Canadian Mortality Surge: Year of the "Pandemic" Vs. Year of the "Vaccine" • The data is irrefutable

In 2020, the total excess deaths came in at 16,333 with a YoY increase of 0.04%. The previous two non "pandemic" years 2018 and 2019 had the identical YoY increases in deaths at 0.04%. Therefore, Canada never experienced a COVID "pandemic" whatsoever.
Reviewing the OECD tables for the year of the DEATHVAX™ rollout campaign 2021, we see that the total excess deaths were recorded as 33,133. That is more than double the previous "pandemic" year!
Last year the Canadian government quietly released its year over year (YoY*) excess deaths for 2020.
In 2020, the total excess deaths came in at 16,333 with a YoY increase of 0.04%. The previous two non “pandemic” years 2018 and 2019 had the identical YoY increases in deaths at 0.04%. Therefore, Canada never experienced a COVID “pandemic” whatsoever.
Canada, like the rest of the Western world, only experienced a PSYOP-19 iatrogenic democide control and depopulation operation that started with MK Ultra masking, escalated into draconian lockdowns, “vaccine” passports, deadly hospital protocols and finally and most deliberately culminated in the slow kill bioweapon injections.
It is important to note that in 2020 as in all previous years the Canadian government released their mortality data on their very own website, and then in an unprecedented move they stopped updating their website. Thankfully, Canada is a member of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), which means that we are still able to analyze their surreptitiously updated mortality data from the OECD website here.
Reviewing the OECD tables for the year of the DEATHVAX™ rollout campaign 2021, we see that the total excess deaths were recorded as 33,133. That is more than double the previous “pandemic” year!
Since record keeping began, Canada has never experienced such an extreme surge in deaths.
But it gets worse, way worse.
The Canadian government released their partial year excess deaths for 2022 from January to July and that number came in at 21,603, which conservatively trends for the year at around 36,000. But this is not taking into account the upcoming cold and flu season, and the grim “flu” and “covid” trends over the last several month, with the requisite absurdism of, “it would have been so much worse if I wasn’t ‘vaccinated’” and so on and so forth.
Also, the genetically modified Canadian citizenry had been injected with even more boosters over the last twelve months, not to mention that their VAIDS conditions had an additional year to further weaken immune systems, and wreak further biological damage.
There is a better than good chance that 2022 excess deaths in Canada will surpass the projected 36,000. And every year thereafter will show increasing excess mortality as VAIDS-induced cancers, prion-based diseases, heart diseases, and the plethora of other adverse reactions increasingly take their toll on a poisoned populace, by design.
This is also precisely why Canada’s assisted suicide program MAIDS is being promoted so heavily of late: as VAIDS cases skyrocket over time, the Canadian government has deliberately preplanned their “ethical” and “human” State euthanasia scheme in order to both discharge liabilities and reduce CO2 (i.e. decarbonizing the carbon-based lifeforms).
To conclude, the increase in excess mortality for year of the “pandemic” in Canada was statistically no different than previous years at 0.04%, but for the year of the “vaccine” rollout the increase was a staggering 0.08%, and 2022 looks to be even deadlier.
Do NOT comply.

*The Canadian government does not calculate true YoY, but, rather, it uses year over average of the previous 5 years method which was referenced above as YoY for conveniences’ sake.
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