Free Radicals + The Wonders Of Hydrogen Peroxide

Free Radicals + The Wonders Of Hydrogen Peroxide

The Marshall Report |

FREE RADICALS ARE an atom or group of atoms having at last one unpaired electron. “When excess free radical activity occurs in our bodies, we end up with having more cells destroyed than we can create. With cell death, we have tissue death; with tissue death we have organ death; with organ death, we have body death. It all begins at the cellular level with free radicals.” Comment by Zane Baronowski, a well known writer.

Free radicals are floating atoms that can enter our bodies through the skin, or by breathing them in like gaseous molecules from gasoline. They can enter into our bodies by being present in what we are eating, and can also be created internally. Some we cannot smell or see, like oxygen, or nano particles in the air, others we can smell such as gasoline molecules, in short free radicals are floating atoms that come in contact with, and or enter into our bodies. Some do good (like oxygen) and some do harm to healthy cells. Our body fights off free radicals every second and even makes its own free radicals known as antioxidants to destroy those that enter our body that do damage. It’s another battle between good and evil.

Facts on Free Radicals

Our bodies produce free radicals to attack invading organisms.

Leukocytes (white cells in the blood) produce a natural hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). They do this from a specialized part of themselves that function like an organ, an organelle, called a peroxisome. They send out a layer of H2O2 which surrounds and destroys harmful microbes. The H2O2 breaks down into water and oxygen. This form of oxygen is a free radical. Therefore, it is unstable, and it attaches to the most unstable structure around it, a virus or harmful microbe. It disrupts them electrically, and this kills the bacteria or disrupts the virus, and the white cells digest the remains. Any left-over peroxide is neutralized by the catalase, an enzyme also produced by the peroxisome. The cycle of defense is complete. This is our immune system at work.

Cancer is caused by Anaerobic Cell Respiration –

“Cancer, above all other diseases has countless secondary causes, but there is only one PRIME CAUSE. The prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the normal oxygen respiration of body cells by ANAEROBIC (lacking oxygen) CELL RESPIRATION.” By Otto Warburg, twice Nobel Laureate.

“Lack of cellular oxygen supply is probably the most common cause of cell injury and may also be the ultimate mechanism of damage.”  Robbins and Coltran (W.B. Saunders) Pathologic  Basis of Disease.

J. B. Kizer, a Biochemist/ Physicist, at Gungnir Research, Portsmith, Ohio said, “Since Warburg’s discovery, this difference in respiration has remained the most fundamental and only physiological difference consistently found between normal and cancer cells. Using cell culture studies, it has been found that normal oxygen tension actually maximized the growth of the cancer tissue, and that high oxygen tensions were lethal to cancer tissue, 95% being very toxic, whereas normal tissue were not harmed by high oxygen tensions. Some normal tissues were found to require high oxygen tensions and it does seem to demonstrate the possibility that if the oxygen tension in cancer tissues can be elevated, then the cancer tissue may be able to be killed selectively, as it seems the cancer cells are incapable of handling the oxygen in a high oxygen environment.”

They have known for a long time that cancer cells cannot live in a highly oxygenated environment. (We won’t go into all the deep state and Big Pharma interference in cures here, but we will cover some facts on how the body actually functions based on sound research.) This is a vast subject so we will just do a basic overview of how our body fights free radicals that cause cell damage.

Don’t get overwhelmed with all the many lists of what to do on the internet. There are many foods and herbs that help your body fight off cancer cells in the body. These top ten, are a doctor’s opinion. Smile. The main thing to remember is no sugar, no GMO’s, no corn oils, and monitor the natural sugars found in good foods.

Some of the best herbs are Ginger, Turmeric, and pepper… we also need to look at adding complete proteins so if you can’t get good beef, look at Quinoa which is a seed grain that has everything in it that is found in Beef – all the amino acids, iron, B vitamins, etc.

When starting any new way of eating, and supplementing… you will find a blizzard of ideas. Each person needs to look at their own body and what it needs. Knowing the basic principles of how the body works is the first step. Listening to your body and how it feels is just as important and to me, it is part of the first step. Eat what your body is needing, and after you have detoxed and are in balance… eat healthy and avoid the toxic foods.

Target your foods to your own body’s symptoms. For example, if you are having a lot of mucus, runny nose and coughing up phlegm, you want to avoid foods that are mucus forming. Some of the foods on the good list are mucus forming or do nothing to reduce mucus in the body.

But also remember, some mucus is necessary to keep your body healthy. Mucus, or phlegm, is a thick, slippery substance secreted by glands and cells in your body. It’s important to your immune system because it traps microorganisms, dirt and other particles that shouldn’t be in your airway.

But here is the catch 22 – Histamine reactions

Your immune system releases histamines to defend against invaders, typically allergens like food, pollen or dust. Source: U.S. Library of Medicine. And when your immune system fights allergens, you can have symptoms like — congestion, runny nose or post -nasal drip from excess mucus. Especially when trapped toxins are released back into the lymphatic system to be removed as waste.

Also, when your immune system triggers an inflammatory response to fight off illnesses like colds, flus and sinus infections, your body overproduces mucus to defend itself. It’s a natural process of eliminating body waste. Whatever is in the body that it has to get rid of… you can expect to have congestion and runny nose when your body starts to loosen it up and get rid of it. (When the mucus is clear there is no infection, and most likely to be your body’s histamine reaction to ridding the things it has to eliminate.)

Which bring us to Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2)

Hydrogen Peroxide is not only important to the body’s normal function, but it’s oxidizing ability can be used to oxidize weak protozoa, and yeast, inhibit viruses, oxidize fatty deposits on the arterial walls, increase oxygen tension between cells, stimulate oxidative enzymes, return elasticity to the arterial walls, dilate coronary vessels, and regulate membrane transport. (From the IBOM Newsletter, Vol. 1, No.2, April 1987.)

Hydrogen by itself is a colorless, highly flammable gas. It is the most abundant element in the universe and the lightest of all gases.

Oxygen is a colorless, odorless gas, that comprises about 45.6% of the earth’s crust, and at present 20.95% of our atmosphere. It combines with most elements, and is required for respiration, and most combustion.

Hydrogen (H) and Oxygen (O) are two gasses necessary for life. Combined with carbon and nitrogen’s they form proteins. Combined with carbon, they form carbohydrates. Combined with each other, they make water and if you saturate water with extra oxygen, you get hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Oxygen along with other gasses is the breath of life. All these elements and compounds exist in our blood. The creation and dissolution or “yin and yang” of existence is exemplified by hydrogen and oxygen.

Facts on Hydrogen

Hydrogen is associated with the properties of solidification, integration, and concentration. It brings together a matrix of energies, evolving these energies into solid forms. If the hydrogen characteristic properties are allowed to continue on unchecked, then the form gets denser and denser. Finally, extreme hardness settles in. These properties are the ones that bring the form of our bodies into existence out of the DNA. It builds cells and if left unmodulated, makes them hard and brittle. These effects are balanced by the action of oxygen.

Facts on Oxygen

Oxygen is associated with dissolving, disintegrating, and deconcentrating. Oxygen represents the opposite pole of creation being the fluid substance that hydrogen builds life forms from at the beginning and after they have lived their useful life, erasing the created forms back to a fluid state. Oxygen keeps cells clean and flexible and removes unneeded structure.

Note: Although there are 70 or so ingredients that make up the human body there are four basic ingredients that make it up. These are carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen. Nitrogen is the basic component of the protein part of our body. The protein part of our body makes up all of our cellular structure. The hydrogen part solidifies the protein structures we term it anabolic. It builds up the human body, which is good. Oxygen is catabolic. It tears down, but more important it cleanses. Oxygen destroys the side product or metabolites of anabolism, the building up processes of the body. We need a proper balance of these two for the human body to properly function as it should.

Generally speaking, in our bodies, hydrogen makes things hard, oxygen softens them up. Remember this as it is a key to our subjects.

Example: The industrial food processors using hydrogen to thicken vegetable oil into margarine, and nature using the rapid oxidation process of fire to decompose something quickly. In our bodies, they perform similar functions – the hydrogen gives our bodies structure and the oxygen burns the food that is used to make the structure, as well as cleaning up afterwards (metabolized waste).

As you get closer to sea level, you have a higher concentration of oxygen. As you get up higher and reach high altitudes, you have a lesser concentration of oxygen. The air becomes thin, less oxygen concentration.

How Hydrogen and Oxygen Affect Health–

A clean body is more flexible. If there is not enough oxygen, then both the solidifying function and incomplete combustion occur to excess. Leftover incomplete combustion byproducts collect in our cells. We say that the body is toxic or has a buildup of waste products. Under these conditions, the immune system has a hard time fighting off disease. All the cells and fluids have become “dirty”. In other words, if our body’s oxygen level drops too low, then we don’t have much energy. If a chronic low oxygen condition is allowed to continue, we can’t manufacture healthy cells, “burn” energy or remove the “ashes (metabolized waste). Under this increasing stress, the immune system tries harder and harder to do its’ job but is so overwhelmed from trying to clean out the “dirt” or “toxins” that illness might result.

At this point we shall refer to the body and its’ immune system.

Peroxisomes – Human Cells Produce H2O2

Every cell contains small bodies within the cell. These bodies have various names, depending on what they do. Some are called the nuclei, some are lysosomes, some mitochondria. They have all kinds of different names. Inside, one is called a peroxisome.

The specific purpose to this peroxisome in the cells of your body is to produce hydrogen peroxide. Why? To assist the immune system.

White Cells: The first line of defense in the body is your white cells. Your white cells act as little soldiers to engulf things in your body that shouldn’t be there. Those may be bacteria, protozoa, or yeast. The complexes, the things that cause you to have allergy reactions, the viruses. Hydrogen Peroxide inhibits a virus action. White cells close around a particle, whatever that particle is. Peroxisomes first come out of the white cells, and then they go into a compartment in the white cell, right along with the particles that the white cells have eaten. All of a sudden, the engulfed peroxisomes and particle disappear. Why they disappear is because the peroxisome produced hydrogen peroxide in it to destroy that particle. This is your first line of defense. Our own bodies produce hydrogen peroxide as a part of the immune system to kill off the complexes or free radicals that cause harm to our cells and sickness.

Consequences of Low Oxygen –

If our air supply (oxygen) is cut off, the waste products can not be burned at all. First there is brain damage, and if continued long enough, we expire (die). If body oxygen levels are maintained at proper levels, the feeling of well-being might be continued (such as feeling refreshed after exercise when oxygen levels are increased). Consider also that most older people are “brittle” when it comes to their body parts. They usually have built up waste products in their cells, and don’t get enough exercise . Most have eaten a lifetime of hydrogenated oxygen deficient foods, (GMO’s, etc.) and are short breathers. They are not getting enough oxygen and the solidifying characteristics of hydrogen are dominating. We are not saying here that this applies to all older people, just that this is a major issue in many and now also in middle age (and any age) due to toxins (free radicals/floating atoms/gaseous molecules) that are now found in our food, water and air that is oxygen depleting to our bodies.

How We Arrive At A Low Oxygen Level–

Body oxygen levels can drop for a variety of reasons, the obvious ones are injury or disease. Air should have about 20%  oxygen, but in the cities it can drop to 10%. Ancient air bubbles that were trapped in amber have been analyzed as containing twice as much oxygen as we now have in our air. Tap water looses oxygen from chlorine and from not being aerated. Antibiotics kill friendly aerobic bacteria that produces H2)2 in the body. Processed and hydrogenated foods cause the circulatory system to spend more time hauling out toxins than carrying oxygen.

“In a 24 hour day the adult male uses approximately 8 pounds of oxygen.” A Schatz, discoverer of streptomycin in Cancer News Journal, v12, n2, p.6, June 1977.

The average man consumes 6 to 8 pounds of oxygen, 4 pounds of food, and 2 pounds of water. More oxygen goes into our bodies than the other two combined.

Read: Pulse Oximeter Archives | 123checkup

Hydrogen Builds and Oxygen Dissolves–

Too much oxygen can destroy, balance is needed. In the Merck Index, the chemical synonym for Hydrogen peroxide is hydrogen dioxide. It is 94% oxygen. When hydrogen peroxide is applied to wounds it foams and gives all kind of activity signs. The oxygen that is trapped in the hydrogen peroxide molecule is released when it comes in contact with bacteria. This is an oxidative reaction. The bacteria is destroyed by this oxidative reaction. Infection does not occur.

H2)2 is naturally produced in the body. Our cells produce H2)2 all the time. There is a part of the cell called a peroxisome which produces H2O2 in order to get rid of viruses and bacteria and other contaminating substances that might get into the cell. The peroxisome literally causes the bacteria to disintegrate or explode.

When we infuse H2O2 into the body, there is a substance called Cytochrome C that slows down the H2O2 process of breaking down into hydrogen and oxygen and literally preserves it. We can preserve H2O2 in the body for up to 20 or 40 minutes after infusion. Generally 35% food grade H2O2 is used, diluted down to .075% to 1 and ½%. One of the products of active acidolphulous when functioning in the intestine is hydrogen peroxide. The bacteria use this to control their natural enemy “Candida Albicans”.

With H2O2 more is not better. Overuse can do the opposite. Use common sense. Concentration levels of H2O2 are the difference between harm done to cells and benefits to cells.

Note: Whenever you have lipid peroxidation you are going to have cell, RNA, and DNA breakdown. But, this is how it peroxidizes diseased cells and their DNA, along with harmful free radicals. It creates other free radicals to destroy them. Dr. Gerard Sumen stated, “Higher organisms have enzymes that repair RNA and DNA and bacteria and viruses do not. This is why only the lower lifeforms dies from Hydrogen Peroxide therapies and human cells are unaffected.

Which bring us to pH – Potential Hydrogen–

pH is the abbreviation for potential hydrogen. A scale representing the relative acidity or alkalinity of a solution in which a value “7.0” is neutral. Below 7.0 is acid, and above 7.0 is alkaline. The numeric pH value indicates the relative concentration of hydrogen atoms in the solution compared with that of a standard (one molar) solution. It is equal to the negative log of the hydrogen ion concentration expressed in moles per liter.(As defined by Mosby’s Medical Dictionary.) Note: Molarity is used to express the concentration of a solution. Also known as molar concentration, molarity is the number of moles of solute (the material dissolved) per liter of solution. 

Cells change intracellular pH when they are exposed to externally applied agents including: growth factors, hormones, neurotransmitters.

Cells have a variety of mechanisms available to regulate its pH and create its own buffering power. Complex solutions, like blood, contain multiple buffers. Buffering power is a coefficient that can be used to convert a change of pH into a change in the amount of proton equivalents moved.

Example of Intracellular pH Regulation: Mitochondria: The mitochondria is the cell’s “powerhouse” where energy from the light emitting photons of the sun are also stored. It’s what causes cells to multiply and divide. One of its major roles is the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) which is a compound consisting of the nucleotide adenosine attached through its ribose group to three phosphoric acid molecules. It serves to store energy in muscles, which is released when it hydrolyzed to adenosine diphosphate.

The electron transport chain in the mitochondrion translocates protons from the mitochondrion to the cytoplasm across the inner mitochondrial membrane. This proton extrusion creates an electrical and chemical gradient for proton influx into the mitochondrion. The H (hydrogen) ion influx occurs through a membrane-bound ATPase which produces ATP upon passive proton flux back into the mitochondrion. This is known as the chemiosmotic hypothesis.

The extrusion of H ions to establish a proton gradient renders mitochondria relatively alkaline to the cytoplasm by about 0.,5 pH unit. Thus, intramitochondrial pH in the average cell is about 7.5. In addition, this pH gradient is maintained in the face of considerable acid loads, indicating that mitochondria can probably regulate their internal pH independent of cytoplasmic pH.

Intercellular pH Regulation–

  1. Virtually all of the H (Hydrogen) ions within a cell are buffered by reversible binding to weak acids and bases, resulting in a low free hydrogen ion concentration.
  2. Cytoplasmic pH is an important aspect of the intracellular milleu and can affect nearly all aspects of cell function.
  3. In most cells, pH is maintained at a value of about 7.0
  4. Changes in pH can effect many cellular funtions. (Cell metabolism; cross-linking and polymerization of cytoskeletal elements such as actin and tubulin; lose of muscle cell ability to generate tension (muscle fatigue); promotion of cell growth and proliferation.
  5. Many pH-regualting transporters move an osmotically active ion, in exchange for a buffered ion. The buffered ion is osmotically invisible. This exchange mediates the net movement of solute into or out of a cell. (*A solute is a substance dissolved in a solution). This net movement of solute will be accompanied by a net water flow and result in a change in cell volume. Thus, many pH regulating transporters, in addition to contributing to pH regulation, can mediate the regulation of cell volume.
  6. Cells have elaborated highly regulated mechanisms to control pH.

Common sense… read the labels and know what you are buying. When in doubt… put it back on the shelf!

When I started this to share about our bodies, I thought it would be a simple thing, but it has turned out to be a lot more complicated than I had imagined in my mind. There is so much to share, and we haven’t hit the tip of the iceberg yet. I will do a part 3, as there are many more things to share. But ponder this much for now. We haven’t even gotten into foods yet, well, maybe a little bit. Smile.

The approach I am attempting to take here is to show how our body works, based on the most reliable information, from notes and teaching materials gleaned over the years from my past mentors who pioneered teaching how the body works to professionals in the Aesthetic Industry. When you know how the body functions… then you can take care of it. You will then be able to think things through and make good choices. Otherwise, you are just guessing and gullible to believe anything, and that is why we are in this dilemma today. When you know how the bio research, big food and big pharma industry functions… you can bet you need to fact check where their sources are and be able to spot the deceptions based on their own double standard of acceptable practice. Standards may be acceptable, but they are not always helpful. Just saying.

Image: Source [Edited]

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