You Can’t Find What You Don’t Look For

Steve Kirsch
Here's what happens when you investigate why young people are dying
As Dr. Ryan Cole has said many times, “You can’t find what you don’t look for.”
In Japan, they decided to investigate the death of a 14-year old girl who died two days after she got the “safe and effective” booster shot for kids.
What they found is that the vaccine attacked multiple organs and killed her.
Now ask yourself, was this the ONLY child in the world to get “unlucky”? I don’t think so. I think this is the norm for kids who die and we just don’t want to look.
Here’s the tweet:

Here’s the abstract
A 14-year-old Japanese girl died unexpectedly 2 days after receiving the third dose of the BNT1262b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. Autopsy findings showed congestive edema of the lungs, T-cell lymphocytic and macrophage infiltration in the lungs, pericardium, and myocardium of the left atria and left ventricle, liver, kidneys, stomach, duodenum, bladder, and diaphragm. Since there was no preceding infection, allergy, or drug toxicity exposure, the patient was diagnosed with post-vaccination pneumonia, myopericarditis, hepatitis, nephritis, gastroenteritis, cystitis, and myositis. Although neither type of inflammation is fatal by itself, arrhythmia is reported to be the most common cause of death in patients with atrial myopericarditis. In the present case, arrhythmia of atrial origin was assumed as the cause of cardiac failure and death. In sudden post-vaccination deaths, aggressive autopsy systemic search and histological examination involving extensive sectioning of the heart, including the atrium, are indispensable.
If we are going to find any vaccine deaths, we have to be doing proper autopsies (including the requisite stains on any relevant tissue samples) on people who died after the COVID vaccine. We are simply not doing this in the US. That’s why nobody is dying from the vaccine.
There is no interest from any authority anywhere in the world to do these autopsies. No country. No state. Not even Florida!
I wonder why that is? They could just do it for a month and see what happens, couldn’t they? It would resolve quickly and definitively who is spreading the misinformation, wouldn’t it?
Image: We have used this image in a previous article.
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