VIRUS MANIA PART III: Perpetual "state of emergency" the new normal for America, as long as the CDC writes the script / S.D. Wells
(Natural News) There has never been a more primed example of virus mania in the world than what is going on right now with COVID-19. Just recently, the CDC and corporate media have pushed out the latest, “most dangerous” propaganda about the Ninja variant of COVID-19, also known as BA. 5, in order to push more bioweapon vaccines that actually cause the mass hospitalizations of the immune-deficient masses. More than two-thirds of Americans have been shot up with gene therapy jabs as part of the ongoing virus mania in this indefinite “state of emergency” that’s being perpetuated by Anthony Fauci and the Chinese Communist Party.
From measles to polio, and HPV to Fauci Flu, the scare of it all has always been much more powerful than the infections themselves, leading the majority of the populace down a dark rabbit hole of pharmaceutical medications and perpetual vaccinations that cripple the immune system, causing disease and disorder, while the mass media (using the CDC script) assures all the zombies the “herd” is protected and the toxic injections are “safe and effective.”
Fear of germs sells vaccines, but it’s the germs that keep you healthy
Germ theory dates way back, about 300 years. Doctors and scientists figured out how to “kill” germs with heat and sterilization techniques, and then they went wild and the whole theory got overblown. Germ theory and fearmongering became the catapult for the entire platform of chemical medicine (chronic sick care) and routine toxic vaccinations (population reduction schemes).
Now the majority of Americans are scared to death of all germs, so much so that they lather their bodies with germ-killing “sanitizers” and get spike protein injections that send their immune systems into an endless downward spiral.
The FEAR is what’s killing the masses. The fear of germs, of viruses, of bacteria, of everything natural that our immune systems need to experience in order to build strong, long-lasting immunity.
The people wearing masks, social distancing, taking prescription drugs, and getting “vaccinated” for everything COVID are the same people who are filling up the hospitals, with not only severe cases of infection, but suffering from blood clots, myocarditis, and central nervous system disorders they did not even experience before the fear-and-jabbing campaign (propaganda and vaccination) kicked in. The more doses of spike protein that clog the vascular system, the sicker the injected zombies become, and much more likely to die sooner rather than later.
It’s called virus mania, and there’s an in-depth book that explains in great detail exactly how this all began, and how it has all been perpetuated into one of the biggest population reduction schemes and massive cash cows the world has ever known.
Faulty “positive” test results for COVID guarantee the highest fear factor possible for the relentless pursuit of population reduction via mass vaccination
The authors of the whistle-blowing book Virus Mania reveal how alleged “contagious viruses” are really just particles produced by cells as a RESULT of stress, drugs, and vaccines. Then, it’s THOSE particles that are identified by PCR tests and antibody tests as “epidemic-causing viruses.” Think long and hard about that for a minute. That means the deadly microbes all the allopathic brainwashed zombies fear so much are literally being produced by their own body because they took the advice of their doctors, the FDA, and the CDC, and took the “medications” and “injections” they were prescribed and recommended.
The masses are inoculated with fear by the medical industrial complex, and it’s been that way ever since germ theory was blown all out of proportion as part of the master plan. In other words, viral “particles” are the RESULT of dying cells, not the cause of dying cells. The viral particles are coming from a dying body, a host, that has been infected with spike proteins, heavy metal toxins (think mercury in flu shots), human albumin, and genetically modified bacteria.
“The primary purpose of commercially-funded clinical research is to maximize financial return on investment, not health.” That quote comes directly from the prolific, whistle-blowing book titled, Virus Mania: How Big Pharma, Media Invent Epidemics. This corrupt model of Western medicine is an epidemic based on GERM FEAR, not viruses or bacteria.
PCR and antibody tests are designed to scare the masses into getting perpetual booster shots that result in new false-positive tests, as the vicious cycle spins
If you listen to Anthony “Fraudulent” Fauci talk, you will hear the vaccine propaganda word “booster” a dozen times in just a few sentences. This is key to perpetuating the mass vaccination campaign that’s being waged as biological warfare under the guise of medicine. Yes, vaccines are considered “medicine” in America, and the germ fear factor must be ramped up with heavy propaganda to sell and administer billions of dollars worth of “boosters” of toxic spike protein injections annually.
The COVID-19 masks are also tools of the fear-and-jabbing campaign, as they brew and breed bacteria in the mouth, throat, windpipe, and lungs, that result in false positives on COVID tests, further perpetuating a “pandemic” that barely exists right now, if it ever did. So whether you are afraid of a head cold, influenza, AIDS, measles, chicken pox, or the Fauci Flu, your fear itself may be what “does you in.” Don’t put your immune system in a “perpetual state of emergency” for the rest of your life, because it won’t last long if you do.
Look for organic foods, amazing indigenous cures, natural remedies, and immune-boosting supplements to prevent and beat infections and germs, and don’t cripple your body with billions of spike proteins and prescription drugs made from the venom of deadly animals.
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