Weaponized Migration + Brainwashing "Sensitivity Training"

Weaponized Migration + Brainwashing "Sensitivity Training"

Trilateral Commission’s Plan For Illegal Immigration Is Finally Crushing England


Leo Hohmann | LeoHohmann.com

Schools in the United Kingdom will begin teaching students about so-called “misinformation” and the dangers of “extremist content” as the nation continues to devolve into violent street riots fueled by Islamic migrants.

According to Fox News, the new initiative will indoctrinate students on how to discern real information from fake news, by embedding “critical thinking” into the school curriculum, including English and math classes.

Not actual critical thinking, mind you, just thinking that’s critical of the truth. A better word for it would be brainwashing or sensitivity training.

They wouldn’t want young Brits to grow up and be like the 61-year-old English man who was just sentenced to 18 months in prison for questioning the authority of Allah. Such indiscretions cost him his freedom for the next year and a half.

On July 31 at a protest outside of Downing Street, David Spring, a lifelong British citizen, pointed his finger at police and yelled“who the f**k is Allah?” He then told the officers they are “no longer English.”

Zero Hedge reports that the punishment meted out to Mr. Spring is the latest

“shocking example of how low the bar has now been set in terms of free speech in response to rioting that occurred after the murder of three girls in Southport last month.”

Notes Paul Joseph Watson for Zero Hedge:

“While Spring’s behavior could be described as offensive and unruly, the fact that he will spend the next year and a half behind bars for saying mean words exemplifies how the U.K. has slipped into extreme authoritarianism in the space of just two weeks.”

No, this did not happen in a span of two weeks. And it most certainly should not have come as a shock. In fact, I predicted we would get to this point in my 2017 book Stealth Invasion, which explained the globalists’ plan to obliterate Western civilization through weaponized migration.

Anyone who has read Stealth Invasion knows that the bitter fruits of the globalists’ divisive immigration policies have been brewing for many years. The U.K. government has been importing non-assimilating Muslim migrants for decades, flooding some cities to the point where even police are careful to tread lightly for fear of offending the foreign culture, which has gradually become the dominant culture. Churches, abandoned by once faithful Christian communities, are routinely converted into mosques. The Muslim call to prayer rings out from bullhorns three times a day. Anyone who offends this foreign culture, or hurts the feelings of a Muslim, gets ridiculed as a “racist” and an “Islamophobe.” Now they can even be arrested.

In the city of Rotherham, England, hundreds of little white British girls were groomed and sex trafficked, passed around among Pakistani Muslim men and their friends, right under the noses of the police and departments of family and children services. Anyone who complained was branded a racist, a hater, so it went unreported for years. In the face of this strengthening foreign culture, the government of the U.K. has gradually submitted to the most natural course of action, by actually arresting those who commit the Islamic sin of blasphemy against the false god Allah and his rabid followers. That’s how Sharia works. And this foreign legal system has been slowly taking over British cities for years. It will only get worse. We should not be shocked. It’s happening in the U.S. too, in cities like Minneapolis, Dearborn and Hamtramck.

As the foreign culture strengthens, the government increasingly favors it in any disputes that arise with the native culture.

That’s why Bridget Phillipson, the Secretary of State for Education and Minister for Women and Equalities, stated recently with regard to the new sensitivity training for British students:

“It’s more important than ever that we give young people the knowledge and skills to be able to challenge what they see online. That’s why our curriculum review will develop plans to embed critical skills in lessons to arm our children against the disinformation, fake news and putrid conspiracy theories awash on social media.”

Phillipson explained the emphasis on “misinformation” would be embedded in all aspects of the core curriculum. For example, English classes will focus on the language used by “real” articles and “fake” stories, while computer classes will separate websites that are considered legitimate from those that are considered “biased.” Official state-run media channels like the BBC, of course, are never biased in their reporting.

The July 29 murder of the three girls in Southport by the son of immigrants from Rwanda was just the latest example of violence resulting from unfettered mass migration to the U.K. It prompted mostly conservative U.K. citizens to start protesting peacefully, many of them outside of mosques and hotels housing the endless flow of migrants. Islamic migrants took offense and began forming their own counterprotests, which quickly descended into widespread mob violence and led to multiple instances of migrants viciously attacking random white civilians in the streets.

The British government, led by new Labor Party Prime Minister Keir Starmer, has ordered U.K. citizens to stop sharing videos and images of Islamic migrants attacking British citizens. To do so, merely documenting the facts on the ground, puts one at risk of immediate arrest and prosecution by Starmer’s storm troopers.

The U.K.’s Crown Prosecution Service declared on X:

“Content that incites violence or hatred isn’t just harmful – it can be illegal.”

In this scenario, it’s the truth that is said to be “inciting violence.”

More than 3,000 U.K. citizens have been arrested and charged with the “crime” of posting their opinions online about the migrant crisis and its effect on the British way of life.

One British citizen received a 20-month prison sentence for a post to Facebook that did nothing but state facts. Watch the corrupt judge explaining the sentence:

Aren’t you glad you don’t live in the U.K.? But unfortunately, we have the same agenda at work here seeking to criminalize speech in the United States.

High government officials, including Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Attorney General Merrick Garland, have openly talked about cracking down on mis-, dis-, and mal-information. They never come out and say exactly what this type of criminal speech consists of, leaving it open to interpretation.

Republicans, lame as they are, often talk about the migrant crisis in terms that downplay the significance. They rail about Democrats using the migrants to create safe districts in Congress by electing more Democrats, and sometimes they talk about the migrants taking Americans’ jobs.

While these charges are true, they don’t tell the whole story.

In the end, the borders have been opened and the migrants invited to come not just for an infusion of votes and cheap labor, but as a destabilizing force that helps globalist billionaires and their government henchmen to increase their control over the lives of individual citizens. They use the migrants to create cultural tension, rampant violent crime and eventually, in the final stages of the takeover, you see civil uprisings. But when the citizens rise up to voice their contempt of such policies, they are the ones who get demonized as extremists and criminals. The two-tier justice system we now see playing out in Britain is the exact same plan for the United States, Canada, France, Germany, Australia and other formerly free Western nations. Globalists create the problem by importing Muslims and other Third World mal-contents, then when the local population finally realizes they are being abused and rise up in anger, they get hauled off to jail. Those who aren’t jailed are now intimidated into submission to the new normal, which is tyranny.

The migrants will also at some point be offered citizenship if they serve in the military. This allows the globalists to degrade the military forces, replacing citizen patriots with foreign mercenaries who have no real loyalty to the country or the cause of freedom. They will almost certainly be used at some point to attack Americans and further crush dissent.

I’m not suggesting that all immigrants are bad. Those who come here for the right reasons, to make a better life and become Americans, add much to our country. But those who come here for handouts or special privileges not afforded to actual citizens are a net drag on the system and should be shipped back home immediately.

Isn’t it interesting that China, Russia, India, Saudi Arabia and the BRICS nations never come under any pressure from the United Nations, World Economic Forum or any other globalist body to open their borders to endless flows of migrants. It’s only in the West that we have this pressure and the resulting problems.

This process of breaking down a free society through the weaponization of immigration was the main theme of my book, Stealth Invasion, the message of which is just as relevant, and more urgent, today than when it was first published in January 2017. Is it any wonder the book was banned in January 2022 by Amazon? It contained the playbook of the globalist predator class who are even now using unfettered immigration and open borders to methodically deconstruct Western civilization and replace it with something else — a new system that allows for much tighter control over human behavior.

Source: https://leohohmann.com/2024/08/14/uks-crackdown-on-free-speech-in-light-of-migrant-crisis-a-harbinger-of-things-to-come-in-u-s/

Original Article: https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Faa284e89-9edb-4431-aa3a-6d6dbf71ab75_902x1200.jpeg