9/11: 21st Anniversary Events

OffGuardian / Editor
This weekend marks the twenty-first anniversary of 9/11, and there is a crowded calendar of new research, documentaries and presentations keeping the quest for truth and justice alive.
1. On Friday, September 9, Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth will host “Forbidden Truth: 9/11 Science at 21 Years”.
An online symposium about the state of scientific inquiry into the destruction of the three World Trade Center Towers. Details are at AE911truth.org. Time: 8:00 to 11:00 pm Eastern
2. On Saturday, September 10, the Europe 9/11 Group led is holding a live 12-hour in-person event in Utrecht, Belgium.
The event will also be livestreamed beginning at 10 am Central European Time and ending at 10pm (just in time to begin watching number 3, below). For details click here
Click here for details (in Dutch). [Some of the presentations are in English including that of Catherine Austin Fitts.]
3. On Saturday, September 10, The Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry presents their “9/11 Symposium 2022: Exciting Legal Developments.”
For Speakers and details, see The Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry. Register at the REGISTER NOW button to get the Zoom link that morning. [Time: 1:00 pm Pacific, 2:00 pm Mountain, 3:00 pm Central, 4:00 pm Eastern, 9:00 pm London, 10:00 pm EU]
4. On Sunday, September 11, Richard Gage will host a 9/11 Truth Film Festival. For films and Speakers see RichardGage911.org. [Times: 10:00 am Pacific, 11:00 pm Mountain, 12:00 pm Central, 1:00 pm Eastern, 6:00 pm London, 7:00 pm Geneva, 1700 GMT]
5. On Monday, September 12, The Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance will hold an in-person (not online) film festival titled “Why 9/11 Truth Still Matters.”
The selected films will examine the War on Terror based on the pretext of 9/11. Details at sf911truth.org.
Original Article: https://off-guardian.org/2022/09/09/9-11-21st-anniversary-events/
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