growth plan for Perry and surrounding coastal lands. This plan was developed by an Orlando Company, MSCW, that claims it is “bullish” on developing Florida. The planning maps eerily depict that the exact areas that were hit by Hurricanes Idalia, Debby and Helene are the same areas slated for the “Vision 2060” growth plan.

To further the development of Taylor County, FL DOT had been pushing to extend a toll road from Tampa through Perry. Never mind that FL DOT has numerous toll roads that cannot support themselves and must take money from other toll roads to pay for the construction. These toll roads were being pushed by former but then acting President of the FL Senate, William “Bill” Galvano. Galvano, an attorney from Bradenton, FL spearheaded what he called M-CORES. He claimed it was unfair to rural residents to be left out of the Florida development frenzy.

The M-CORES law, enacted by Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) on May 17, 2019, required FDOT to plan, develop and fund three new toll highways and utility corridors in the western half of the Florida peninsula from the Everglades to the Florida-Georgia line. According to public records, Thomas Peterffy made 165 donations to the Republican Party totaling a whopping $1,511,364. Did Peterffy buy influence to put a toll road through his 500,000 acres in rural Taylor County which had already approved a “Vision 2060” growth plan for his property?

It is sort of shocking to see that on the Four Rivers Land and Timber LLC website, under the “Development Opportunities” tab, when you scroll down to the bottom of that page there is a development map of exactly the location that Idalia destroyed. It is just below this declaration by Four Rivers:

“Master Development”

“More than 128,000 acres of Four Rivers property in Taylor County is included in a master land use plan. The plan supports a preservation-based development pattern with special consideration of the local ecology and job creation. It was designed to support Taylor County’s 50-year vision (Vision 2060) to “protect, sustain, and enhance” the quality of life for the community. Development in this region will be demand driven and with the pre-thinking in place these areas can accelerate the process for locating within the planned areas.”

What a lucky man! Peterffy got his development land cleared for free and is now able to move forward with his plans. Which by the way, besides land development, includes geoengineering trees. See their website for details.

All links:https://floridaphoenix.com/2019/03/21/legislatures-planned-road-project-could-benefit-floridas-richest-man/https://fourriversltc.com/https://fourriversltc.com/our-land/development-opportunities/https://www.followthemoney.org/show-me?dt=1&d-eid=7104626https://floridaphoenix.com/2020/04/09/does-florida-still-need-that-trio-of-billion-dollar-toll-roads/https://cms6.revize.com/revize/taylorcounty/Vision%20Sept%2008.pdfhttps://defenders.org/newsroom/victory-wildlife-florida-department-of-transportation-shelves-last-m-cores-toll-roadhttps://perrynewspapers.com/?p=15158https://ebcne.org/news/vhb-and-mscw-announce-merger/https://www.heraldtribune.com/story/news/politics/2020/11/28/bradentons-bill-galvano-departing-florida-senate-president/3770665001/

Source: https://stateofthenation.co/?p=253685

Source: https://stateofthenation.co/?p=253626

Original Article: https://www.theburningplatform.com/2024/09/28/the-power-elite-and-their-terrible-agenda-30-tyranny/


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