What Nurses Saw | Systemic Medical Murder | 90 Hours

What Nurses Saw | Systemic Medical Murder | 90 Hours

Hospitals willingly subjected patients to deadly protocols during the pandemic to generate financial incentives from government

NaturalNews.com | Arsenio Toledo

Testimonials from nurses who worked at hospitals during the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) [flu] [faked] pandemic have revealed that these healthcare institutions willingly subjected patients to deadly protocols and punished whistleblowers who spoke out against hospital treatment protocols.

This is according to author Ken McCarthy, whose book "What the Nurses Saw" investigated what he called the "systemic medical murder" that was taking place in hospitals during the height of the COVID-19 p[l]andemic. He noted how government policymakers during COVID-19 [event] "created one of the biggest terror campaigns in the history of mankind."

McCarthy explained that these deadly protocols came from the National Institutes of Health. Hospital executives who were financially incentivized to implement these policies would then pass on the orders even though many hospital employees were aware of how dangerous and even deadly these policies were.

The biggest reason for many dangerous and deadly encounters at hospitals is the administering of what McCarthy called the "failed drug" remdesivir. He noted how the use of remdesivir was halted in the entire continent of Africa because it caused organ failure.

Among other factors that led to many hospital deaths include the denial of anti-inflammatory medications and inhalable steroids, the use of BiPAP masks – which often caused panic attacks that led to the administering of tranquilizers that further weakened the respiratory system – and the use of ventilators.

All of these factors along with other care policies for COVID-19 patients were a "recipe for disaster," according to McCarthy.

Hospitals profited from enacting deadly policies

McCarthy emphasized how modern medicine now acts more like a business than a service.

"(They are) bottom line people," said McCarthy, adding that the nurses told him that hospital executives and administrators are given hefty monetary bonuses for enacting certain protocols.

This claim is supported by widespread evidence showing how hospital systems largely profited during the COVID-19 [fake] pandemic. One study that analyzed more than 4,200 hospitals noted how more than half of the hospitals studied did not experience any financial distress due to COVID-19 [flu] even without government relief funds – but nearly three-quarters of these institutions received government aid anyway.

The study noted that, during this same period, average operating margins increased from 2.8 percent before the pandemic to 6.5 percent from 2020 to 2021, or what the authors noted as being "peak historical operating margins," indicating that many hospitals profited greatly from the p[l]andemic.

McCarthy further noted how hospitals were given financial incentives for providing patients with certain treatments, including the prescription of remdesivir and the use of ventilators.

"Here's the really sinister thing: If you kept (a patient) on for 90 hours or longer, you got an extra bonus," said McCarthy, who noted how putting patients on ventilators regularly increased the time they spent in hospitals.

"Every respiratory therapist will tell you as soon as you intubate somebody, within 24 hours you're testing to see, hey, has this person recovered enough that we can take them off the intubation? Because every day you're in intubation, you are closer to death. That's just a fact," said McCarthy. "So by what stretch of insanity did they incentivize hospitals to keep people on for 90 hours? I'd love to know who was in that room planning out these protocols."

Watch this video from AMP News featuring Ken McCarthy discussing the systematic medical murder that occurred in hospitals during the COVID-19 p[l]andemic.

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Original Article: https://www.naturalnews.com/2024-10-17-hospitals-incentivized-subject-patients-deadly-mix-medications.html

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