What Americans Voted For, Not Who They Voted For
Dylan Eleven • Truth11.com
I would love it if Trump was actually a saviour. I want to be rejoicing in his win right now, but the reality is I don't trust any of them. Trump, the father of the genocidal vaccine included.
But yet there is great reason to be happy about the election results.
There is a very positive message that has been sent from the American people to every individual in the U.S. and to the world.
Americans did not just vote for Trump, they voted for America and what it should stand for. They voted for the land of the free, the brave and for the American dream.
Despite if Trump is on the side of the people or not. Despite if he is controlled opposition or not. It actually does not matter if we don't let it.
We know that the majority of Americans want the American dream and with that knowledge we should individually demand nothing less. Any deviations from this plan should not be tolerated.
America has spoken. This is the real power of what just happened.
Zero tolerance for bull shit, even from Trump, and American stands.
Trump is not in charge. The American way is. Act accordingly.
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