The Government of Canada Put Out a Tender Notice for a New Pan-Canadian Digital Health Credential Technology, Including the Proof of Vaccination

The Government of Canada Put Out a Tender Notice for a New Pan-Canadian Digital Health Credential Technology, Including the Proof of Vaccination

The Canadian government is moving in lockstep with the Agenda 2030

Lion Advocacy @LionAdvocacyThe federal government put out a tender notice for a new pan-Canadian digital health credential technology, including proof of πŸ’‰ Given the collateral damage of the C19 πŸ’‰ mandates - health, human rights - this is a very bad omen, IMHO. πŸ‘‰…


The Canadian government is moving in lockstep with the Agenda 2030.

From the G20 Declaration:

In the section Collective and Concrete Actions by Working Groups and Workstreams Contributing to the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, specifically under SDS Global Health, the following passage can be found:

β€œAcknowledge the importance of shared technical standards to facilitate seamless international travel, interoperability, and recognizing digital and non-digital solutions aligned with countries’ relevant legal provisions including those used for COVID-19 proof of vaccination or verification of tests as well as the IHR (2005) which provides an overarching legal framework for addressing public health emergencies that have the potential to cross borders”

β€œEndeavour to move towards interoperability of systems including mechanisms that validate proof of vaccination, whilst respecting the sovereignty of national health policies, and relevant national regulations such as personal data protection and data-sharing.”

β€œAcknowledge that continued global cooperation is necessary to build trust between countries. Support continued international dialogue and collaboration on the establishment of trusted global digital health networks as part of efforts to strengthen prevention and response to future pandemics.”


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