Canada Pays Almost $2.8 Million in Damages Caused by COVID-19 Jabs • So Far

Dylan Eleven | Editor Comment:
They know its not safe or effective, which is now proven as they are starting to pay out for damages. Yet they still push the vaccine, criminal; arrest them all.
The Gateway Pundit / Jim Hoft
The Liberal government led by Justin Trudeau paid up almost $2.8 million in compensation for injuries incurred as a result of the experimental Covid-19 jabs.
There were a total of 1,299 claims submitted to the Vaccine Injury Support Program (VISP) between June 2021 and December 1 of 2022.
To be eligible for compensation, Canadians must have sustained severe and permanent damage related to a vaccine approved by Health Canada and given in Canada after December 8, 2020.
So far, Health Canada has approved 50 claims of serious and permanent injuries caused by vaccines.
“These claims represent cases where it has been determined by the Medical Review Board that there is a probable link between the injury and the vaccine, and that the injury is serious and permanent,” according to the program.
While 209 were deemed ineligible because they lacked the required information or did not match the eligibility criteria.
The VISP reported that, of the remaining claims, 221 claims had been fully examined by the program’s medical review board, 48 claims are awaiting medical review board examination, and 662 claims are in the process of gathering medical records.
The total amount of compensation approved or paid since the inception of the VISP was $2,779,277.
The next public report will reflect the statistics up to June 1, 2023, VISP said.
CTV News reported:
According to data from the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), when it comes to COVID-19 vaccines, there has been roughly one report of a serious reaction for every 10,000 doses administered.
There have been 52,203 adverse events reported following COVID-19 vaccination in Canada since the start of the vaccine rollout, according to PHAC, making up 0.056 per cent of all doses administered. This number includes any adverse reaction, including temporary rashes, fatigue, vaccination site pain and headache.
Around 10,300 of these were considered serious adverse events, making up 0.011 per cent of all doses administered. According to PHAC, most serious adverse reactions are reported after the first dose and are less likely to be reported after subsequent doses.
More than 93 million doses have been administered in Canada as of November 2022.
The Gateway Pundit previously reported that a 40-year-old father from British Columbia was one of the first people in Canada to be compensated after suffering an adverse reaction connected to the COVID-19 vaccine.
Ross Wightman, a former pilot and realtor was diagnosed with Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS), which is a rare disorder in which your body’s immune system attacks your nerves, after receiving a first dose of the Oxford AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine last April 2021.
Wightman became partially paralyzed from the waist down and suffered full facial paralysis after being diagnosed with the disease due to the COVID-19 vaccine.
Wightman posted a letter he received from the federal Vaccine Injury Support Program on his social media account stating that “there is a probable causal association between the injuries sustained and the vaccination.”
It’s not just Canada, a woman from Cumbria, England was the first person in the UK to be granted COVID vaccine compensation. This comes after her fiancé died unexpectedly after receiving the AstraZeneca jab.
Vikki Spit was awarded the maximum settlement of £120,000 ($146,830) after her 48-year-old partner, Zion, fell ill for eight days with headache-type symptoms after receiving AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 vaccine on May 13, 2021.
In Australia, the government is now paying for your funeral if the COVID vaccine kills you.
A new report revealed that the payouts for COVID death and injury exploded in the fiscal year 2022-2023. So far, the government has paid out $76.9 million, equating to 3,845 tier-one claims.
In Thailand, National Health Security Office (NHSO) has paid about 1.509 billion baht ($45.65 million) as financial aid to people who suffered adverse reactions after receiving COVID-19 vaccines.
According to NHSO, a total of 15,933 so far have filed complaints of adverse reactions to Covid-19 vaccines, 2,328 complaints were rejected.
While the United States does have a vaccine injury compensation program, many Americans who have filed claims after being injured by the experimental COVID vaccines have not received compensation and many were denied for not meeting the standard of proof.
For claims associated with the COVID-19 vaccine or other COVID-19 related countermeasures, you can file your Request for Benefits with the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP).
According to the CICP Data for Fiscal Years 2010 – 2022 (As of October 1, 2022), there are 10,832 total claims filed. Only 30 have been compensated so far, 29 suffered from H1N1 vaccine and 1 from smallpox vaccine.

According to CICP, of the 10,832 claims, 10,323 were related to COVID-19 countermeasure claims. That is 95% of the claims were related to COVID-19 countermeasures. All of this happened after the release of the COVID vaccination.
Of the 10,323 COVID-19 countermeasure claims, 7,412 allege injuries/deaths from COVID-19 vaccines and 2,911 allege injuries/deaths from other COVID-19 countermeasures.
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