Videos • 121

Videos • 121

These pages contain many videos that show the truth.


Doctors Sending Patients To Get Unnecessary Tests And Treatment At Clinics In Which They Have a Financial Stake Trump, Larry Silverstein, Netanyahu and 9/11 Zionist Israel originated with the 1917 Balfour Declaration, where British Zionists invented a fictitious country of “Israel” over top of Palestine. Palestine had existed for centuries, peacefully. After World War II the Irgun Group, led by Menachim Begin, took over Palestine violently. In 1954 the Israelis executed a false flag named after Pinhas Lavon (The Lavon Affair) where US and British property in Egypt was sabotaged by the Israelis. And in 1967 they also attacked the USS Liberty, their goal was to blame Egypt, but they got caught. 9/11 was plotted by the Zionist group Project For A New American century – all members had dual US / Israeli citizenship. When Benjamin Netanyahu was asked, shortly after 9/11, what 9/11 meant for US and Israeli relations, he said, “It’s very good. Well, not good, but it will generate immediate sympathy for Israel.” Afterward, the US Military did Israel’s bidding and invaded nearly all of its nearby enemies in the region (Libya, Syria, Iraq). These nations were not attacking Israel — Israel was the aggressor (US Military by proxy.) Trump has always been completely aware of the 9/11 False Flag that was orchestrated by Israel and he has always been longtime friends with all the participants, like Larry Silverstein and Neatanyahu. Source: 9/11 & Israel:




The "Stranded" "Astronauts" Were Never In Space


NASA (Not A Space Agency) Wire Fails