1,598 Athlete Cardiac Arrests And Serious Issues • 1,011 Who Have Died; Since The Start Of The Mass Covid Injection Campaign

Fit and healthy young people are suffering cardiac arrests at an alarming rate yet corporate media and UK government won’t discuss it
The Expose / Rhoda Wilson
An extraordinary 1,011 athletes have died suddenly post-Covid injection over the past two years. Cardiologists, physicians, doctors and scientists around the world are greatly concerned about the alarming increase in cardiac arrests in fit, healthy people in the prime of their lives. Yet corporate media and an astonishing number of politicians refuse to acknowledge or discuss the harms and deaths caused by Covid injections.
As of mid-December, Good Sciencing has recorded 1,598 athlete cardiac arrests and serious issues – with 1,011 who have died – since the start of the mass Covid injection campaign. There have been, so far, 22 serious incidences recorded in December alone.
It is definitely not normal for so many mainly young athletes to suffer from cardiac arrests or to die while playing their sport, but this year it is happening. Many of these heart issues and deaths come shortly after they got a Covid injection. While it is possible this can happen to people who did not get a Covid “vaccine,” the sheer numbers clearly point to the only obvious cause.
The true death and injury numbers are likely to be much higher than what Good Sciencing has recorded as they rely on incidences being reported to them by members of the public. The dozens of other reports that are not or may not be vaccine-related have not been included.
You can view the full lists of names of the 1,598 athletes who experienced serious issues post-vaccination, those for whom documentation has not yet been found, those for whom vaccination status is not confirmed and the incidences that are not vaccine-related HERE. The lists are continuously being updated.
The graph below illustrates the collapses and deaths recorded up to the end of November 2022.
We previously published an article regarding Good Sciencing’s records at the end of August. At that time there were 1,249 cardiac arrests or serious issues, with 847 dead, post-Covid injection. In three and a half months, the sudden death of young, fit and healthy athletes worldwide has increased by an alarming 254.
Research done by The Exposé revealed that deaths of professional football or soccer players due to cardiovascular issues doubled every three months in 2021, with the number of footballers who “died suddenly” in December 2021 equalling the annual average over the previous 12 years. In all, deaths among professional football players in 2021 were four times the average rate recorded between 2009 and 2020.
The alarming increase in cardiac arrest in athletes has caused great concern among cardiologists, physicians, doctors and scientists around the world. Family physician and former Minnesota State Senator Dr. Scott Jensen explained why so many are concerned in a recent video. His video is very informative as he explained in simple terms, using a model of the heart, what the life-threatening heart conditions are and which part of the heart is malfunctioning to cause them.
There are three main mechanisms which can cause heart function to fail. One is due to blockage or obstruction in the arteries and veins to/from the heart. Dr. Jensen refers to the arteries and veins anecdotally as the heart’s “plumbing.” The second is cardiomyopathy, a disease or damage to the heart muscle. And the third is a malfunction of the heart’s electrical system embedded in the heart. What is unusual and very concerning is that the increase in sudden deaths in fit and healthy young people is due to malfunction of the heart’s electrical system. It is often triggered by an inflammatory condition, such as myocarditis.
(Related: Dr. Aseem Malhotra Calls for Global Halt of mRNA Injections)
Richard Vobes had watched Dr. Jensen’s video and had also watched UK Member of Parliament (“MP”) Andrew Bridgen’s “vaccine harms speech.” He wondered why corporate media and other MPs have remained silent on the issue of vaccine harm.
“Isn’t it odd that, since Andrew Bridgen made his worries about the large number of Yellow Card reports made about harmful effects of ‘the vaccine’ in the House of Commons on 13 December 2022 there has been little mention of it in the mainstream media or elsewhere in Government? I wonder why,” Vobes said.
Yes, indeed. Why have they remained silent? Why won’t they talk about it?

Original Article: https://expose-news.com/2022/12/27/corporate-media-and-uk-government-wont-discuss-harms/
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